
domingo, agosto 14, 2022

Celia Fenn - The Solar "Heat Surge" Effect - Aug 14, 2022

The Solar "Heat Surge" Effect

Many people, including myself, have recently noticed "heat surges" occurring randomly. This is more noticeable here because it is winter, and there is no real explanation for these sudden surges.

Archangel Michael has explained that these are connected to the activation of the Solar Octahedron body in the Light Body structure. This is true for ascending humanity, but also true for the Earth itself, which is contained within its own Solar Octahedron.

The Solar Octahedron anchors into the Sun at the top and the Earth Heart at the bottom point, and the Heart in the center.

It allows Golden Solar Light to fill the Light Body within the Octahedron which acts as a "Solar Sail" and moves us forward in our Journey through the Stars. These surges of Heat are inpourings of Golden Light that "fill our sails" and lift our consciousness.

I have always felt that this is the "message" of the Pyramids at Giza. The Sky facing pyramids are the top level of the Octahedron and the bottom level is contained within in the Earth, in another dimension. Together, they formed an "engine" that powered the ever evolving upward spirals of evolution on Earth.

The Sphinx was/is a Star Lion, forever guarding the engine of the Sacred Spirals in his role as Guardian of the Time Spirals and Creations on Earth.

These are the teachings of the Sirian Star Masters who worked with our ancestors in Ancient Egypt.

Heat surges then simply means we are activating and tuning in to the "Solar Engine" of Golden LIght and Light Codes that powers our evolutionary journey by connecting us to the Stars and the flows of Divine Creative Love that are transmitted to us from the Sun. We are doing this for ourselves, as individuals, and also for the collective on Earth, in our roles as Starseeds and Light Workers.

So, don't sweat it too much, stay cool and see you on the starry road of transmutation and evolution, fellow travellers!