
miércoles, julio 12, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Stars Are Calling You: Let's Explore The Cosmos! - July 12, 2023

The Stars Are Calling You: Let's Explore The Cosmos!

Communion is about feelings. It's about being together, even if you don't know where you are going or what you are doing.

Communion is about sharing your heart and letting someone else feel it. Communion is a state of being in which two or more people share an experience that they are having together.

This is the same thing that happens when you look up at the stars. You are looking at a point in space, but you feel like you're looking at something much bigger. And it's not just a feeling; it's an experience.

The stars are a source of light and inspiration for millions of people around the world. They are often seen as beautiful, magical, mysterious, and even mystical.

We become more disconnected from nature as we grow older, and our connection to the natural world diminishes.

The sun sets, and we go to bed, but when we look up at the night sky, we see thousands of stars that stretch across the heavens in all directions. It is easy to forget how special these celestial bodies are and what they mean to us as human beings.

Many people look at the stars and wonder why there are so many of them in one place—why don't they move? Why don't they disappear or die out? What do they want to communicate with us about? What kind of life is it like there?

The answer lies within our own solar system, where there are billions of galaxies containing billions of stars, each with its own unique characteristics and story. The universe is enormous and contains many different types of galaxies with different sizes, shapes, and colors, which can be seen from Earth using telescopes or binoculars such as the one by Celestron.

Communicating with the stars is a very natural thing to do. You don't need to do anything special or create any rituals or anything. Simply take a glance at them and silently feel the stars. And as you can see, there is a kind of communion as well as communication. The rhythm of your heart is beginning to beat together. You start to sense the same cosmos. You begin to experience the same thrill. You start to blend together. It is communion.

I know that there is a connection between me and the stars. I've felt that connection before, and I'm sure it's happening now and will again.

Communicating with the stars and star beings is not a new concept. People have been doing it for thousands of years, and in the last few years, more people are starting to understand that it is a real phenomenon.

It was common practice among many ancient cultures as well as some modern ones, such as Native American tribes. There were even cases where people would sleep out under the stars in order to communicate with them.

It seems that communication with the stars or with celestial beings is something that most people have experienced at least once in their lives. They have seen bright lights in the sky and felt their presence; they have heard voices coming from nowhere and wondered if they were really hearing anything or if it was just their mind playing tricks on them.

Communication with heavenly beings can be positive or negative, depending on what kind of entity you are trying to contact and how open you are to receive its message. If you are open-minded enough, then there will be no problem receiving your messages from above.

All the human beings on our planet, including me, you, and all the other readers, are undergoing a unique experience. 67% of our bodies are made up of stardust. We are literally made up of stars and star beings. So, we can also be called star beings. The need for us to know about other stars and their star beings is very important for our future in this universe.

On the surface, we humans appear very different from the other beings populating the cosmos, with our fleshy bodies and earthly needs. However, no matter who we are or where we're from, we all come from and share the same energy, which binds us together as human beings.

If it's true that we are ultimately mere energy vibrating at a certain frequency, and all frequencies can communicate with one another because they are ultimately part of the same universal energy field, then opening ourselves up to other frequencies by whatever means necessary—whether that be through meditation or interstellar travel—will help us achieve a better understanding of our universe and improve our chances of survival here on Earth.

We have not yet begun to discover all that extraterrestrials have revealed to us about the nature of our being. We know too little about stars and star beings, and our ignorance is filled with superstition, fear, aggression, and prejudice.

Open your heart to the sparkling stars of the night sky. They will accompany you as you sleep. They will reveal to you your spiritual potential and show you the way home to the stars.

We have to have faith that the truth is out there, and when we connect with heavenly beings, we will learn how the most important aspect of evolution is not on the material plane and how it ties into all of the mysteries we are trying to solve.

As finite beings on a finite planet, we can only learn so much, but as eternal beings with infinite potential, we should never give up!

With this in mind, we should always seek to better ourselves and our lives so we can be qualified candidates for learning the truth because, in my opinion, as soon as you qualify yourself as a worthy candidate for evolution, everything else becomes easier!

We love you dearly,

We are here with you,

We are your family of light,

We are the Galactic Federation.


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2023 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.