
lunes, agosto 15, 2022

Judith Kusel - The Shift into ONE - Aug 15, 2022


The Shift into ONE.

The Shift is intensifying, with a deep homecoming of souls, in the truth of who and what they in truth are.

A sense of coming home – to the deepest essence of what it means to be AS ONE with the Divine within, and all of life and life forms, expanding Universally, Multi-Universally, cosmically.

The deep belonging, the sense of having wandered far away, and so long being off course, lost in the wilderness of the desert of duality, and now finally coming home to the truth, that All THAT IS, is within. Not OUTSIDE – within!

Every Soul indeed embraces all of creation within it, as much as there is a whole cosmic ocean in one single drop.

With it, the great insight and understanding, the deepest Knowing is emerging, that we were never separated from the Divine, nor from anyone, or anything!

We played out the acting roles in the Matrix of Duality, but finally now, we are stepping out of it, and gain the highest perspective, where we cannot see, play out, nor experience duality any longer. All is dissolved.

When you take a spinning top, and paint one half black, and the other white, when it is stagnant, you can clearly see division. That is the third dimension. Yet, go and spin that top, and the faster it spins, the more the division disappears and you can only a type of spinning white grey. This is indeed what the higher dimensions are all about. The faster the telluric energy fields spin, the more unity and oneness is attained. From the fifth upwards, all starts spinning so fast, that all flows into ONE.

There is such a blessing, such an inpouring of love, such an inpouring to the re-creation happening now, that in this sense of deep homecoming, your soul is finding its wings, and can now finally soar and fly higher and higher, and indeed experience itself in all its wonder and glory, as the Divine created it to be, and it embraces the Divinity within!

There is a sense of awe and wonder, that it, as soul was uniquely created, and slots in perfectly within the greater whole, and has its own unique role to fulfill within the greater Creation, visible and invisible, known and unknown. The soul itself has traversed the Universes, and has had incarnations in other dimensions, life and life forms, and parallel lives and indeed, it is immortal. Infinite.

Once you are being stretched like this, and feel the joy of infinite freedom, to explore, to create, to be inspired, and to explore what infinity means, what it is to be free, and what it means to be so inspired from within, that you literally now just wish to co-create a totally new life and new beginnings, as you are reborn into the New Earth and New Golden Age. The Old Earth has lost its strangle hold on you! Yet, you were always free, you just forgot this!

My heart and soul are expanding, with love, with gratitude, with infinite wonder and awe as I am witnessing this!

I have no further words to describe this.

You need to experience this for yourself, in your own unique way, as you are ready and open to receive these immense blessings, as you finally have cast away the Old Adam, and Old Eve and Old Lilith, within you.

The new 7th Human Race is emerging, is dancing its way into form and being, in the 7th Earth.

And indeed, the whole cosmos is here, witnessing this, and assisting us in all and every form and way!

The White Flame is sweeping, purifying, intensifying, as all is purified, clarified, the truth emerging like Tsunamis of the Divine Waters of Life, washing clean.

The Fires of Transfiguration are raging and indeed we are being alchemized in the highest and purest sense and transformed into a new much higher dimensional form of physicality, and indeed Soul expansion, and Soul Mastery as never before!

Embrace it all!

The time of huge expansion is here and on all fronts!

There is no going back – forwards and outwards, and into infinite space we are flying and higher than ever before, and our infinite power Source is heart-powered through the Infinite Divine Power of Love.

Judith Kusel


Photo: Daniel B. Holeman