
jueves, mayo 18, 2023

Judith Kusel - The more consciously aware we become - May 18, 2023

The more consciously aware we become, the more our inner seeing, hearing and deep inner knowing awakens, as well as our heart center.

We now can see through the illusions into the heart of truth.

We simply cannot take things at face level anymore. We see through the lies, the cover ups, the false programming, etc.

We stop negatively comparing ourselves to others and embrace our uniqueness and stand fully in our own light and not in the shadow of others, giving our power away.

We do not place value on earthly power but the omniversal power within.

We do what we love and we love what we do, for we are soul-centered. Living from our heart and soul, purposefully, ever aware that we are here to fulfill our soul purpose and mission. To bring it into fulfillment and completion, as we lovingly serve from our hearts and soul and the depths of our being.

Our focus shifts and it is not what others are doing, or not doing but rather what I am doing and not doing to serve the greater whole.

When we experience Oneness with All That Is we are lifted beyond all duality and separation and start to live life, ever seeking the cosmic vision, the wholeness, the unity, which becomes a way of life and living.

We allow ourselves to be transformed and transfigured as all 3D chains and restrictions fall from us and we claim our freedom.

We now stand fully in our true soul Mastership and walk as a Master on earth.

We are the infinite Power of Love, fully embracing Divinity within.

Judith Kusel


Photo: Daniel Holeman