
miércoles, octubre 05, 2022

Christine Day - The Pleiadians - October 2022

Beloved ones we greet you,

At this juncture of powerful transmutation, each one of you is being launched on another level into a next phase of awakening. This is your time for a rapid reset and as you are moved into the calendar of 2023 you are destined to undergo a huge shift in the perceptions of your inner sacred makeup. For those of you who are awake, this means those of you who are consciously aware of the sacred part of yourself, there is to be a resurgence of your sacred intelligence.

This time is not about achieving human perfection, rather a time for you to be aware of the sacred component of yourself that simultaneously exists within you, while you are having your human experience. Each time you choose to open to the truth of your simultaneous expression, of both your humanity and sacred nature a healing is created within you. As you simply hold that truth and take a Conscious breath you shift lifetimes of being in the same cycle of limitation and self-sabotage. This is your time to move through the veils of illusion and claim moments of being in alignment to truth, the sacred truth of yourself.

The words, ‘I AM’ activate this truth through the cells of your body, bringing you back into an alignment of your own sacred self that is fully intact just beyond the veils. Allow us to support you by calling us forward into your life, we can assist without in any way interfering within your energetic field. We can hold the veils aside so that you can once again move into a space of wholeness and Truth.

Over the next phase of time, one calendar year, there will be many changes, openings, awakenings taking place within your consciousness. This upcoming next phase is all about you returning to your original state of consciously being. Through this rapid reset you will be returning to a state of living that holds the sacred consciousness of yourself within your life, while your humanity opens into a more complete state of being able to live in peace.

Let go and allow the waves of life to reposition you where you need to be now, today, in this moment. Allow the moments to build to move you into a redefinition of yourself on a multidimensional level within your Heart.

We witness you.


The Pleiadians