
sábado, diciembre 31, 2022

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Retiro Lemuriano - 6 - Crucero en el Ocaso - 6 de noviembre de 2022 


Retiro Lemuriano - 6 - Crucero en el Ocaso

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll


NaPail, Crucero en el Ocaso – 6 de noviembre de 2022

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon, del Servicio Magnético.

Este breve mensaje particular es para quienes están en estos dos barcos. Cualquiera podrá escucharlo y lo hará, pero es mayormente para ustedes queridos, ustedes saben quiénes son.

¿Cuántos de ustedes tienen una buena imaginación, o simulan? Algunos dicen que es difícil visualizar cosas, pero no necesitan visualizar nada hoy porque va a estar justo frente a ustedes. Lo que está delante de ustedes es algo que algunos van a recordar, recordarlo vívidamente. Es difícil borrar algo como esto de un akash que está lleno ya de esto, y es por eso que algunos vinieron. ¿Cuál es su imaginación? A medida que estas naves van hacia esa bella costa, como ninguna otra en esta isla, incluso cuando esta isla era un mini continente, esta clase de montañas eran picos y trozos llenos de verdor y estaban allí. Quiero que por un momento imaginen que están solos, tal vez con una o dos personas en una canoa, quizás con una vela, mirando a la misma costa que van a ver hoy.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Press a Button & Teleport to Your Home Star System? - Dec 31, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are loving the process of witnessing your evolution of consciousness, because we are doing it with you. We are on a journey together, and you are making the most progress of any beings of any dimension in this galaxy. That is because you have moved so far from the truth of who you really are, and the journey back to that knowing is such a giant leap from where you once were. It’s the movement forward that it’s really all about. You get to feel as though you are becoming your higher selves for the very first time, even though you have all been fifth dimensional already.

Judith Kusel - 2022 marked the midway post, of the ascension into the New Earth and the New Golden Age - Dec 31, 2022

2022 marked the midway post, of the ascension into the New Earth and the New Golden Age.

Today the 31 December 2022, marks the end of an Epoch, the end of the Old Earth, the old you.

As I was resting and often between worlds in the last few days, being prepared for an intense recalibration on all levels, what came up most, was the total letting go of the past: All which has ever been before. All past lives, all existences, all unforgiveness in any form or way, old baggage. Whatever.

Celia Fenn - So this is the last day of the linear year 2022 and tomorrow will be 1/1 the 1st day of year 2023 - Dec 31, 2022

No photo description available.

So this is the last day of the linear year 2022 and tomorrow will be 1/1 the 1st day of year 2023.

What can we expect from 2023?

It will be the year of Mastery, Magic and Simple Joy!

We will continue to ride the spirals of Creation and Manifestation into the New Earth and we will begin the emergence of the Aqua Heart and a deeper relationship with the element of water.

John Smallman - Jesus - God’s Love for His children is infinite, eternal, and unchanging - Dec 31, 2022

As you prepare to start a new year, do relax into that space of deep inner knowing that you all possess, and allow yourselves to know that God’s plan for humanity is unfolding precisely as She intends, knowing, as you all do, that what She intends always occurs exactly as She wills. Humanity is awakening, and there are signs of this all across the world, even as it seems from the presentations of the various media outlets that pain, suffering, and conflicts are increasing enormously. Yes, there is much conflict occurring, and that is because there are still many on Earth who are clinging very fearfully to large amounts of judgment, anger, resentment, and hatred as it becomes ever more apparent to them, quite naturally, that the authoritarian governmental organizations on whom they have been relying for personal and global safety have been failing in that task.

Asara Adams - Adama of Telos - Dec 31, 2022

Adama of Telos:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we are sending you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

As you are crossing the threshold into the New Year 2023, we invite you to choose a moment, just before 12:00 AM, whenever that is in your timezone, and be still.

Just before the changeover into the New Year, there is a magical moment to plant the seeds of creation for your New Year.

As you are quieting down, thank God/Source/Your I AM Presence for all the Blessings you have received in the year 2022.

Feel the feeling of re-living these moments of receiving Divine Blessings into your life.

Then, state what you are looking forward to and what you wish to create in the New Year 2023.

Address each aspect of your life:

Contribution to the Greater Good
Playfulness and Joyful experiences
and any other areas that are important to you.

Feel the feeling of having received it.

Then, project yourself into your future, on New Year's Eve 2023.

Look back at a fantastic year, well lived and how everything you wanted to create manifested for you.

Feel the celebration of it.

When this is complete, come back to this now moment and cross over into Your New Year 2023.

From the Heart of Telos, we wish you a Blessed and Joyful New Year 2023!

We champion your victory in the Light!

Welcome Home!

We send you all so much love...

You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.

Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos - and always will be.

Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure - always.

I am your brother Adama of Telos."

Thank You, Adama! :-)

Asara Adams


Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael - Be as you truly are... Infinite! Eternal Light! - Dec 31, 2022

Divine Ones,

We greet you, in love.

This is a beautiful way to begin our transmissions to you; to acknowledge this field of love that is the foundation of our connection with you, and with your planetary field.

So we say this again, and invite you to feel into the expansiveness of this field: WE GREET YOU, IN LOVE.

Feel LOVE Itself as a vast radiant field of light. One in which you feel infused with love and love is everywhere. All around you. Within you. Comprising everything you are and everything you know of and can perceive.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Feel the Highest Heights of Ecstasy without Drugs - Dec 31, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have taken ourselves to some very high heights of ecstasy in order to better understand, in order to better know, what Source is. We do not have physical bodies, and as such, we cannot use a drug, or even a natural occurring substance to get us to these heights. We cannot use sex, or even conscious breathing, to get to these heights.

¡¡¡¡¡Feliz Año Nuevo 2023 !!!!! Dic 31, 2022

 Mensajes de la Federación Galáctica y Ashtar Command

viernes, diciembre 30, 2022

Aurora Ray - The Galactic Federation And A Few Facts - Dec 30, 2022

The Galactic Federation And A Few Facts.

Dear ones,

If you're reading this, you've been chosen to learn more about the Galactic Federation. I am here to help — and it's my mission to bring you up-to-date on what exactly the Galactic Federation is, who's in it and some other facts.

What is the Galactic Federation?

The Galactic Federation of Free Planets (GFFP) is a union of planets. It was founded in an era marked a time when a mysterious race of aliens known only as "the Controllers" almost succeeded in taking over the world. They would have succeeded, too, if it weren't for the GFFP!

Jennifer Hoffman - Cuenta regresiva para 2023 - Dic 28, 2022

Traducción y Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Síguenos Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM: https://t.me/joinchat/UBJK3YvzA2iGn37
Síguenos Por el Canal "El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon" Unicamente KRYON: https://t.me/joinchat/VkhJDmSrCz0jwDxg
Síguenos Ahora en MeWe www.mewe.com/i/elmanantialdelcaduceo

Este es el último boletín y podcast de 2022 y me alegra ver que este año termina, pero no solo este año, este es el final de un ciclo de 3 años que comenzó en 2020 y generó muchos cambios. También vivimos algunos aspectos energéticos muy históricos, durante este tiempo y esta última semana de 2022 continúa esa tendencia.

Solo un recordatorio de que Mercurio se vuelve retrógrado esta semana y el 31 tenemos el último retorno exacto de Plutón en EE. UU. y el mundo. Si se ha preguntado cómo termina el 2022 y qué hacer para cerrar lo que pueden ser muchas cosas que no quiere traer al nuevo año, querrá obtener el programa GPS 2023, que es una guía práctica para la ascensión. , expansión energética, milagros, manifestación, maestría y soberanía energética. Produzco un programa anual desde 2008 y este año tenemos mucho que celebrar.

Jahn J Kassl - Message from Jesus Christ - THE SPRINGBOARD TO FREEDOM - Dec 30, 2022

photo credit: Andrea Percht 
Many who have been warriors of light from the start have neglected to do their homework, and are holding on to things, situations and people that they should long have let go of. This is addressed now and lives are shifted. There is no more time for detours or long breaks, because the shift of the earth is coming about and the transformation within you is happening. God takes you by the hand and leads you to the springboard to freedom.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Retiro Lemuriano - 5- Gruta de los Helechos - Nov 5, 2022

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll


Río Wailúa. Gruta de los Helechos

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon, del Servicio Magnético.

Hoy este grupo se encuentra en la Gruta de los Helechos, en la Isla de Kauai, en el Río Wailúa. Este es un lugar famoso especialmente por una cosa. No porque la realeza viniera aquí, sino porque tanto amor se prometía aquí. Muchas uniones del corazón aquí.

Una enseñanza que les dimos hace mucho tiempo es que este planeta tiene algo llamado rejilla cristalina. Ahora bien, esta no es una rejilla que ustedes puedan medir o ver; bastante esotérica, llamada así por lo cristalino. ¿Qué saben ustedes sobre lo cristalino? La sustancia que puede almacenar cosas. Y por lo tanto la rejilla cristalina es conocida por guardar energías, pero no necesariamente energías esotéricas. Guarda energías de la emoción humana, compasión, alegría, miedo. Eso explica por qué muchos que son sensitivos pueden ir y caminar por un campo y detenerse de pronto, y tocar su corazón y decir “Algo sucedió aquí” Algo asombroso sucedió aquí, algo trágico sucedió aquí. Y luego descubren que están en un campo de batalla no señalado. Y ustedes dirán, ¿cómo es eso posible? ¿cuál es la mecánica de eso? Y dirán “Bueno, simplemente son sensitivos”. Y yo les digo: ¿a qué? ¿Algo que sucedió cien, doscientos años atrás? Y la respuesta es que la rejilla cristalina lo registró.

jueves, diciembre 29, 2022

Aurora Ray - The Galactic Gateway Opened - Dec 29, 2022

The Galactic Gateway Opened

I am overjoyed to inform you that the recently opened Galactic gateway is causing significant changes in your DNA, which will enable you to ascend from the third to the fifth dimension.

What does it mean to ascend from the third dimension to the fifth dimension?

The third dimension is the lower vibration of duality, separation, and limitation. The fifth dimension is a higher vibration of unity, oneness, and unlimited potential.

The following are major changes you will notice as your DNA changes during the ascension process:

1. You will feel much lighter as if a great burden has been lifted from your shoulders.

2. You will begin to feel more energized and less tired.

3. You will feel more confident and sure of yourself.

4. You will be able to connect with your higher self, guides, angels, and archangels much more easily than before.

5. Your intuition (inner knowing) and psychic abilities will become stronger and clearer as you learn to listen to them better.

The Galactic gateway will help you to release any remaining fear-based thoughts and emotions. Fear includes anger, jealousy, resentment, victimhood, self-doubt, shame, and guilt. The gateway will accelerate your process of releasing fear-based patterns so that you can move forward with ease and grace.

This cleansing process may cause your third chakra (solar plexus) to feel like it's on fire. This fire is purifying your body and helping you transmute dense energy into higher vibrational frequencies. If you feel like you're being pulled apart at the seams, if you feel like a pretzel, or if you feel like a rubber band being snapped over and over again, then know that these are all wonderful experiences because they are assisting you in letting go of old energy that no longer serves a purpose in your life.

You will notice upheavals in your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. The gateway is ushering in a huge wave of cosmic energy that will continue coming in throughout this year and well into the next.

You are being pushed out of your comfort zone because you need to adapt to the massive changes taking place on Earth. The changes are a direct result of the increasing light that is permeating our planet. You can feel the light in your body, mind, and spirit.

You are being bombarded with high-frequency energies that are causing you to forget who you are. As these energies continue to enter, you will realize that the truths you have been living by are no longer serving your soul. They will become obsolete as your old self dies and your true self is revealed.

You will begin to understand that you are truly a spiritual being having a human experience. You will guide others on their journey back home as they, too, realize their true nature.

You will discover that everything is energy and that all of life is interconnected, even though it appears different on the surface. You will seek out people, places, and things that vibrate at a higher frequency so you can raise your vibration and ascend into the fifth dimension along with them.

You will begin to hear, see, feel, and know things beyond your five senses. You will start receiving downloads of information from the higher realms as a way of remembering who you are and why you came here during this amazing time of ascension.

You will also be opening your heart chakra more fully, which will allow you to experience the world in a whole new way. All of your ego-based fears will start to fall away as you realize that all is well. Your awareness will expand further and further with each passing day.

Your dreams and visions may get more vivid and intense. You may even start having out-of-body experiences (OBEs) or lucid dreams.

You may hear clairaudient messages from angels, spirit guides, archangels, ancestors, deceased loved ones, or other heavenly beings. Clairaudience means "clear hearing," and it's one of the most common ways your spirit guides try to get your attention.

You may see visions or images through the third eye in your mind's eye. This is called clairvoyance, which means "clear seeing" and can be very helpful when you're trying to make important life decisions or need help solving problems in your waking.

You will find it difficult to continue living in negative circumstances. You may find yourself moving or changing jobs if your current situation isn't aligned with your new spiritual state of being.

You will feel an intense urge to be alone or spend more time in nature. You may also experience a strong desire to meditate and connect with God/Source/the Divine/Spirit/the Universe (whatever you prefer) every day.

The more you open up to your intuitive abilities, the more important it becomes for you to take care of your physical body's needs. You will begin to notice that if your energy is depleted or weak from not getting enough sleep, eating properly, drinking enough water, or exercising, your intuition will be very weak. As a result of this, it will be difficult for you to discern what comes from within versus what doesn't.

As an intuitive empath, I often get drained when my energy gets weak due to lack of sleep, poor nutrition, or exercise habits. Therefore, I've learned over the years that if I want my guidance and gifts to be at their strongest level, then I must listen to what my physical body needs.

It is time to change your life into a happy and meaningful one by taking all the powerful energy that is being sent out to you and using it so that you can live in harmony with the universe. You are not alone. You are loved and guided by all beings from the higher dimensions.

The ascension process is a benefit to all humanity and Gaia. It will release you from these dense and toxic frequencies of the third dimension and bring you into the love, peace, abundance, empowerment, and wisdom of the fifth dimension.

Your multidimensional consciousness will be activated, and you will experience the unfolding of your divine blueprint for this incarnation. You will remember who you truly are. You will connect with your specific soul mission on Earth at this time.

This Galactic gateway opening is bringing many changes, but if we all work together and accept this new level of consciousness, a new golden age will start for everyone!

We love you dearly.

We are here with you.

We are your family of light.


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.


Kryon por Lee Carroll - Retiro Lemuriano - 4 - Cañón de Waimea - DIA 4 - Hawaii - 4 de noviembre de 2022

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll


Cañón de Waimea – 4 de noviembre de 2022

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon, del Servicio Magnético.

Es notable lo que hace la historia, lo que ellos dirán, y que ustedes todavía no conocen, hablando de una época que tal vez ustedes dan por hecha, que es la de ahora, o tal vez la época en que ustedes nacieron, y cómo los historiadores la verán. Cómo la mirará la sociología. Como una época de cambio; que cambió de maneras asombrosas, en tantas facetas, maneras en que cambió. Se escribirán libros sobre lo que ocurrió. Y esto ni siquiera es espiritual; esto verdaderamente tiene que ver con la cultura del planeta Tierra. Lo que ustedes acaban de atravesar en sus vidas. Y lo que atravesaron sus padres, y sus abuelos, tal vez los tiempos más oscuros en el planeta.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, December 29, 2022


While new year’s resolutions are wonderful to set an intention for desired change, we encourage you to think bigger than that. Cast your net wider! Why settle for one or two small changes? Why not simply surrender into having your most satisfying year that allows you to discover your highest potentials and see what that brings? You just might be surprised at how much more is available to you than you realize. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - 2023 & Beyond: The Galactic Age of Humanity- Dec 29, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very sensitive to energy, as most of you are who receive these transmissions on a regular basis. We know when something feels right to us and when something feels off. And sometimes there are very well-meaning beings and collectives who have approaches to humanity that feel off to us, and we make every effort to connect with them in the same way that we are connecting to all of you to them that their approach seems flawed to us. Now, those of you who are aware of extra-terrestrial involvement in the evolution of your consciousness must recognize that sometimes you have been helped and sometimes you have hindered, and sometimes it has been by well-meaning e.t.s and other times it has been by e.t.s who had their own agenda that was more self-serving.

miércoles, diciembre 28, 2022

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Retiro Lemuriano - 3 - Monasterio Hindú - Hawaii - 3 de noviembre de 2022

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll


Monasterio Hindú – 3 de noviembre de 2022

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Esta canalización viene al final de una larga duración de lo que yo llamaría cosas muy bellas. Incluso descubrimiento. Tal vez, hasta una infusión de energía dentro de quienes han abierto sus corazones para sentirla. Se sientan ante mí como lo han hecho muchas veces en el pasado, en lo que llaman el Monasterio Hindú en Kauai, de Hawaii.

Aurora Ray - ETs Are Already Here, And They Want To Help - Dec 28, 2022

ETs Are Already Here, And They Want To Help

The benevolent ETs are here to help us.

ETs are extraterrestrial intelligent life forms that inhabit the universe. They are called extraterrestrials, or ETs for short.

ETs have been visiting earth since time immemorial, but they have kept a low profile and have not interfered with human affairs. Only recently have they started to reveal themselves to the public.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - These Are the Only Ways to Live on Earth - Dec 28, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very practiced at following our bliss, as it is easier to do so in our dimension, and it had been easier for all of us to do while in the physical dimensions of the Arcturian star system. We understand why it is more challenging to do so there on Earth in your dimension, but it is a teaching that must be put into practice in order for you all to understand and recognize the effectiveness of it. You will get a feeling that tells you to move in a particular direction or do a certain thing, and that feeling will be strong enough to get you to consider it on the level of your mind.

Natalia Alba - We are about to enter into a new, and more illumined cycle - Dec 28, 2022

Beloved Ones,

We are about to enter into a new, and more illumined cycle. 2023, as Guides shared, is the Year of Wisdom, as its universal seventh frequency reminds us. Seventh is often associated with ascension, as it is the number of initiations that we shall pass before we can finally regain our crystalline essence.

Natalia Alba - The many benevolent energies from this New Year 2023

Beloved ones,

The many benevolent energies from this New Year 2023 are going to help us immensely in upgrading our light bodies, as it is going to be in constant activation, for those who are ready to embody a higher level of consciousness and begin the process of physical ascension.

In this new harmonic era, we are now beginning to act as One with our Planet, and as it continues restoring its fabrics, we can gradually re-connect our body portals with these higher structures, as it was meant to be originally.

Natalia Alba - We are moving into a New Era of wisdom descension and constant activation - Dec 28, 2022

Beloved Ones,

We are moving into a New Era of wisdom descension and constant activation. 2023, will be a year in which many will begin to build their light bodies, while others will be ready to embody more wisdom, for they have already done this initial step.

A New Year, in which we have finally moved into a new Octave within Creation, where time is meant to be experienced simultaneously, rather than linear, for we are now in more sync with the universal time, rather than with our human one.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, December 28, 2022 

Just as you are shifting into the energy of the new year, so is your planet. This is why you will sometimes see earthquakes or weather events in the space between Christmas and the beginning of the new year. The planet will cleanse and release as necessary to align with the energies of the year it is entering.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Being Truly Awake Means You Make This Choice - Dec 28, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are feeling very fortunate to have the attention of so many of you there on Earth, because we know there are lots of places that you can put your attention at any time in any given day. We want you to be aware of that fact as well so that you choose where you are putting your attention more consciously. You do not have to put your attention somewhere just because everyone else is putting their attention on that particular subject, person, or thing. You do not have to put your attention on something just because it is loud or alluring in some other way.

martes, diciembre 27, 2022

Kryon por Lee Carroll RETIRO LEMURIANO - DIA 2 - Laguna Lydgate - 2 de noviembre 2022 

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll


Laguna Lydgate – 2 de noviembre 2022

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon, del Servicio Magnético.

El grupo, de más de cien, que se encuentran en el césped, en la playa, mirando hacia el agua, el sol saliendo, y de frente a lo que es una laguna. Hoy será una laguna simbólica, donde se hará un ejercicio, pero no es de eso que quiero hablarles.

Aurora Ray - What Is The Ascension Wave: Are You Part Of It - Dec 27, 2022

What Is The Ascension Wave: Are You Part Of It

Ascension happens in waves.

Each ascension wave is generated by the rising of collective consciousness which is the greatest event in human history!

There is no doubt that the current phase of humanity's evolution will trigger another ascension wave. It is a time of change, transformation, and awakening.

During this time, we will be moving into a new level of consciousness that we have never experienced before. We will experience new levels of physical and mental awareness as well as have our lives transformed in ways we never dreamed possible.

Jamye Price - January Ascension Energies - Freedom - Dec 27, 2022


January Ascension Energies - Freedom

Blessed Beings, as you interact with linear time, the sense of permanency or limitation can override the perception of Freedom.

Perfect Freedom

Indeed, you are not completely free in the physical realm. The universal laws of your density interaction and your co-creation with life limit your capability.

Yet they are also the perfect structure within which to evolve.

John Smallman - Saul - Not even one sentient being is in any way unworthy of Love - Dec 27, 2022

Humanity’s awakening is truly imminent! In fact it is happening now, even though there are no reports of this most wondrous event on any of the media to which you have access. The media, and those who control and direct them, wish to distract people’s attention from this astronomical outpouring of Love that is embracing all of humanity, and their intent is to keep focusing on drama, pain, and suffering so that people will be encouraged to align with these negative and physically draining feelings and emotions. However, this ‘censorship’ cannot and will not in any way at all disrupt this event, it is divinely directed and will, therefore, blossom beautifully just as God wills. No other outcome is remotely possible.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, December 27, 2022

You are in a space of energetic adjustment that occurs every year after the influx of Christed energies that happens over Christmas, regardless of your belief system. From that point, there is an accounting of where you are energetically and how much shifting needs to occur in order to align with the energies of the new year you wish to step into.

How you shift personally in order to align with the new year can be vast and varied. You may require more rest. You may find yourself energized or wide awake in the middle of the night. You may feel the need to move your body in specific ways or to eat certain foods. You may be drawn to visit a certain area or walk in nature.

lunes, diciembre 26, 2022

Aurora Ray - On The Eve Of The 5D New Earth: A Lot Is Happening, Can You Feel It - Dec 26, 2022

On The Eve Of The 5D New Earth: A Lot Is Happening, Can You Feel It

The 5D New Earth is about to be birthed, and we are getting ready to become the rainbow tribe of New Earth.

This is the time that we have been incarnating on Earth to be here for the great shift!

This is the time when our minds will be expanding infinitely, which will lead you to step into this Golden Age!

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Retiro Lemuriano - 1 - Reunión de Bienvenida - Hawaii - 1º de noviembre de 2022

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll


Reunión de Bienvenida, 1º de noviembre de 2022

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Muchos van a escuchar este mensaje, aparte del grupo que está ante mí. De modo que déjenme pintarles un cuadro. Algunos han venido solo por un propósito: para estar en esta isla en particular, la llamaríamos una de las cimas de las montañas de Lemuria, con objeto de reencender algo, algo específico. Ese reencender en la recordación.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, December 26, 2022

Dear Ones, be easy with yourselves today. Rest. Nurture yourselves. Find an alignment of peace, of quiet reflection. If you have obligations that don’t allow you to take the day for yourself, know that even 10 minutes of time with the intention of divine connection and restoration can make all the difference in the world.

Brenda Hoffman - New You HUMAN - December 26, 2022

Dear Ones,

You have a need for change. You want more but do not yet know how to obtain it because that need feels just beyond your grasp.

You do not yet understand that you have achieved what you dreamed of before entering the earth in this lifetime. You wanted to help shift the earth. More importantly, you wanted to end the eons of fear karma you and other humans created. But before that could happen, you needed to end your personal human karma.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - When Will The Shift Be Complete? - Dec 26, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased that so many of you who are a part of the Awakened Collective are expecting a better future for humanity, and we know that you are because you believe in the shift in consciousness. Or, to put it another way, you know that there is a shift in consciousness that is happening right now and that will be completed at some point in humanity’s future. Now, we know we have been over this before, but it is important for you all to hear it again. You are not meant to wait around for an Event, a Solar Flash, or any other occurrence that would catapult you into the fifth dimension. You are meant to experience the ride, the journey, and the steps forward that you take in your conscious spiritual evolution.

domingo, diciembre 25, 2022

Aurora Ray - The Amazing New Roadmap To Getting Closer To The Light And Ascend Further Into 5D - Dec 25, 2022

The Amazing New Roadmap To Getting Closer To The Light And Ascend Further Into 5D

The light is coming! We have been given new clues on how we can ascend further into this 5D reality.

I know, it's been hard to keep up with all the amazing things that are happening in the world right now, but we need to take a step back and look at this road map of light and what it has planned for us.

Then you will learn how to make your life better every day, even if your current situation is not ideal.

Judith Kusel - Christmas Day 2022 Miracle - Dec 25, 2022

Christmas Day 2022 Miracle:

We have been set free!

I woke up this morning being surrounded by the Divine and the heavenly hosts, and had a profound healing and was told that even has I was healing, the rest of humanity was being healed and freed.

What was being healed in the deepest sense, is where our deepest woundedness lies, especially in women, and this encompasses our sexuality and our sacral chakras.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - A disruption of energy serves to bring clarity — bless it - December 25, 2022

A disruption of energy serves to bring clarity — bless it. 

Dear One,

The Divine Presence is an energy which is omnipotent, everywhere present and has infinite capacity for good. This energy flows through you and surrounds you at all times. There is never a time when you are not a part of this energy flow of God, which is Divine Love. In this you can place your trust. You can also be assured that regardless of where you are or what the situation is, all energies flow to the highest good for all concerned, at all times.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - How Our Universe Works & How to Align with It - Dec 25, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have an understanding of how this universe of ours works, and that is what allows us to be so very positive in regards to all of you there on Earth and what is happening. We know that the universe is always expanding because of what you are living there on Earth that is unpleasant and what you are living that is terrible. You are creating new realities. You are adding to this already abundant and infinite universe, because you seek a better life for yourselves, your family members, and all of humanity.

Feliz Navidad - Dic 25, 2022

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sábado, diciembre 24, 2022

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Décimo Coro de Tonos Pineales - Canalización Nº 6 - Cancún, México – 11 de noviembre 2022

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Coro de Tonos Pineales Nº10 – Cancún, México – 11 de noviembre 2022

Canalización Nº 6

Ir desde el habla del bebé al lenguaje del adulto ha funcionado. (risas de los presentes). He terminado con asignar tareas. (carcajadas y aplausos).

Sin embargo las Madres de las Estrellas tienen algunas sugerencias (más carcajadas, aplausos, algunos gritan cosas). Y aquí están. (carcajadas otra vez). Con el Coro Nº 11 pueden tener una canción en cuatro partes (risas) solo para estar libres (gritos) más bien que canciones nuevas. Esto es lo que sugieren las Madres de las Estrellas: la canción I-O (N.T. no sé si esto es un nombre pleyadiano, de modo que solo transcribo cómo suena en inglés) debiera ser la última cantada en el Coro, cuatro partes también. Para el Nº11. Les diré sobre el Nº12 en un momento. ¿Entendieron eso? (risas) El último tono que cantarán en el Coro Nº 11 será la canción I-O en cuatro partes.

Asara Adams - Archangel Michael - Dec 24, 2022


Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you...

Dear One, as many are celebrating the birth of Jesus the Christ, the energies of the Christ Consciousness are amplified.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Activate Your Arcturian DNA - Dec 24, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have learned from many humans who we consider to be enlightened spiritual masters there on your world. We have witnessed so many individuals who have that Arcturian DNA fully activated, and as a result, they pursue that which is taking them to higher and higher heights of spiritual awareness, of unity consciousness, and of unconditional love. These individuals are not waiting for anything to happen. They are not trying to manifest anything or anyone into their lives. They are simply fascinated by existence and their ability to feel.

viernes, diciembre 23, 2022

Dana Mrkich - Mensaje de Diciembre y Resumen de 2022: Elefante en la habitacion - Dic 22, 2022

Traducción y Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora http://www.manantialcaduceo.com.ar/libros.htm
Síguenos Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM: https://t.me/joinchat/UBJK3YvzA2iGn37s
Síguenos Por el Canal "El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon" Únicamente KRYON: https://t.me/joinchat/VkhJDmSrCz0jwDxg
Síguenos Ahora en MeWe www.mewe.com/i/elmanantialdelcaduceo

“Hay mucho que podemos aprender de los elefantes. A pesar de su enorme peso, caminan suavemente, casi en silencio, por el camino que recorren, eligiendo cuidadosamente su camino. A pesar de su tamaño, nunca dejan tras de sí un rastro de destrucción. Del mismo modo, nosotros también debemos recordar andar suavemente por la vida, esparciendo amor y bondad a lo largo del camino. Porque recuerda, al final, la vida se trata de las huellas que dejas atrás”. - Soulveda

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Décimo Coro de Tonos Pineales - Canalización Nº 5 - Cancún, México – 11 de noviembre 2022

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Coro de Tonos Pineales Nº10 – Cancún, México – 11 de noviembre 2022

Canalización Nº 5

Entonces en cada Coro ustedes dicen lo que está sucediendo. ¿Qué mensaje es enviado a la galaxia? O más.

Para este Coro Nº 10, uno que fue programado pero no programado (se ríe), aquel en que vinieron los trabajadores que realmente debieran estar aquí. Los que fueron convocados a estar aquí, tal vez sin entender que no era totalmente para ellos.