
jueves, julio 20, 2023

Natalia Alba - As a result of the integration phase that we are experiencing - July 20, 2023


Beloved Ones,

As a result of the integration phase that we are experiencing, many of us are immersed in a personal phase of transcendence and adaptation, for as we shift from within, everything else begins to change too. This is a time when due to the inner work achieved, and our conscious intention to change, our physical lives may be affected by the constant variations of our frequency, and hence, desires. The most important task at this time is learning how to re-align with who we are, and with the new dimensional space that we occupy.

Focusing on conscious integration is pivotal for this is how we foresee what is going to shift in our physical lives, even though the vast majority is for us to experience when the time comes, for we are not meant to know everything that is meant to happen.

When we create from a healed, whole, and cleared space, we can be sure that all the outcomes of our creations, will be for our highest good, even though many times they begin to show up in our lives in the form of chaos.

During this time, these physical changes will reflect where we are in our journey. If we manifest physical sensations, and depending on what part of our body, it is the way our bodies have to speak to us of what needs to be dissolved or cleared.

If on the contrary, is something that has manifested in our physical lives in the form of a profound transformation that involves losing something, our jobs, people, and aspects of our old self, then we need to work on acceptance, embracing, and adapting to this change, knowing, and trusting, that we are not yet seeing the final outcome and that in the end, all will serve to our personal growth, even though we are not aware of it yet.

Adaptability means trusting in our soul's unique plan, understanding and accepting God's Will and not our egoic's will. It means to leave our human sense of security, and familiarity, and step into the unknown with arms wide open to embrace what the Divine has orchestrated for us.

We never know what is good or what is not, until we pass from certain situations. This is why while we are immersed in what we perceive as being chaotic, we need to realign, move into a more grateful and joyful state of being, and see everything from a Higher Perspective, focusing only on the good, for there is always a precious seed growing in the midst of the chaos.

Integration means the conscious transformation of our being and earthly lives, and this is something that when done appropriately, will have its physical results.

Being patient, persevering, and trusting completely in God's unique plan for us will help us to remain in our higher heart, confident that all will unfold in a perfect way for us and All. As an ascending soul, one of the main things that denotes self-mastery is our ability to retrieve joy, re-align, and trust in God's Source, for we are now connected to the Universal flow, and know that all is heading into the right order for us All.

We have the strength, wisdom, love, and personal power to rebuild all that is necessary, from the ashes of the old, if necessary, for we are creators reinventing ourselves, at every moment.

We live in a universe of infinite possibilities, all of them within ourselves, and it all depends on how we choose to look at everything that happens to us, to create benevolent results or more fear and chaos.

Re-align, focus, and build from a space of love, for all, is heading, always, in the right direction for you, if you decide so too, for All is love.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba
