
miércoles, agosto 17, 2022

Natalia Alba - At this time of profound transformation - Aug 17, 2022


Beloved Ones,

At this time of profound transformation, and hence activation, in which many are beginning to literally birth a new and more Illumined Self, we have the opportunity, for the first time in our human history, to anchor the current planetary energies, and begin the process of fusion, which involves the merging of opposites, to trigger the ascension process in our bodies.

The energies that we are descending are unifiers sun codes, to help us create more synthesis in all aspects of ourselves before we can continue creating our new reality. As we embody these energies we start feeling the effects of the energetic activations they cause to our bodies. We can feel confused, have intense fatigue, headaches, and a total lack of vitality or energy that impede us to do our daily activities with grace, as we used to.

When this occurs our bodies give us the message of taking care of them, in new ways, as it signifies that they cannot, at the moment, embody such an amount of energy. Then we need to conduct the energy, commanding it how to specifically act, so the process does not collapse our bodies but stimulates and revitalizes them.

We need to understand that the energies do not do anything on their own, as long as we consciously choose to anchor them and co-create with them. It is then when we need to give them a purpose, whether it is healing, clearing, or DNA reconnection. Otherwise, they will not do the inner work for us.

Energies that invite us to complete a cycle, through releasing an old self, and begin the intentional creation of a new timeline, based on all we have learned, remembered, and mastered. A new harmonic space that is anchored, as Guides showed me, through the Lyran portal, as it is our first origin in our Galaxy. A 12D portal that can help us rejuvenate, if we consciously ask for it, and restore ourselves, to begin birthing the new life that we desire to experience next.

The Lyran 12D gate is the one that we can go to renew ourselves, for it is where our true essence lies, as it is who we used to be, before having the physical appearance that we possess now. A 12D Consciousness space where we can reconnect with our God Self, and receive, from a Higher Intelligence the visions for our new creations.

The Lyran gate is where everything begins and ends. Visualize the authentic Vesica Pisces symbol, it is the origin of all Creation, in our dual Galaxy. This is where 12D Consciousness fragmented itself to begin a more dense experience, to birth new worlds and realities. This is where we can move our Consciousness to begin again the process of our own creation, for it is the space where we are not limited by time and space, as there are no beginnings or ends.

During this process, calling upon the creative, loving, and restorative essence of the Third Ray of Creation will help us in bringing unconditional love, harmony, and joy into our being, and everything that we desire to bring into life. When we are in a process of creation, first we need to infuse our body cells, having first done the previously inner work, with the pink rose color, from the Third Ray, so we first bring more love and harmony to our cells, as everything begins within, before it can pass to be a physical creation.

Many times the lack of energy occurs because of the damage that lies in our mitochondrial cells, as they no longer create energy for themselves, due to outer substitutes, etc. and we need to completely restore their functions, so we can begin to embody the life force that is meant to give us the vitality required for us to anchor more light and continue with our daily life. This is why connecting to this Ray and its loving and restorative function, is so important, to soothe the body and to create more love, where fear used to abide.

Everything begins by first embodying the love and the joy that we are, in nature, as if we do not come back to who we truly are, we cannot align with the frequency of our inner Creator, and that is always one of joy, love, and harmony.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba


Art by: She is Luminous