
viernes, junio 30, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Arrival of the Pleiadians: Your Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Awakening Process - June 30, 2023

The Arrival of the Pleiadians: Your Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Awakening Process

As a spiritual teacher, I have noticed an increase in the number of people who are experiencing a spiritual awakening.

Many people have reported experiencing a wide range of physical and emotional symptoms that have left them feeling confused and disoriented.

However, with the arrival of the Pleiadians, everything is starting to make sense!

Natalia Alba - July is one of the most intense months of the year - June 30, 2023


Beloved Ones,

July is one of the most intense months of the year, energetically speaking. During this month we begin to anchor the sixth and seventh frequencies descended from the Pleiadian and Sirian portals. Energies that will help us in the process of wisdom integration, and hence, light body activation that we have been undergoing for the entire year.

As this 7 universal year reminds us, this is a year for us to continue expanding in our galactic history, embodying all the wisdom we carry within, and finally descending our mission, for this year's energies will greatly support us, in this process.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - June 30, 2023


There is no let up in the nature of the changes that you are experiencing and until it all settles down there are more coming along, but more importantly they are necessary to move Humanity into a new era. The old ways are no longer adequate for introducing changes that are necessary if you are to move on and gain more freedom of movement and choice. More importantly is the introduction of new ways of living, and managing your planet to benefit from the untapped resources.

Linda M. Robinson - Archangels Zadkiel - BEING CENTERED ON YOUR PATH - JULY 2023





Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss being centered on your path.

You are progressing wonderfully on your ascension path. You have made many choices that have elevated you to higher levels. You have discerned what is right for you on your mission of service.

Tanaaz - Astrología Intuitiva: Luna Llena en Capricornio Julio 2023


La Luna Llena de Capricornio llega el 3 de julio del 2023 y trae tanto desafíos como recompensas. Parece que el Universo nos está animando a hacer las cosas difíciles, pero también promete que seremos gratamente recompensados cuando lo hagamos.

Esto hace que la Luna Llena de Capricornio sea una oportunidad perfecta para encontrar la disciplina necesaria para lograr las metas que perseguimos. Crea esos horarios, tacha elementos en tu lista de tareas pendientes, vuelve a tu cojín de meditación y aborda esos proyectos desafiantes que has estado posponiendo – ¡el Universo está de tu lado!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The July 2023 Energies & Your Chakras, Cells & DNA - June 30, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited to tell you about the energies of July 2023 there on planet Earth, because they are so influential and life altering to all of you. These energies will be about giving you all of the necessary upgrades to your chakras, your cells, and your DNA, so that you can handle face-to-face extra-terrestrial contact. We know that this is something that you as awakened beings are very interested in, and we also know that you have been taking good care of yourselves to ready yourselves for these experiences, and you have come a long way, but there is only so much you can do on your own.

jueves, junio 29, 2023

John Smallman - Jesus - You are ALL Love and only Love - June 29, 2023

There is much anger i.e fear, flowing freely through the human collective at present, mostly to be recognized, forgiven, and released, and you are all helping to release it with thanks when you practice just being. As I and others keep reminding you, JUST BEING is an extremely effective and powerful way to allow Love to flow through you to assist mightily in the awakening process. You did choose this path before incarnating, and you are following it extremely well. Hang in there, you are doing very important work, and you are mightily supported by us here in the non physical realms. ALL IS WELL for you and for humanity. Continue to trust in God’s Love for you all. These extremely unsettling times will pass! And you will awaken.

Aurora Ray - From Darkness to Light: The Power of Self-Awareness in Enlightenment - June 29, 2023

From Darkness to Light: The Power of Self-Awareness in Enlightenment

In today's fast-paced world, people often find themselves caught up in the daily grind without taking the time to reflect on their lives and the world around them.

Many people are on autopilot, going through the motions without any real sense of purpose or direction. This can lead to a feeling of emptiness and dissatisfaction as if something is missing from their lives.

Lisa Renee - Ascension Timeline Rebellion - June 2023

June 2023

Ascension Timeline Rebellion

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

We are living through a great transition and ascension process, from a dark aeon to a new aeon. Many of the themes that were seeded by dark forces tens of thousands of years ago, of human subjugation and enslavement are being reasserted in an attempt to maintain control. Yet, most of humanity is unable to connect the dots or consciously participate in collapsing this timeline, as we move toward a collective awakening. With the return of Solar Dragon level consciousness and the restoration of many of the Aeonic Couples in our system, our ground crew is strengthened in collaboration with Guardian Host. A tipping point has been reached and through a recent sequence of gridwork projects more detail is being uncovered about humanities true history, design and purpose, as well as those who have tried to harness, desecrate and enslave the various tribes within the angelic human race. With the return of the 11th Tribe Atlantian Dragon Queen Merida, the Triple Solar Reisha that embodies the original Emerald Founder Records for the Celtic Arthurian Grail Lines, the timeline wars, clearings and spiritual body retrievals have been focused upon the cluster of timeline trigger events that were set into motion during the Ascension Timeline Rebellion approximately 22,000 years ago.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Thursday June 29, 2023

We understand that it can be difficult to believe that as much growth is going on within you as we assure you there is. It might help to think of a pregnancy.

You can be pregnant and not even know! Then you learn you are pregnant and may start to have some symptoms. Over time you start to see tangible proof that you are expecting because you start to see the changes in your body. But you still aren’t sure what your child will look like or when it will arrive.

Natalia Alba - Dissolving Energetic Cords - June 29, 2023

Beloved Ones,

As we continue preparing ourselves for this new integration wave, it is pivotal to scan our bodies, at all levels, on a daily basis, to find any misalignment that needs to be removed. When we feel disconnected and tired, and our energy levels begin to decrease it can be due to a particular situation that we are experiencing, or something deeper that we need to address, and clear.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Are You Ready for Physical E.T. Contact? - June 29, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are always surprised by what you are capable of there on Earth. We have noticed that you have had a spike in your overall vibration as a collective consciousness, and that spike is in fact due to how well you are handling all of the energies coming to you from above and below. When you make substantial progress like this, the extra-terrestrial beings in your skies do take notice. They are looking for those windows of opportunity to have more contact with all of you, and those of you who have been largely responsible for the spike are showing up more clearly on their radar screens.

miércoles, junio 28, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Courageous Heart: From Fear to Freedom - June 28, 2023

The Courageous Heart: From Fear to Freedom

With each passing day, life presents us with new challenges that test our limits and push us outside of our comfort zones.

In order to overcome these obstacles, we must tap into our inner reservoirs of courage and summon the strength to face the unknown. But what exactly is courage, and how can we develop it within ourselves?

The answer lies in recognizing that the greatest form of courage is the ability to embrace change, adapt to new circumstances, and step into the unknown with an open heart and a fearless spirit. In this piece, we'll explore the nature of courage and its essential role in navigating the unpredictable twists and turns of life.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Wednesday June 28, 2023

man considering heart and mind trinity esoterics

Your ego self, which works through the mind, is the part of you that likes to think it knows the speed at which things should be unfolding. It is also the part of you that can trick you into thinking things are somehow wrong. Your soul self, which works through your heart, is calm, centred, and confident, and can see the bigger picture. So if you find yourself in doubt and self judgement, at the very least take the time to connect and listen to your heart, too. Then decide which information is most supportive of your journey and most qualified to lead you. After all, a fair person will take the time to listen to all points of view before they can decide the truth of any situation. Doesn’t it make sense to do the same for yourself? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Selacia - We Are Creators Stepping Into Your Creator Role - June 28, 2023

We Are Creators
Stepping Into Your Creator Role



Hello friends,

Today I'd like to introduce you to an expanded way to think of your life and your innate ability to create. As you read, I invite you to intentionally filter the voice of your naysayer ego and tune into your heart's wisdom. Your heart knows truth.

I share this with you now because we and our world are at a difficult crossroads of change. Life as we know it on Earth is transforming at lightning speed. To move through these times and help each other, we Divine Changemakers are being asked to shift our mindset from linear to quantum. We must go beyond what we were taught, beyond what we have been conditioned to believe is possible.

Blossom Goodchild - Federación de la Luz - Junio 25, 2023

Blossom: Mañana. No tengo idea de cómo resultará esto. Ya había planeado hacer mi video mensual, sin importar lo mucho que intentara imaginarme haciéndolo hoy, simplemente no me sentía bien. Estoy en un "lugar tan inestable" esta mañana. Mi mente no parece querer llegar a ninguna decisión. Luego pensé en intentarlo con ustedes al estilo semanal normal y pareció encajar... ¡Así que, aquí estoy!

FOL: Y queridísima Blossom, estamos muy contentos de que estés aquí. Le damos la bienvenida siempre, sin importar la disposición... a nuestra comunicación contigo.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Your Spirit Guides & Higher Selves Work w/Us on This - June 28, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been taking our sweet time in delivering to all of you the messages that contain the energies that will propel you into a deeper knowing of who you are. We know how much you can handle in any given moment, and we know the disadvantages to overwhelming you with energies and information, because we have done this before with other people on other planets in other star systems. We know that you are ready for the energies that we deliver to you by measuring how much you have absorbed and by how many of you have felt overwhelmed by us and what we are offering. We also know that you have your own helpers, your own guides, your own galactic teams, and your own relationships to Mother Earth and your sun.

martes, junio 27, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Promise of Mass Ascension: A Turning Point for Humanity - June 27, 2023


The Promise of Mass Ascension: A Turning Point for Humanity

The fifth dimension is a place of joy, peace, and freedom from pain and suffering.

There are no limits or boundaries here, only infinite love for all things in existence. This is also where we come into our full power as human beings, no longer limited by the limitations of this world or our physical bodies. This can be quite an exciting state to experience!

In 5D, you will be able to experience unconditional love for everyone around you, no matter what their background or beliefs are. The veil between dimensions will be lifted, allowing us all to experience true happiness and bliss!

Jamye Price - July Ascension Energies - Endings and Beginnings - June 27, 2023

Blessed Being, each breath you take is sacred inspiration exhaling sacred information.

What is Ending

Before each breath there is a potential. What will it be? There is desire that is clouded around you. It is the mist you are immersed in.

It is yours, it is Life’s. It is lives lived and breathed.

Potential never leaves, it lives. It moves through the cycles of time and form. It begins anew and decays into the nothing of everything.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Tuesday June 27, 2023


Is a rose plant a failure because it hasn’t bloomed yet? Of course not! You realize every step of its growth has purpose and supports all that is to come. It is the same with you. Whether you consider yourself a seedling, a bud, or in full bloom, you are divinely perfect in whatever stage of beingness you are in. We urge you to start to see that all the phases of your evolution are beautiful and necessary and show your growth and progress. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - 23 de Junio, 2023

Vuestro destino sigue estando en vuestras manos, ya que la energía colectiva determinará exactamente lo que vais a experimentar. Nuestra presencia e influencia os dirigirán por un camino que os conducirá a la plenitud y la elevación. Sin embargo, el resultado depende de vuestra reacción a las energías superiores que os enviamos, con la esperanza de que abráis vuestra mente a un futuro mayor en el que toda la vida esté en armonía, un futuro en el que podáis convertiros en Una Gran Luz en el Universo. Vuestro nivel actual deja mucho que desear, pero muchas almas han respondido a las vibraciones superiores y están bien encaminadas para tomar su lugar donde las energías negativas ya no puedan existir. Es el destino de cada alma alcanzar tal nivel, pero primero debéis prepararos.

Natalia Alba - The Energies of July 2023 - Achieving Self-Mastery - June 27, 2023

Beloved Ones,

During this new energetic month of July, until the end of August, we will reach the cusp of all that we have been integrating/activating, during the previous months. July is a master month, as its 7/7/7 portal indicates, for it is a portal that will signify the end, and hence the beginning, of a New Sovereign Era. There are many who have already stepped out of the 3D mind control, embodying higher levels of Love, wisdom, and power, which is what helps us discern what is authentic, from what is another form of manipulation.

Judith Kusel - We need to remember


We need to remember to take a very deep breaths in and out every now and again.

We tend to forget to breathe deeply and to sometimes just ground ourselves and to connect with the very life breath itself again.

It is this very life breath, and open heart which is carrying us through this time, while Mother Earth assists us to not only to absorb all the cosmic energy pouring in, but to ground ourselves and our soul calling and mission.

Ascension in truth means to for the soul to descend into Mother Earth and live your highest soul mastery.

Judith Kusel


Photo: Josephine Wall

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Old Systems Crumbling & New Ones Sprouting Up - June 27, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been enjoying witnessing you during this time of great upheaval there on Earth because we have noticed how well you have all been handling the ways in which your society has been collapsing in many ways all around you. You have noticed that the institutions that you once placed a great deal of trust in are all really houses of cards that could topple at any moment, and you even have a lot of people predicting that they will in some way, shape, or form be crumbling in the not-too-distant future. And yet, there you are still standing, still stable in your environment and in your vibration, because you choose to be stable forces for humanity. You choose to recognize that as one institution or system crumbles, a new one is formed to take its place.

lunes, junio 26, 2023

Aurora Ray - A Galactic Federation's Guide to Mass Ascension -

A Galactic Federation's Guide to Mass Ascension

Humanity is on the verge of mass ascension!

The time for us to rise up has come, and we are ready to move forward with our evolutionary journey. The mass ascension process is a very energetic and spiritual event that will take place very shortly!

This process will be accompanied by a great deal of confusion, fear, and uncertainty among many people. That is why it is important that we prepare ourselves spiritually and mentally for this event by learning more about the Ascension Process, how it works, and what it means for us as individuals and as a species.

Brenda Hoffman - Too Much, Too Fast - June 26, 2023

Dear Ones,

Stop doing and start being – a phrase you have heard many times throughout your transition.

You likely need to regenerate now because you utilized so much inner energy the past few days. Your decisions have been made. And your actions, as a result of those decisions, have either been completed or initiated.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Unknown & What Is Coming to You - June 26, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are in our element when we are feeling into something that is unknown to us and getting a sense of it for the first time. To us there is nothing more exciting than the unknown, because it means we will be meeting an aspect of ourselves that we were unaware of previously. As you step into the unknown in your lives, you really do want to take that same approach, because it will be the place where you discover something new about yourselves.

domingo, junio 25, 2023

James & JoAnna McConnell - KaRa, OWS, Shoshanna - It Is Time For Those to Come Forward and Share - Jun 23, 2023

KaRa(Channeled by James McConnell)

I am KaRa. I come to be with you at this time, after just being in various council sessions.

One of those sessions was with the Earth, the Earth Council, as I am a Pleiadian ambassador or emissary. And what has been discussed and worked through is coming now into a culmination, a process that has been long developing, coming now closer and closer to an ending, or a new beginning, however you wish to look at it.

Aurora Ray - Fifth Dimension: The Path to Joyful Living - June 25, 2023

Fifth Dimension: The Path to Joyful Living

This is a post of humanity and the fifth dimension, but it is so much more than that.

It is an invitation to join us in a new state of miraculous living!

When the incredible diversity of life on Earth comes together under one frequency, even if only for a brief moment, a miracle occurs. Let this diversity, this splendor- and the love-filled universe inspire joy, passion, and creative invention to gift the world with its unique gifts.

Judith Kusel - So many of the old souls are now in their last incarnation on earth... - June 25, 2023

So many of the old souls are now in their last incarnation on earth and will be challenged to finally dissolve, work through, forgive with Loving Grace, all which has ever been miscreated before with other souls.

Note that since the soltice the energies have been lifting us into octaves of higher frequency bands, so do not be surprised when soul memory banks open and the old patterns surface. Open your heart, say thank you for the lessons in soul mastery and finally let go. Moreover forgive yourself.

James Gilliland - ECETI News June 25th - June 25, 2023

ECETI News June 25th

I wish to clarify a few things. When I said the authentic in the ufo community are buried under an avalanche or posers, shills and controlled opposition it seemed to offend a few people. There is an old saying, “If it’s not your coat don’t wear it.” Concerning contact, channeled messages are only as clear as the channeler. They are also as beneficial as the level they are receiving the message. Many are channeling their own subconscious or astral level, others are parroting information they have heard from others. Many are using our information some verbatim substituting their guide or space handler as the source of their information. There are those who have not created sacred space healing any unseen negative influences that allow these entities to influence their messages. There can be a mix of all the above. There are many that want to be the shiny new coin everyone flocks too. They make up all kinds of exotic stories with twists and turns reversing roles to gain a following. Their come from is off, fame and money are their first priority. This also opens the door to unseen negative influences and disinformation.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - The prayers you offer for others are a ticket to Higher Consciousness, because the gifts and blessings sent out in Light and Love have a tenfold return - June 25, 2023

The prayers you offer for others are a ticket to Higher Consciousness, because the gifts and blessings sent out in Light and Love have a tenfold return.

Dear One,

Sometimes it feels as though prayer is the only thing you can do for another person, even though you wish you could do more. Prayer is, however, the greatest gift you can give.

Blossom Goodchild - The Federation of Light - June 25, 2023

Morning. I have no idea how this will turn out. I had planned to do my monthly video yet, no matter how hard I tried to imagine myself doing it today, it just wasn’t feeling right. I am in such an ‘unsettled place’ this morning.  My mind doesn’t seem to want to come to any decisions. Then I thought I’d try you guys in the normal weekly fashion and it seemed to fit … So, here I am!

Jennifer Hoffman - Why are the same people in our lives... /¿Por qué las mismas personas en nuestras vidas... - June 25, 2023

Why are the same people in our lives often or always critical, mean-spirited, jealous, dismissive, and judgmental?

Even when we do something extraordinary, we achieve a new milestone, we're successful, we do something that is really great...

Their response is to find fault, to judge, to point out our flaws, and to refuse to acknowledge our success?

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - June 25, 2023

JUNE 25 2023

Welcome, dear Readers.

​Never doubt that all is proceeding according to a Divine plan, for earth is a living soul never meant to suffer the effects of separation consciousness permanently. As high resonating energy continues to flood earth the spiritually awake as well as those who are not are feeling it and being affected physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Schumann Resonance Spikes & Ascension Symptoms - June 25, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are in the process of clearing energies out of our collective consciousness field, just as you are there on Earth. You are doing a tremendous job of that, both as individuals and as a collective. You have a way of measuring the energies there coming up from the core of Mother Earth, and it has been called the Schumann Resonance. When you see a big spike on that graph that represents those energies, you know you are doing a collective clearing, and each of you as individuals may feel the repercussions of such a spike. One thing is true for everyone there on Earth at this time. Now is the time to be doing that clearing consciously and to be allowing these experiences as best you can.

sábado, junio 24, 2023

Aurora Ray - Brighten Your Life: Invite Light in and Let It Energize You - June 24, 2023

Brighten Your Life: Invite Light in and Let It Energize You

All the thoughts that are going on in your mind are not just random thoughts; they are all rooted in the past.

Your past is part of you, and it is always there to affect your present. And your 'present' is the past of your future. The future will be what you make of it.

If you want to change your life, you have to start with yourself. If you want to create something new in your life, first create it in your mind. If you want to change the world, start with yourself.

Asara Adams - Archangel Michael - Energy Report - June 24, 2023


Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you...

Beloved Ones, as you are moving through your ascension journey, we invite you to begin to connect with the Mind of God.

You see, your Ascension journey is a journey of complete Oneness with God, the Mind of God and the Love of God.

Celia Fenn - Whales and Diamond Fire..../Ballenas y Fuego Diamante.... - June 24,2023

Whales and Diamond Fire....

This image of a Humpback whale was taken today close to where I live!

So wonderful to have their soothing energies here after the Solstice.

The Pluto in Capricorn energies continue to be felt, with things "breaking down" to make way for the new.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - One Simple Choice That Will Change Your Life - June 24, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are not just imagining a better future for humanity; we are also able to see a better now moment than most of you are. That ability that we have to see the better now moment there on planet Earth is also a choice that we are making. We are choosing to focus at all times on the positives, the baby steps forward that you have taken in a given moment, and we are never deluding ourselves when we do so. It is always up to you which aspect of the now moment you choose to focus upon, and that choice makes an enormous difference in the course of your life.

viernes, junio 23, 2023

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - June 23, 2023

Your destiny is still very much in your own hands as the collective energy will determine exactly what you will experience. Our presence and influence will direct you onto a path that leads to fulfilment and upliftment. However, the outcome depends on your reaction to the higher energies that we send you, hoping that they will open your mind to a greater future where all life is in harmony, one where you can become as One Great Light in the Universe. Your present level leaves much to be desired, but many souls have responded to the higher vibrations and are well on their way to take their place where the negative energies can no longer exist. It is every soul’s destiny to reach such a level but you must first prepare yourself.

Natalia Alba - Third Eye Clearing/Activation Technique - June 23, 2023

Beloved Ones,

As we continue embodying the solar emanations that our planet is receiving at this time and doing our inner work, we will begin to release the blockages, implants, or imprints that are affecting us deeply in our desire for soul reconnection. These powerful frequencies that we will be integrating, during all summer, are key to removing any distortions, from our energetic bodies.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - El DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - JUNIO 2023



** Palabras de su Anfitriona de la Luz
** Los matices de la interconexión están a punto de desvelarse por sí mismos
** La jaula de Faraday biológica
** Vuela como un dragón
** Pararse sobre los dedos de los pies - Verano del 2023


A medida que continúo caminando por el mundo de las partículas subatómicas y todo lo que engloba, llego a un punto dimensional de múltiples capas del yo que no sabía que existía. Lugares donde el tiempo y yo nos entrelazamos para crear nuevas partículas de experiencia y líneas de tiempo desconocidas. En este lugar abro mi corazón, mi mente y mi vida para ver entre todos los pensamientos y posibilidades. Esta energía entrante te estirará y te azotará como un Gomosito galáctico en un día en que tienes los pelos de punta. (punto debatible: tu pelo es una antena viviente y muestra lo que está sucediendo dentro y fuera de tu cuerpo y pensamientos transmitiendo esa frecuencia, a veces causando puntas florecidas cuando la energía se va). Este solsticio de verano aumenta su potencia solar moviéndose de la llamada 5-G a una conciencia superior de 10-G+, no se necesitan teléfonos móviles en esta conexión. Sin embargo, ten en cuenta que la radiación en tu teléfono aumentará al rebotar en los cristales y elementos de élite que componen tu teléfono. Ten cuidado con la sobre-estimulación de los teléfonos móviles, ya que un tsunami solar continúa cambiando los colores y atributos de los cielos de la Tierra. Tómate tiempo para desconectarte totalmente de lo que está conectado virtualmente a todos los niveles. Escucha a los elementos de la naturaleza para conectar a tierra tu energía de forma saludable (más abajo encontrarás información sobre la jaula de Faraday).

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - What All Lightworkers are Working Towards - June 23, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are always very interested in what is happening there on planet Earth because you are growing so very fast and exploring so much of consciousness. We invite you to take a look at yourselves and recognize just how far you have come. We invite you to do this as individuals and as a collective, because while there are still wars, violence, greed, and hunger present on your planet, you are more aware of these things as a collective than ever before, and most humans do not want these things to continue to exist.

jueves, junio 22, 2023

Aurora Ray - First Contact: The Celestial Meeting with the Visitors From Beyond - June 22, 2023

First Contact: The Celestial Meeting with the Visitors from Beyond

We are living in the most exciting time in history. The time has arrived to make contact with extraterrestrial life!

The number of UFO sightings has recently been rising everywhere. Many people get mysterious messages from unidentified sources.

People are divided in their opinions; some think it is a scam. But the truth is, the time has finally come for ETs to make contact with us!

We will all witness massive spaceships from the Galactic Federation descend from the sky and land on the grounds of our cities shortly!

James Gilliland - Eceti News June 20th - June 22, 2023

Eceti News June 20th

UFO Poser Disclosure, White Hats on the Move, Buckle Up

This sounds like a broken record, but the Schumann Resonance is all over the place with strange patterns. Is it a software glitch or is something big happening. At 3pm PST we did our personal and world healing meditation Saturday. The Schumann Resonance went crazy, “coincidence”.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Thursday June 22, 2023

We spoke yesterday of the shift from initiate to actuate, from doing to being, from learning to embodying. You might think of moving into your actuate phase as allowing your own sacred heart centre to activate and lead the way. And that is exactly how you will all start to anchor the energy of heaven on earth, and the true changes will start to be seen on your planet. Never underestimate the power and purpose of your own evolution, Dear Ones, for it has a profound effect on both the individual and the collective. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - What to do Now that the Solstice Energies Arrived - June 22, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very satisfied with how we perceive all of you to be handling the solstice energies. We have witnessed the upgrades and activations in so many of you there on Earth, and we know that your openness to these energies has made a difference. You are like walking receptors when you are awake and aware, and when you are open to going beyond where you are now in your journey, in your evolution. This is why it is so important for all of you who are awake to take the time to rest and relax to give yourselves what you need in order to thrive in your physical bodies. We are not mandating that all of you take a visit to the spa and get treatment after treatment, but we know that you know what you need in order to function at that level of thriving.