
sábado, septiembre 03, 2022

Natalia Alba - As we advance in our evolutionary journey - Sep 3, 2022

Beloved Ones,

As we advance in our evolutionary journey, we begin to understand the complexity of our existence. An existence that is not confined to the 3D plane where we live but to the many dimensions where we too reside, and that as we evolve and awake into our multidimensional nature, we become very aware. As we step more into September and October, we have many important energies to help us move forward from the past, although all is happening in truth simultaneously, holding more faith in our personal ascension journey, and that of the planet.

It is precisely at this transitional time when we most clear emotional parallel timeliness, for nothing is past or future for the conscious ones who remember the totality of who they are. When we align with future timeliness and clear the past, certain situations may emerge, however, they do so for us to clear and understand the emotional baggage that we sometimes carry and that is no longer ours to bear, for it is coming from what other selves are experiencing. All we envision shall be taken from a neutral perspective, from the observer's view, to help us see where we are and if we do not resonate, shift timelines.

At this time, many are visiting parallel timelines, or a space in-between, where we remember who we are and the soul group we travel with. This is painful, as you remember your mission, others who are part of your soul group, the project you all planned to accomplish together, and the remembrance of knowing they are all in different worlds.

Some may envision the many wounds that they have inflicted on others, and the many that they have received. Others, the many dimensions that they do not understand and that are not so lightly as they would have desired, as well as the many traumas that they still carry due to this connection to other selves.

Everything is connected to everything else. We are never going to disengage completely from our other existences. However, decreeing that we wish to maintain our present individuality and be consciously connected to our God Self and Guides team, is vital for us to live peacefully and continue with our present healing journey. Otherwise, we could not bear the many memories, wounds, and also joys of experiencing all at once.

Jumping from one timeline to another must be done with great protection, and care, as we do not wish to interfere with our parallel selves, or bring more unnecessary pain. I cannot emphasize enough the need to protect ourselves in all the dimensions where we dwell, as often we may be shown only negative parallel lives, to bring us out of alignment, and we need to discern and see if what we are shown comes from a soul level to assist us, or from other forms of manipulation. When we jump between timeliness, it is because we need to witness something that we need to understand and heal.

We will become the witness, the protagonist, and the one always observing all that is taking place from a Higher Perspective. We are All, and at the same time, we continue to be individualized beings. This must be taken as an important opportunity for us not to lose ourselves into fantasies, delusions, or pain, constructing false scenarios, but to open ourselves to see what we are given to work with.

Be focused only on that which you are shown, and remember the importance of being grounded, so you do not bring the emotional and painful situations that you may envision, in case you do, as other times you may also travel into future timeliness, where you will be instructed by your guide's team.

If what we are shown is emotional pain, then we need to work with our second chakra and our emotional body, connected to the second chakra, and dimension, which resides in our second DNA layer, clearing fear and all that is impeding us to move forward, even though we are not fully aware, in this present incarnation. Clearing as well feelings of shame, guilt, and victimhood is of utmost importance, as this is what can make us experience painful dreams, or visions that will destabilize us.

This is why protection at all levels, and staying grounded and in our heart space, is so important, for us not to collapse with the weight of all these memories and continue with the work we once chose to perform.

Place an amethyst under your pillow, amethysts are wonderful protectors. Program it to protect you from attacks while you are in your dream phase. Shield yourself and decree to only navigate through the timelines that can help your growth.

Observe everything you experience with a compassionate and neutral heart, for all happens for a reason within the Universal Plan, and we are no one to judge anything that occurs within Creation.

Discernment is key to understanding what we are truly experiencing, as it shows us what we need to heal or anchor in our present self and reality, or what is a mind negative construction or manipulation.

I wish you all a clearing and loving passage, Beloveds!

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba