
jueves, julio 06, 2023

Natalia Alba - We are heading into the peak of the solar energies - July 6, 2023


Beloved Ones,

We are heading into the peak of the solar energies received a month ago. In two days, we will be immersed in the 777 portal, which is the bridge to the ultimate one on August 8/8, one of the most important portals of all the months, although every day, is unique and holds a unique essence that we can integrate and co-create with.

A portal that represents the quantum leap that our planet is finally taking, in consciousness, and that helps us descend more wisdom, from new dimensions, from different timeliness - especially sixth and seventh-dimensional ones - and other galactic sources that we may not be fully aware of yet, but that is helping us see higher truths required for our personal and planetary evolution.

Seven is often, together with number nine, the number of years that we need to end an evolutionary cycle and initiate a new one. Seven is the time we need to master the human self, preparing it to ascend into a new level of consciousness. This is where we, personally, and globally, find ourselves at this time, in a cycle of conscious freedom and hence, evolution. A portal that is being supported by the Seven Sisters, and Sirius, and that will lead us to August's portal.

The essence of number 777 and the alignments behind them, represents Divine Consciousness, the wisdom that we are integrating during these months from our Central Sun, The Seven Sisters and Sirius, that when we are ready, as species, helps us descend more love, wisdom, and power, for us to continue our evolutionary trajectory throughout our galaxy.

Galactic's emanations, mainly descending from the Pleiades Constellation, that are meant to help us liberate ourselves from manipulation, creating heaven on earth, and finally moving into a harmonic dimensional space. Pleiadian frequencies that will help many to heal their Pleiadian galactic lineage distortions, retrieving their purity, and lost wisdom.

For some, the frequencies from this portal will help them clear all miasmatic cords, disempowering ones that still link us to our past, to people who have already fulfilled a purpose. Above all, the coming energies will too serve us to clear ancestral DNA distortions, something that at some point we all need to do, if we desire to stop repeating the same old patterns and manifesting the same physical conditions.

The universal crystal that Guides share for All who wish to align with the solar energies and the frequencies coming from the 777 portal is Amber. Amber is an excellent crystal, from our mother earth that helps us heal, clear, and empower our power center or solar plexus, which at this time is of utmost importance.

Amber is a natural elixir to heal stomach issues, often caused by solar plexus distortions, as it is within it is without, and also to help us retrieve our vital force, especially if we have just worked on cutting energetic cords.

The energies from this portal also give us the opportunity to clear Saturnian influences, for as you know, Saturn, is the 7th planetary gate of our system, connected to this 777 passage, which has been deeply manipulated, as well as the moon, with programs directed to control and disempower humans, for eons.

However, if we truly connect to Saturnian authentic frequency, we could clear all that we have inherited or received from it, liberating ourselves from mind control and karmic ties, and re-aligning with the seventh ray or violet one, as it enters into our earth plane through Saturn's portal, which too has been distorted and manipulated deeply, until very recently, and that will help us transmute, and open our seventh-dimensional shoulder portal.

Ascension is not about wanting to achieve more or fulfill a certain mission, for as Guides shared there is no rush in our personal evolution, as the soul knows we are eternal, but about healing and clearing all the ancestral baggage that we, as humans, have inherited and that impede us to be who we truly are. This is what these frequencies help us to do, for this is how we can achieve ascension, while we are still in a physical body.

A miraculous time if we know how to align to these frequencies. A time for gridwork as well, for the planetary healers working on clearing war memories, restoring Earth's waters, as well as New Earth's anchors, for this is a time to retire to our sacred space, and offer our time and precious energy to the Earth, remembering that we came here to personally evolve, and to offer ourselves in service, for this was our main focus before coming to this plane.

It is a time not to ask ourselves what we can obtain from this portal, but in how we can serve Creation, for all of us brought a unique, and precious mission, to help the whole.

I wish you a blessed passage, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba


Art by: Encoded frequency