
domingo, octubre 08, 2023

Judith Kusel· - In the next few years leading up and into 2032 - Oct 8, 2023

In the next few years leading up and into 2032, we are going to go through intense and immense changes on all levels. As our own Light shines brighty, we radiate forth such blinding high potency light, that all which is still hidden in the dark, is being lit up like when we use powerful spotlights in areas of total darkness. All those who hide in the darkness and operate under cover are going to get exposed and they will try their best to regain control of the planet and powerbases they once held.

With this great earth upheavals will come, as this is the great cleansing and purification and the return to the Heart of Love, Unity, balance and harmony.

Through this seeming chaos, the New Golden Age rises, in all this splendor and glory and the message I clearly got this morning, is that we now need to truly step up and fully into our soul’s highest purpose for being here on earth: - to not only lead humanity through this immense transition and transfiguration with love, with joy, inspired from deep within, no matter what may seemingly happen around us, and more than this to sow the seeds for the New Golden Age, and to start putting those building blocks down for the New Humanity.

Interestingly Mother Mary is making her Presence felt and her message is profound: She was prepared for her incarnation thousands of earth years, just like all were. When incarnated, she had to face so many hardships, and indeed moments when her mother’s heart was wrenched open to the core, yet she always held the vision in her heart of the New Humanity, the New Earth, even then, for indeed that is what was being anchored in at that time: - the Universal Christ/Buddha/Atma/Eternal Self Consciousness, opening the way for the birth of the New Earth, the New Humanity and New Golden Age!

She is speaking directly into your own heart this morning, reminding you that you too, as soul, have been prepared for many thousands of cosmic years for this exact incarnation. You knew what would happen, and you knew that at exactly this time, you would go through this immensely powerful transfiguration process, in the midst of a world that seemingly had gone mad.

“When I experienced those years of turmoil, of the immense chaos which ensued, I always went into the inner sanctuary, the sacred temple of my own sacred heart, and I would rest in there, in the full knowing, that I had to keep the vision of the New Earth and New Humanity, the Era of Peace, Unity and Harmony, ever before my eyes, and sow the seeds for future generations to come. I am now assigned to do this for humanity at Universal levels, and I therefore now speak directly into your heart. I hold the vision of your own immaculate conception, the perfection of your soul, as you now become a living example to the rest of humanity, and assist you to keep your heart open no matter what, to keep focused on fulfilling your soul mission, every single day, in whatever way you are being called to do so, and to keep on sowing those seeds of new life and new beginnings with love, with joy, loving grace.”

We all are called in different and unique ways, yet in truth we are One.

Judith Kusel


Photo: First Photo: SOurce unknown. If you know the Source, please comment below and I will gladly acknowledge the Source.

2nd Photo: Daniel Holeman