
martes, febrero 28, 2023

Natalia Alba - We are entering into one of the most intense and important months of this year 2023 - Feb 28, 2023

Beloved Ones,

We are entering into one of the most intense and important months of this year 2023. March ruled by Piscean energies is going to signify the threshold for many who are still oscillating between two timeliness, and need to heal and clear old baggage, before they can step into a more harmonic space.

Saturn moving into Pisces will help us take responsibility for everything that we have created, until this moment, as we cannot evolve if first, we do not revise all we have experienced and take full responsibility for it.

This is a month for us to begin understanding what becoming sovereign beings truly means. Saturn in Pisces will signify a tremendous impact for those who are beginning to master responsibility, for it is going to show us the areas of our lives where we are not yet in charge, for as humans we tend to blame the circumstances or others for what occurs to us.

We are ending a cycle, as this month clearly reminds us, and we are receiving all the necessary assistance for us to realize what needs to be changed, transformed, or removed from ourselves and our personal reality, so we can finally accommodate the new frequency that we are gradually integrating.

March is a tenth universal month, 1 reduced. A number that indicates endings and beginnings, and that perfectly represents what is taking place during March, the completion of a cycle on both a personal and a planetary level, for the collective is finally taking responsibility, for their own lives, moving into a totally new Era, starting a sovereign and empowered cycle. We are under a portal in which everything that is opposite in frequency is immediately split, for both cannot coexist.

We cannot hold on to an old memory and live in the Now. We cannot want to ascend and move into a harmonic timeline, by keeping in our emotional and mental bodies the same beliefs and habits from our past, for we cannot move on from where we are. This is what March will show us, where we are and what we need to remove to get to where we wish to be.

Number 1 is another reminder, together with Pisces, that we are ending/beginning a cycle, and it is pivotal for us to end with all that used to limit us, as we keep expanding within the new worlds that we are now bringing into form.

We are still immersed in a massive transition, and as we reach the shore of our new destination, our main aim is to keep dissolving the lower layers of an old self, as well as learning how to navigate through a passage that is revealing to us, and that will continue showing us more truths as we grow and integrate higher levels of consciousness.

Number 1 in tarot, is represented by the Magician, one hand pointing to the sky and the other one towards the earth. This archetype represents very well where we are, for He knows how to work with the Universal Laws, as He has mastered the art of descending into the physical what is first created in the ethereal. This is where we are - birthing our deepest soul desires - by mastering our personal energy, how we work with it, and how we can use it to have a benevolent impact on All.

We all are magicians as we all have the power to manifest the outcomes that are aligned with our Highest Will, we just have to focus our precious energy on what is truly important, as it is not a time now to waste our personal power on delusions and past situations, but in the new life experiences that we are building and that has nothing to do with who we used to be.

This is a month for us to focus on self-healing, clearing, and expansion, depending on where we are. A month for us to become neutral witnesses of all that we cannot change, but that we can lovingly affect by holding unconditional love for All. A month for us to move away from separation, so we can finally begin to co-create within Divine Love, Unity, and Harmony.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba


Art by: Tailored Art