
sábado, julio 15, 2023

Natalia Alba - At this time of our ascension path - July 15, 2023


Beloved Ones,

At this time of our ascension path, when many are undergoing a very arduous process of transformation, we have many important alignments helping us in the different purposes that we may need, for this time. On the 17th we have the peak of the Cancerian energies, the Nodes shift into Aries and Libra, which initiates a new cycle, one that will be different for all of us, as it will depend on where we are in our evolutionary path, as well as on what we came here to transcend and learn.

This passage represents the planetary evolution that is already taking place in the micro, and that is reflected, in the macro. A transformation that we can only create with every thought and act, for nothing can come and changes us from the outside. From ourselves to our planet, it is a time for cosmic balance, for everything is being reorganized, and restored, coming back to its original divine order, as we continue embracing higher levels of love and understanding.

As you know, the North Node, moving from Taurus to Aries, represents the movement forward, where we are heading, what we are creating, our destiny, although there is never a final destination, but our next one, and the purpose of our human existence.

This is a moment for us to ask ourselves if we have learned and integrated our previous challenges, the lessons we too came to master, so we can grow and continue initiating ourselves in new stages of our ascension path. The time for us to know who we really are has finally come, removing all masks, and being authentic, for it is the time for us to take full responsibility and charge of who we are, and of all we choose to create.

For those who know who are in a more creational phase, this is a time to act towards what they wish to manifest next, as the North Node resides in Aries, a sign of action, determination, and leadership. This is a propitious time for those ready to descend more knowledge about their mission, learn new ways to assist, and help those that like us once, are beginning their ascension path now.

As Guides always remind us, it is our personal task to initiate the movement forward, in anything we wish to build, for it is how we send the message to our soul, to All within Creation, that we are ready for change. It is not the other way around, for other forces or beings cannot make anything happen in our life experience, and once we know who we are and our personal power, we understand that all depends on us, and no one else.

We are our saviors, healers, and masters, we are becoming the divine free sovereign beings that we, in essence, are, and fomenting beliefs that keep us attached to the old ways of being, living, and thinking, only delays this process.

On the other hand, we have the South Node moving from Scorpio to Libra. The South Node is about our past, and when in Scorpio we had the opportunity to clear all "karmic" ties, for it is a sign that deepens into our emotions, in what is hidden, helping us to bring it to the surface for us to heal all our emotional baggage.

Now that it moves into Libra it is an invitation for us to balance and restore all we have previously healed, especially our past, our unconscious deeds, and the false program of guilt that many still carry within. There is no karma as such, there is only balance, and when we grow, we can neutralize our past deeds with loving ones, as this is how we heal karma.

The guilt and victimhood programs keep feeding the old ways, the matrix, and the collective disempowerment. When we are ready, taking responsibility and stopping repeating the same old deeds are enough to allow us to move forward. There is no such thing within the Universe as punishment unless we believe so.

This is also a very important opportunity for those healing their DNA, as the South Node denotes all we too inherit, all we bring from parallel existences, and that now we are ready to balance. Old patterns, habits, and inherited beliefs, especially epigenetic ones, etc. can be healed if we learn how to consciously deprogram ourselves and our personal beliefs, reprogramming our minds and DNA with new ones. All we do not heal, confront and overcome impedes our natural growth, and it is always up to us to begin taking responsibility and walk toward self-empowerment, love, and sovereignty.

Healing our relationships, especially for those who are working on cutting cords is also pivotal at this time, when the South Node is in Libra. Anything that keeps us attached to our past, whether people, situations, or beliefs, shall be distilled during this time, for we cannot move forward just from a physical perspective if we first do not do so from a mental and emotional plane as well.

Creating healthy ways of beings shift our frequency, cancels past actions and habits, and gives us the opportunity for a new beginning. However, we are the only ones who can make this conscious change, for no energies or beings, will do the inner work for us.

Our past does not define us, only our current state of being does. Every moment we are a totally different person, if we choose to commit to our personal evolutionary healing journey. At every moment we can choose differently, creating totally different outcomes.

As ascending souls who are beginning to remember who we are, evolving into conscious beings, realizing our power is essential to become the only creators of our life experiences. At the moment that we begin to disengage from outer forces and their rulership in our lives, we become free creators.

This is a time when we all, at a personal, and collective level, are dismantling many old beliefs, and ways of being, heading, gradually into a new Era. A very powerful and transformative period never seen before in our human history.

The ones who have walked this path before shall contribute not by judging, or fomenting spiritual elitism, but by being love, from a neutral but loving perspective that allows us to detach from our egoic interpretation, and be only love, working harmoniously to seed balance and above all, compassion for All.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba


Art by: Encoded Frequency