
jueves, diciembre 08, 2022

Judith Kusel - We are in a whirlpool... - Dec 8, 2022

We are in a whirlpool of intense purification and releasing of all of deep seated trauma, pain, accumulated lies and cover-ups, old family and humanity's skeletons which have been rattling in those closets, now being released.

It goes very deep into the deepest depths, the darkest shadows.

Yet, look at what is happening simultaneously:

The chains and restrictions are coming off.

We are being freed on so many levels.

Our eyes are being opened, our inner sight is being returned, our inner hearing, or interconnectedness to all that is, is being restored.

We are getting lighter and brighter.

We are living our truth, and no longer needing to play the old games of pretend, nor do we need masks to hide behind.

We are finally coming cosmically of age.

In the next few weeks you will feel your sacred heart center opening in ever higher degrees than ever before, as Yeshua and Mary Magdalene are intensely working with our sacred hearts.

It is only with the heart one can truly see.

The true seeing is being returned.

The Sacred Grail of the Heart and Soul.

What a Divine gift of Love!

Judith Kusel


Photo: Daniel B. Holeman