
jueves, febrero 02, 2023

Natalia Alba - Today we are immersed in the energies of the 2/2 portal - Feb 2, 2023


Beloved Ones,

Today we are immersed in the energies of the 2/2 portal. A passage that was announced by the passing of the Comet ZTF, which predicts the shift in consciousness that we are undergoing, as well as the massive particle acceleration frequencies received, at this time.

A portal that gives us the blessings for us to unify all opposite forces, and essences, that reside within ourselves. This is the way in which Spirit invites us to create Divine Reunions, through the inner work of conscious reconnection and hence, sacred marriage.

An inner task is often called as well hierogamy, which is the sacred marriage of both our feminine and masculine essences. A portal that will help us unify the aspect of us that are still in separation and that we need to synthesize before we can move into further stages of our ascension journey.

Number 2 as you know represents duality as well as the embrace of two opposites but equal aspects of Creation. Number 2 holds a frequency of synergy, cooperation, and integration. The feminine and harmonious vibration of the number 2 is well represented in the tarot by the High priestess, sitting between the light and the darkness - represented by the two pillars of Solomon's temple - as a passage to other realities and Higher knowledge.

A portal that represents the female aspect of us, and that invites us to embrace its counterpart, to be able to live from a unified space. A frequency that will be also represented and supported, at the beginning of the month by Ceres, which also means feminity, fertility, and the aspects of us that create from within.

Inner synthesis is not possible if we have not yet worked on soul retrieval, as it is the first step toward further integration. This is why Guides invite us to co-create with the energies of February to unify all of our soul's fragments.

There are many who are very devoted to their ascension path. However, they have not yet realized the need for soul recuperation, as an essential part of our evolutionary journey. Therefore, they still reside in the confusion that not being unified causes, as well as the disconnection from their Divine Self, for it is not until we first bring all of our soul fragments to our current self, that we can begin the inner work of conscious reconnection.

A balance that this month will too invite us to create in our relationships, for they are the first ones reflecting our inner state of being. Many times if there is soul disconnection, what many searches constantly is a partner that completes them, fantasizing about past lives, or the so-called twin reunions.

However, when we have unified polarities and are liberated from illusions, walking on our soul's authentic path, we do not need anything or anyone to fulfill our voids, for we feel whole, grateful, and in joy. If there is the possibility for us to reunite with an equal, it is a blessing, and if not, we continue feeling whole within, for we no longer see relationships as a way of completion, but as an opportunity for growth, healing, and expansion.

Polarities are always going to be a constant, for we are always going to be dual beings. However, we are here to master both as equals, and the many energies that accompany us, at the moment, are going to facilitate this inner work.

A portal of conscious co-creation with the benevolent energies that surround us, and with everyone that we choose to create something that will benefit All. It is a portal, and month, of cooperation, inner synthesis, and a month that offers us the opportunity to master our relationships, although if we have not yet unified all aspects within ourselves, we will continue finding the same separation in our relationships.

This new energetic month's portal is a very important one to work with the body and continue linking the human with the divine self, for when March comes, it will be a massive infusion of energies, and we need to be in complete harmony, to escalate within this endless spiral of Creation, preparing ourselves, mentally, emotionally and physically to navigate in totally different waters.

Have a blessed 2/2 portal, Beloveds!

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba


Art by: She is Luminous