
domingo, marzo 19, 2023

Natalia Alba - We are reaching the climax of this wonderful month with the coming energies - Mar 19, 2023

Beloved Ones,

We are reaching the climax of this wonderful month with the coming energies. We have the Equinox, with the Sun moving into Aires, beginning the Aries season, with a New Moon at 0 degrees of the same sign, which is linked to the next New Moon and Solar Eclipse also in Aries, together with the massive influx of plasma that is descending upon our planet, from our Central Sun, and from the Auroras, assisting us to finally step into a more harmonic space.

We move now from Pisces, concluding a cycle, to the creation of a new one with Aries. One in which we have learned from our previous challenges, unified both our human and divine selves, passing from the ethereal to our earthly realm, where we live and where we can make tangible all we envisioned with Pisces.

The New Moon in Aries is sextile Pluto, and also it square Mars which quincunx Pluto. Mars is also in a trine with Saturn, so everything directs us towards self-empowerment, and confidence, to build that which we desire for our next life's chapter. It is a wonderful time for both personal manifestations and for anchoring, manifesting, and expanding more light to assist in this planetary transition.

We are going to feel the intensity of Mars inviting us to action, to be determined, and to focus on what we wish to bring into form. Working with energy, especially at this time can be challenging, especially for those who are beginning on this path, for as I see many times, there is an excess of energy in the solar plexus area that needs to be properly directed, otherwise, if we do not channel it wisely, we will collapse in our power center, experiencing too stomach issues, and other uncomfortable sensations.

We are receiving great energetic support at this time for those who are ready to align with these frequencies. However, on a physical level, we need to be the ones knowing our bodies and learning how to work with the New Earth's energies. During the Equinox the massive waves of plasma are meant to help us remove blockages and continue with our personal mission of conscious integration and stabilization.

Plasma, as you know is produced by our bodies in a very little percentage, so if we desire to begin building our light bodies, we need to align with the plasma waves received through the many different light sources that are helping us to evolve.

This plasma activation phase will continue with the first of the eclipses in April, and that will reach its peak in August, with the 8/8 passage. A phase that will signify a profound shift for many who are willing to embrace who they truly are. With Aries, we are going to have the opportunity for a complete reset, preparing our bodies for the next integration phase.

During this long passage, it is important to remove all imprints/implants, false beliefs, and programming from our DNA and all of our bodies, to be able to integrate plasma. Plasma is what precisely helps us transcend density, allowing us to embrace our authentic crystalline essence, if we still hold onto old memories, programs, or anything that keeps us in the old, we cannot move forward. This is why it is so important to reconnect with our soul and monad, so we can align with our Higher Aspects, and allow this organic process to take place, gradually and gracefully.

For stabilizers, and Earth's anchors, this is going to be a very busy phase, to work with the Earth's grids and with the proper anchoring of the frequencies that Earth is receiving, at this time, expanding them, for All who wish to embody and co-create with these frequencies.

This is a blessed passage for all who are working in healing, and on their personal mission, for the time for us to begin the reconstruction of our precious planet has finally come, anchoring more love, compassion, and neutrality, as it is only through compassionate witnessing that we can help those who are yet oscillating between two worlds, respecting their personal choices, and helping them to grow, until they finally remember who they truly are, as we did once.

Have a blessed and loving passage, Beloved Ones!

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba


Art by: Enconded Frequency