
jueves, enero 19, 2023

Judith Kusel - At this time it is wise to embrace life and life more abundantly - Jan 19, 2023

At this time it is wise to embrace life and life more abundantly, in its transcendental forms - meaning that of the 5th dimension and higher.

It is so important to take moments, where you simply concentrate on the beauty, the joy, the blessings, which are already present in your life, visible and invisible, and just to stay thank you.

To make time for sacred moments, when you tune into the Higher Dimensions and where you allow your own Higher Soul Self, the I AM Presence, to take over. To allow the old 3D ego self to totally step out of the way, and to embrace the wholeness and perfection of your own beautiful, perfect, innocent soul self, as one with all of Creation. Simply, said, the Divinity within, as a true Daughter and Son of the Divine. For you are holy and sacred, as is the rest of Creation!

These sacred moments are so necessary now. The stillness within, when the mind is switched off, and only Omnipresence remains.

With it the inner joy, peace, harmony, which is the new reality of the 5th dimension and higher, is allow to blossom forth, in all its glorious splendor!

The 5D is now firmly anchored in and the 7th is making itself felt more and more, and the 9th.

The spiralling sphere is Creation with its 352 levels of Divinity is ever present, and is open to those who truly wish to tune into these many tiers of Creation, and those Solary, Galactic and Universal Masters who guide us through each level, to the degree that we are ready to be tuned in.

There is such all abiding love, light, power and wisdom pouring into all of us now.

Let us therefore, allow ourselves to lifted daily, and consciously experience the magnitude of what is happening now, rather than to allow ourselves to be pulled back into the separation, the woes, the fears, of the Old Earth, disintegrating.

Remember, our souls all signed up to be here at this momentous time. Not even the Great Cosmic Masters, knew how this would be like in physical form. They could guide, they could love and ever lift us higher, as we would allow this to happen, because of our own free will and choice.

Here we are. We are all going through this, even those who are still unawake are feeling this at some level, even if in denial.So rather than feeding separateness, let us open our hearts and souls to unconditional love, knowing that we are all being challenged and being stretched as never before. Yet, the beauty of this all is, that once one has been stretched, you cannot go back to whatever has been before. There is only on way forward - and that is up!

My wish to for you that you will find love, light, wisdom, and the power to live your soul truth, and in that process experience joy, unity, harmony, inner peace and Oneness in the highest degrees.

Forward, upwards and on we go for indeed behold, all is new!

Judith Kusel


Photo: Jean-Luc Bozzoli