
domingo, marzo 19, 2023

Judith Kusel - Every dimension has its own unique creational level - Mar 19, 2023

I am experiencing multi dimensionality intensely today and with it the deepening understanding that all has dissolved and is dissolving which we thought real or our perception of reality.

Every dimension has its own unique creational level. Thus when we start accessing multi dimensionality we are in a much higher consciousness state where we can access and download cosmic information we could not access before.

I had an intense download this morning, as I was taken by Lord Serapis Bey into the multi dimensional chambers and holies of holies underneath Luxor in Egypt. In truth, what we perceive is Ancient Egypt, is in fact not so. There are many multiple existences in Africa and elsewhere. It is a matter of dimensional tuning in.

I was for the first time shown where the White Flame is kept and the Ark of the Covenant, one of three which were originally brought here from Sirius. It contains highly potent fiery electro magnetic powers and is radio active. This high tech and not from this world. It is often depicted in the Hieroglyphs but not understood, as the Rosetta stone was incorrectly interpreted, according to my higher guidance.

With the massive shift now entering, we are in for dramatic shifts which will seem chaotic at times. Do not allow yourself to be pulled in. Rise into the higher consciiusness state, where all of this is powerless, as in truth it is.

You will feel the disintegration now on all levels. Do not attach. Let go.

For we are now being fully lifted into our new body form and new multi dimensional existence as unity consciousness return, new visions, higher state of mind and unconditional love.

A huge awakening of the ancient pyramids, energy vortuces, sacrled sites is occuring.

We are being resurrected into our Lightbodies and new Light embodiment.

All is happening.

Judith Kusel


Photo: Source unknown. If you know the Source, please comment below and I will gladly acknowledge the Source