
miércoles, agosto 31, 2022

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Plantar las Semillas Parte 3 – El Par 24 - Miércoles de Sanación – 20 de julio de 2022

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll 
Miércoles de Sanación – 20 de julio de 2022

Plantar las Semillas Parte 3 – El Par 24

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

No se cuestiona a quién le hablo hoy. Y esto va a ser importante en la canalización. Estoy muy conciente de quienes miran, escuchan. Estas canalizaciones en particular serán oídas por todos. El mensaje de hoy, profundo, tal vez más profundo que muchos que hemos dado, debido al momento en que se da.

Aurora Ray - You Are A Warrior Of Light - Aug 31, 2022

You Are A Warrior Of Light

The universe has great things planned for you, and your life is full of miracles!

You never know what the future brings, so always be thankful for what comes your way and enjoy every moment!

When you are facing a crisis or challenge in your life, try to let go of what happened and focus on what can be done to make things better. Your mind is powerful enough to create change in any situation if only you let it!

Jahn J Kassl - Babaji - UNITE AND BUILD COMMUNITIES! - Aug 31, 2022

photo credit: Andrea Percht

In this day and age, the unity of men is the key to success and to victory over darkness. All living beings shall unite so that what is dead shall die and what is not vital can be dismissed.

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
Unite and build communities! 

Freedom, power and strength

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, August 31, 2022

As empaths and sensitives, many of you naturally have profound compassion for others, including those who have hurt you. This is a wonderful trait, but your compassion for those who have hurt you should not exceed your compassion for yourself.

You can understand that a person hurt you due to unhealed aspects they may have. This is wise because it allows you to forgive, but you must also know that until they prioritize healing they are likely to do it again.

Natalia Alba - We are heading into a wonderful new month - Aug 31, 2022


Beloved Ones,

We are heading into a wonderful new month, in which even though we are being surrounded by more loving and harmonic energies, does not mean that we will not have the opportunity to reconnect with the higher aspects of who we are, and the many frequencies that are helping us to move into a more evolved timeline. This is why revisiting all we have created, where we are, and what we need to unify, is so important during this month, as it is only by witnessing from Above what is taking place at the moment, both within and in the outer, that we can begin to shift or move into a new direction.

Judith Kusel - As our own vibrational frequencies rise - Aug 31, 2022

As our own vibrational frequencies rise, everything which is not a match of those self-same frequencies will start to fall away. This, mainly due to the fact that the higher the frequency band, the less dense form becomes. It simply means that denser forms will start disintegrating, at the higher vibrational frequencies.

Expect as The Shift continues that there will be changes in your life, in many forms, thereof. What no longer can hold that the higher frequency bands, will simply disappear, or will leave your life, and you will just not be attracted to it any longer.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 53 - Aug 31, 2022

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
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Schumann Resonance Today

31 August 2022 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 31/8 17:00 The strong activity of today started at 8 UTC when all the frequencies came to be at low values, the reaction of the Amplitude was very sudden, a first movement at 8:30 reached Power 24 while at 10 UTC the most intense phase which culminated with the maximum value of Power 53 at 11 UTC. The Amplitude movements continued for another hour around Power 40 and then dropped to around Power 27 at 15:30 UTC.

Schumann Resonance Today 30/8 17:00 The activity that has taken place so far has been moderate with the maximum value of Amplitude reaching Power 17 shortly after 10 UTC, this is because the oscillations of the frequencies were minimal and the only driving factor for the Amplitude was the Primary Frequency which for a long period remained below the base value.


Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Stand in Your Power & Do This - Aug 31, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very familiar with humanity’s thoughts and thought patterns. We are very familiar with prevailing belief systems and belief systems that go against the grain, so to speak. We enjoy very much seeing someone there on Earth taking control of what it is they are putting out energetically and what it is they are believing in. We are very excited to see how many awakened individuals have broken free from the norm, and yet, we invite you to go even further. Go beyond where you are right now with what you are willing to believe in, and change your thoughts, even if the new thought you are thinking seems illogical to your very rational mind.

martes, agosto 30, 2022

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Plantar las Semillas Parte 2 - Maestría - Miércoles de Sanación – 13 de julio de 2022

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll 
Miércoles de Sanación – 13 de julio de 2022

Plantar las Semillas Parte 2 - Maestría

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético

¡Qué tiempos son estos! Si han oído la canalización de la semana pasada, dije estas palabras: Está aquí; este es el Cambio. El que les dijimos que venía. Esto es la luz llegando al planeta, aunque parezca extraño de muchas maneras.

En estos últimos dos años ha habido una sacudida mayor en muchas cosas. Ha habido decisiones a tomar. ¿Cómo les fue? Ha habido muchas cosas que se presentaron a ustedes, y ahora eso continúa – como dije que lo haría.

Linda M. Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel - THE DIVINE FLOW OF ONENESS - SEPTEMBER 2022



Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss the Divine Flow of Oneness.

The concept of Oneness is all encompassing. All of creation originates from Source, the Creator, the Divine. Everything that exists is part of the energy of Oneness. This includes both manifested and unmanifested energy. It is all part of the great creation of Oneness.

Aurora Ray - The Fifth Dimension Is Now - Aug 30, 2022

The Fifth Dimension Is Now

You've been waiting a while. You are currently on the cusp of a significant change. You have reached an entirely new level of consciousness. This is who you truly are. The Fifth Dimension is now!

You may be aware of this state of being only in dreams. You may have experienced it only in meditation. Or you may have felt it briefly while traveling at high speed in a car or airplane.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Many of you think change has to be all or nothing. In reality, true change comes from small consistent shifts. If there is an area of your life you would like to see change and evolve but have been afraid to do so, how can your inner wise one coax you forward? What small step forward can you take today?

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 17 - Aug 30, 2022

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
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Schumann Resonance Today

30 August 2022 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 30/8 17:00 The activity that has taken place so far has been moderate with the maximum value of Amplitude reaching Power 17 shortly after 10 UTC, this is because the oscillations of the frequencies were minimal and the only driving factor for the Amplitude was the Primary Frequency which for a long period remained below the base value.

Schumann Resonance Today 29/8 17:00 The situation was again significantly animated around 2 UTC when oscillations began on all frequencies, initially not very marked to then move to more intense movements around 9 UTC. The first phase of the Amplitude movements had its period of maximum intensity from 5 to 7 UTC when two significant peaks were recorded, Power 30 and Power 31, this phase was followed by a short period of calm which was interrupted by a deep sinking of frequencies between 9 and 12 UTC which led to the maximum peak of Amplitude at Power 54, reached shortly after 10 UTC. The frequencies are subsequently raised towards their respective base values.


Natalia Alba - After the massive wave in which we have been immersed during all the summer - Aug 30, 2022

Beloved Ones,

After the massive wave in which we have been immersed during all the summer, we now move into a new month, in which we will feel the loving energies that are now descending into our Planet, inviting us to create the energetic balance required for us to continue with the next integration wave around October, especially with the coming of the eclipses.

September is a month that offers us the opportunity to stabilize our bodies and equilibrate ourselves, at all levels, as it is pivotal after a long period of embodiment. A balance that is announced by its six universal frequencies, within a six universal year.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The September 2022 Energies & E.T. Contact - Aug 30, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are feeling very good about the transformations that we have witnessed throughout the month of August. We know that some of you will be asking yourselves the question of, ‘Did I do it? Did I transform?’ Please recognize that you are always doing it; you are always transforming. You are always becoming the higher version of yourselves. You are always moving closer to Source.

lunes, agosto 29, 2022

John Smallman - Jesus - You and M/F/G are in complete harmony in every moment - Aug 29, 2022


You are all dearly loved – infinitely loved by our loving Father. You always have been and you always will be because the Love of God is eternal and unchanging. Therefore there is nothing you can do to alter this divine truth. As you live your human lives you frequently experience doubts about God’s love for you because, from early infancy, you have all experienced some, or maybe much, shaming and punishment by those who were responsible for your well-being, and having naturally assumed that those who are caring for you are good, you therefore concluded (in very early life!) that there must be something wrong with you. This sense of not being good enough, of being unworthy, is very deeply ingrained, and I want to help you to dissolve every aspect of it so that you can come to a deep understanding of its total invalidity, as you awaken to the realization of God’s infinite and eternal Love for you, Love without bounds or conditions of any kind. What God creates is unchangeably perfect. He created you and He wants you to know this eternal truth about yourselves.

In fact, deep within yourselves you do know this, and your awakening is about coming to full and constant awareness of this divine and unalterable truth, thus constantly feeling, experiencing, and delighting in the supreme joy of knowing yourselves as you truly are – eternally, inseparably, and most deeply in LOVE with God. Knowing yourselves as God knows you! And knowing that this is His Will and yours. You and M/F/G are in complete harmony in every moment, aware and fully engaged in the endless expansion of the Vastness that is Love. That state of being, your natural and original state, is eternal and unchanging, and you are awakening into full awareness of it.

To be fully aware, fully conscious, fully alive is God’s Will for you, and as you are eternally One with God it is also your will. You cannot not awaken, sleep is a very temporary and unreal break away from your natural state of being, a state of forgetting your true divine nature, it does not serve you, and so you will let it go.

Before you incarnated for this present lifetime you were fully aware and fully enjoying the oneness of Love that you are within the Presence that is God. And you also knew, having most courageously and enthusiastically volunteered to be physically present as humans in form to assist in humanity’s grand awakening, that this present human life experience would be very demanding and might also involve much pain and suffering. And yet you incarnated – most willingly! Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms you are most highly honored . . . and rightly so! Please start honoring yourselves, it is the Will of God that you do so, that you honor Her divine creation.

Call on us – me, saints, loved ones, who are always watching over you – for help and comfort whenever you doubt yourselves. As a well-known saying states: “When the going gets tough, the tough get going!” And you are far tougher and more powerful than you can possibly conceive of when you use only your human intellects to understand what life as a human is all about. Just remember that you are never alone!

When you take your daily quiet time to commune with us, allow yourselves to just relax into your holy inner sanctuaries without expectations. Allowing is essential. Allowing is surrendering to the energy field of Love within which you are always present, even though you can hardly feel its Presence embracing you. When you do this you will find your worries and anxieties reducing in intensity or even evaporating while you rest there. You do need to do this at least once daily, more often if you can spare the time, because doing so refuels your human energy fields, and then you find within yourselves the intuitive sense, the inner knowing that all is as it should be, and that you are where you are meant to be, doing and being the energy field of Love that is enthusiastically encouraging humanity’s awakening and bringing it to fruition.

Yes, humanity is awakening, and you are doing enormously important work in ensuring that it comes to its most wonderful fruition. Do NOT doubt yourselves, or your purpose. You are all – absolutely NO exceptions – making a massive contribution to this divine plan. It could not be happening without even one of you. You are each essential and unbreakable links in the divine chain of the awakening process.

Doing is a human activity that has been very helpful for you as you have been living your lives in the illusory state you constructed to experience separation. It has enormously expedited your spiritual evolution as you have evolved in form and thus come to a greater understanding of what your purpose is as a human – remembering who you really are.

Being is your natural state where your thoughts are instantly implemented. Thought is what creates, there is no doing – no hard work – involved. Thoughts are choices you make to share and extend the infinite energy field of Love in which you all participate in every moment of your eternal existence. They are harmonious cooperative events that bring intense joy to all involved as they burst into bloom. They are not extremely difficult intellectual exercises like those that humans work with to concoct new consumer devices, or that help scientists, through reasoning, to more fully understand your material environment, and, perhaps, attempt to control it. Thoughts flow beautifully for the greater glory of God.

So I confirm, humanity is awakening, and all of you are making it happen. Keep resetting your amazing and most powerful intent to bring that awakening into being by . . . Being! Being is totally natural, and as you become more accustomed to just allowing yourselves to be, your peace and contentment will effervesce.

Your loving brother, Jesus.


Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, August 29, 2022


You are in the midst of the glorious unfoldment of you. Just as you cannot tug on the petals of a flower to make it open faster, you also can’t stop a bloom from occurring when it is the natural outcome of its growth. It is the same with you. All you must do is stay grounded, and make sure you get enough sun and water. You can trust the process of your own evolution, Dear Ones, because it is a system that is already in place that is designed to lead you through the most beautiful version of embodiment you have ever experienced. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Brenda Hoffman - Who Do You Want to Be today? - August 29, 2022

Dear Ones,

Proclaim your rightness to be – not in anger or jest, but in reality.

Most of you reading this message have hidden from others so well for decades, even eons, that you no longer understand who or what you are. So you concede to the rights of others to be loud, abrasive, angry, verbal, or any action that proclaims their rightness. In turn, you might voice your concern about their words or actions, but not your inner rightness to be.

Aurora Ray - You Are A Gift To This World - Aug 29, 2022

You Are A Gift To This World.

There is a great deal of ascension energy pouring onto the planet at this time. This means that many of you are going to experience heightened states of consciousness, higher vibrational energies, and, in general, the ability to raise your own personal vibration.

For years now, you have been in training to be the lightworker that you are. You have been preparing for this very moment. Now is the time to shine your light into the world and allow others to see it too. The journey of ascension begins now!

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 54 - Aug 29, 2022

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

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Dependencies of Amplitude
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Dependencies of Frequency
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Schumann Resonance Today

29 August 2022 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 29/8 17:00 The situation was again significantly animated around 2 UTC when oscillations began on all frequencies, initially not very marked to then move to more intense movements around 9 UTC. The first phase of the Amplitude movements had its period of maximum intensity from 5 to 7 UTC when two significant peaks were recorded, Power 30 and Power 31, this phase was followed by a short period of calm which was interrupted by a deep sinking of frequencies between 9 and 12 UTC which led to the maximum peak of Amplitude at Power 54, reached shortly after 10 UTC. The frequencies are subsequently raised towards their respective base values.

Schumann Resonance Today 27/8 17:00 Today’s moderate movements lasted four hours, from 7 to 11 UTC due to a series of oscillations of all frequencies which, however, did not reach particularly low values, the Amplitude reached its maximum value at 10 UTC at Power 17. To be noted a significant spike in Quality which reached Power 16 around 16:30 UTC.


Natalia Alba - As we approach September - Aug 29, 2022

Beloved Ones,

As we approach September, we enter into a new cycle, a more harmonic and calming one in which we are being invited to nurture ourselves, as well as both our soul and birth families. This new period is one of reflection, revision, and retrospection, for it is vital to pause for a while and be able to witness all we have walked, until this time.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Your Arcturian DNA & the Completion of the Shift

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very fortunate to be able to reach so many of you in this way. As much as you enjoy receiving these messages from us, we receive just as much joy from being able to bring them to you. We are equipped to reach each and every one of you directly, and you are all equipped to receive us directly, and we want you to know that. We want you to know that you have the power to receive and to translate energy. You do need to put yourself in the right position to do so, however. That means, you must be willing to set aside the time to relax and open up to receive us and our energetic transmission. You must be patient with yourselves and your ability to translate that energy into something.

domingo, agosto 28, 2022

Jim Self - ¿Haces una pausa antes de actuar? - Preguntas y Respuestas - 11 de agosto de 2022


Seminario Online de Jim Self – Mastering Alchemy
11 de agosto de 2022 - ¿Haces una Pausa antes de Actuar?
Preguntas y Respuestas. 
Jim:      Déjenme pasarle esto a Roxane, ella tiene preguntas interesantes. Llevará un minuto para que la gente aquí haga preguntas, es parte del encanto de todo esto. Entonces, Roxane, ¿cómo fue eso? ¿No había nadie en la llamada? Solo yo y tú.
Roxane:          Eso es todo lo que cuenta.
Jim:     Sí, lo que cuenta es solo tú, el tú que está allí sentado.
Roxane:          Eso estuvo realmente bueno, y yo tuve un par de momentos de sonrisa y diversión. ¿Tú solías molestar a Bobby Andersen?
Jim:     Sí.

Jennifer Hoffman - We have to be willing to release old beliefs for transformation - Aug 28, 2022

A few years ago I wrote that ‘We cannot heal the world by putting ourselves on the cross’. This refers to the end of the Martyred Healer paradigm in which we sacrifice ourselves, our joy, peace of mind and heart in the name of our ‘light work’, and open ourselves to the Christed Awareness paradigm.

It’s a graduation where we become empowered, joyful, light leaders, embodying the sacred and powerful divinity that forces us to choose between being in service as a servant to others in self limiting sacrifice and the Martyred Healer or of service as a source of inspiration in empowered mastery. We make this choice, usually unconsciously, every day and in every situation. The choices we consider as being possibilities are determined by our beliefs, what we believe is true and what we believe is possible.

Aurora Ray - The Ultimate Truth - Aug 28, 2022

The Ultimate Truth

Greetings, friends! I'm delighted to share our wonderful Galactic Federation's most recent communication.

"Dear ones. We are your family of light from the Galactic Federation.

We are coming to you with a message of truth. The truth will set you free.

As you know, our presence here has been no secret whatsoever. We have been here all along.

We are pleased to report that the Light Forces have reached the point of critical mass and are ready to perform the final stages of the operation.

Blossom Goodchild - Federación de la Luz - Agosto 21, 2022

Blossom: Una vez más, estoy aquí para charlar. Siento, por ahora, no continuar con los Códigos y Cristales. En cierto modo entendemos la esencia y no quiero sumergirme demasiado ¡en caso de que me quede sin Oxígeno! ¿Quizás que nos hablen sobre ustedes? Ese sería un lugar interesante desde donde empezar.

FOL: Blossom, te damos la bienvenida. Le damos la bienvenida a todos los que eligen venir a este espacio, obtener información y elevar su energía mientras conversamos.

En primer lugar, no hay realmente un 'Ustedes' sobre el que hablar. No hay un 'Nosotros'.

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - 26 de Agosto, 2022

Cuando pensabais que las cosas se estaban asentando, han dado un giro para peor. Los problemas parecen no tener fin, ya que la Humanidad experimenta cambios que nunca anticipó ni esperó. Sin embargo, son necesarios para que se produzcan los que se necesitan para mantener vuestros pies en el camino que conduce a la Nueva Era. Lo lejos que esté depende de vosotros y de vuestras reacciones a lo que está ocurriendo, que está desarraigando muchas cosas con las que estáis familiarizados y que no teníais idea de que eran inadecuadas para vuestras necesidades futuras.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - All the money I give is blessed and returned to me multiplied - August 28, 2022

All the money I give is blessed and returned to me multiplied. 

Dear One,

You have been given limitless resources to use in your earth life. These limitless resources include a world of wondrous beauty, relationships that affirm the divinity within you, freedom to be the best you can be, and an abundant flow of money. This flow of money is sometimes the most difficult of God’s gifts for you to see in your life. You stand in the midst of this energy, which can be used to make your life more comfortable, and yet many times, your ability to receive these resources is limited by your thoughts and by your resistance to receiving.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 17 - Aug 28, 2022

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

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Dependencies of Amplitude
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Dependencies of Frequency
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Schumann Resonance Today

28 August 2022 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 27/8 17:00 Today’s moderate movements lasted four hours, from 7 to 11 UTC due to a series of oscillations of all frequencies which, however, did not reach particularly low values, the Amplitude reached its maximum value at 10 UTC at Power 17. To be noted a significant spike in Quality which reached Power 16 around 16:30 UTC.

Schumann Resonance Today 27/8 17:00 In yesterday’s update we talked about a double blackout, to all effects, however, the blackout was only one, when the equipment yesterday did not record any data, probably due to the strong solar activity and the energy fluxes that are coming down on the Planet. What we called “second blackout” was instead due to a probable malfunction of the site or of the transmission of data from the equipment, in fact from this morning, after the graphics were frozen during night, the hole was filled. What they show is yesterday’s high, Power 25 just before midnight UTC, and Power 27 at 00:30 UTC, which is today’s max value.


Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Collaborating with Pleiadians, Sirians, Lyrans & Andromedans - Aug 28, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are offering you these transmissions to help remind you of who you have been and to beckon you towards who you are becoming. You all need to have the gaps filled in somehow and in some way, so you don’t fall into the trap that says you are only a human being, living on Earth. Many of you never considered the idea that you had past lives in other parts of the galaxy until well into your adulthood. It is hard for your minds to accept those types of possibilities as true, even though from our perspective it makes perfect sense. You didn’t just pop into existence there on Earth one day. You have a history.

sábado, agosto 27, 2022

Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - August 27, 2022

I had decided to do a channelling either Thursday or Saturday morning. On Thursday morning, from the moment I awoke, I had a niggly nudge for the need to sit quietly and tune in. This is not something that happens regularly by any means, yet, enough to know I should adhere to the nudge. The minute I sat down and closed my eyes, I saw myself sitting as I was, with a flowing shaft of Light entering from above into my crown chakra. I just let it happen for five minutes or so, feeling I must be getting a download of some sort. Deciding I would definitely channel that morning, I had breakfast and pottered a bit before settling in for the communication.

Asara Adams - The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light - Energy Update - Aug 27, 2022

The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.

Dear One, humanity is evolving rapidly.

However, it is a bit of a dance: two steps forward, one step back.

In the midst of the ever changing situations, there is only one thing that will be your ticket to eternal peace and wellbeing: Stillness.

Aurora Ray - The Light Has Arrived! - Aug 27, 2022

The Light Has Arrived!

Dear ones,

For too long, we have been living under a dark cloud of oppression. We have been forced to live in a world dominated by greedy, evil men and women, willing to go to any length to control and destroy mankind and our Mother Earth. They have manipulated us into thinking this is normal and even natural! This is neither normal nor acceptable!

Those that abuse others cannot do so when we stand up and say "NO!" Those who seek to abuse others cannot continue when we speak our truth and take action. Those who would lie and hide behind their lies cannot tell us what to do when we see through their deception's veil.

Jim Self - ¿Haces una pausa antes de actuar? - 11 de agosto de 2022 - Conferencia


Seminario Online de Jim Self – Mastering Alchemy
11 de agosto de 2022 - Conferencia

¿Haces una Pausa antes de Actuar?

¡Hola! Bienvenidos. Siempre es muy lindo estar aquí ¿Cómo les está yendo? ¿Cómo están experimentándose a sí mismos? ¿Cómo va su vida? ¿Qué están notando que sucede a su alrededor? Más específicamente, qué está sucediendo dentro de ustedes, en ustedes, y lo que se está desarrollando a su alrededor, cómo está jugando en su percepción conciente.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 27 - Aug 27, 2022

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
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Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

27 August 2022 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 27/8 17:00 In yesterday’s update we talked about a double blackout, to all effects, however, the blackout was only one, when the equipment yesterday did not record any data, probably due to the strong solar activity and the energy fluxes that are coming down on the Planet. What we called “second blackout” was instead due to a probable malfunction of the site or of the transmission of data from the equipment, in fact from this morning, after the graphics were frozen during night, the hole was filled. What they show is yesterday’s high, Power 25 just before midnight UTC, and Power 27 at 00:30 UTC, which is today’s max value.

Schumann Resonance Today 26/8 17:00 After the previous blackout ended at 5 UTC this morning, lasting about 16 hours, the data returned to flow for 7 hours, from 5 to 12 UTC, and then disappeared again due to another blackout that at the moment of this update has been going on for 5 hours. The few data available show the Primary Frequency remaining around 7.50 Hz and a single Amplitude movement reaching Power 7 at 6 UTC.


Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Secret Forces that Want Humanity Divided - Aug 27, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been impressed by humanity’s fortitude in the face of so many oppressors throughout your history. You have continued to persevere in the face of powerful individuals and groups who want to keep you down, who want to keep you in the dark. Now, many who are awake have learned about this oppression that is going on from unseen forces, oppression that doesn’t even show its face to you. But you have learned about these oppressors, and you have gotten angry, sad and afraid, because of what they have done and because of what they might do next.

viernes, agosto 26, 2022

Aurora Ray - You Are unique; You Are A Starseed - Aug 26, 2022

You Are unique; You Are A Starseed

Dear ones,

In the beginning, we all lived together as a collective whole. There were no nations and no boundaries; there was only one planet, and we all lived together in peace and harmony.

However, our way of life is rapidly changing—the Earth is becoming more and more crowded, and our resources are being depleted. Our beautiful planet has been polluted, eroded, and exploited by humans over many generations.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - August 26, 2022

When you may have thought matters were settling down, they have taken a turn for the worse. The problems seem endless as Mankind experiences changes that they never anticipated or expected. Yet they are necessary to bring about those that are needed to keep your feet upon a path that leads to the New Age. How far away it is depends upon you and your reactions to what is happening that is uprooting many things that you are familiar with and had no idea that they are unsuited for your future needs.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Amor Más Allá de la Muerte - Miércoles de Sanación 22 de junio 2022

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Miércoles de Sanación – 22 de junio de 2022

El Amor Más Allá de la Muerte

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon, del Servicio Magnético.

Todos estos mensajes, los últimos tres de este mes, todos sobre el amor, y este también. Esta vez les traigo una percepción de la que tal vez no se han dado cuenta verdaderamente. Todo sobre el amor. Es un amor bello, bellísimo. Y sin embargo muchos de ustedes se lo pierden, no lo comprenden. Incluso es para controversia, en círculos metafísicos, porque la idea que voy a presentar otra vez más, como lo he hecho muchas veces, no se entiende verdaderamente.

Natalie Glasson - The Nature Spirits - Balanced Creation - Aug 26, 2022

Channeled through Natalie Glasson
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings, Namaste, we are a collective energy of the Nature Spirits. We come forth with our love, our respect, and our gratitude for those of you who are extending your light far and wide upon the Earth. We thank you dearly for the light you have shared with the Nature Kingdom, and we share our light with you too. We collect your light, we enhance it, we magnify it, and we send it to you, to all of humanity, all beings and Mother Earth. It is our purpose to magnify light and to enhance the vibration of light existing within Mother Earth.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Double Blackout - Aug 26, 2022

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
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Schumann Resonance Today

26 August 2022 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 26/8 17:00 After the previous blackout ended at 5 UTC this morning, lasting about 16 hours, the data returned to flow for 7 hours, from 5 to 12 UTC, and then disappeared again due to another blackout that at the moment of this update has been going on for 5 hours. The few data available show the Primary Frequency remaining around 7.50 Hz and a single Amplitude movement reaching Power 7 at 6 UTC.

Schumann Resonance Today 25/8 17:00 The data flow stopped at 7:30 UTC this morning, so the blackout has been running for 9 and a half hours. The only data available for today shows frequency swings that began at 3 UTC leading to an isolated peak in Amplitude which reached Power 24 at 4:30 UTC.


Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Future of the Awakened Collective - Aug 26, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been excited for quite some time to discover with all of you this path that you are now on to a better version of reality, one that supports you as individuals and supports you as a collective of beings. We can see those of you who are awake making the progress that you need to make in order to lead the human collective down this path, and it is a path of self-empowerment. You, who we refer to as the awakened collective, are coming together more and more to share your ideas about the future that you want for yourselves and for the rest of humankind.

jueves, agosto 25, 2022

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Miércoles de sanación - La Pieza Faltante - 15 de junio, 2022

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Miércoles de Sanación – 15 de junio de 2022

La Pieza Faltante 

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Todo este mes estamos examinando un tema muy, muy grande. Es la conexión del amor. Esa conexión, queridos, es muy profunda, y va de muchas maneras. Les hemos dicho que la energía que ustedes llaman amor es mucho más grande que lo que ustedes creen o entienden. Muchos de ustedes pueden ver eso, entender eso, pero hasta que experimentan este amor, este amor del Espíritu, este amor de sus guías, como hemos explicado, todas estas cosas que verdaderamente les dicen la experiencia de esto, es difícil hablar del tema.

Aurora Ray - WE ARE ON THE BRINK OF ASCENSION - Aug 25, 2022


You will know you have ascended when you no longer fear death and when you realize that your mind is not your brain.

I have been asked by many to give you the best advice I can. I know this is a time of great change and hardship for many. The dark forces are trying to corrupt the truth and stop the Ascension by creating fear and confusion.

They are very afraid of this Ascension because they know that their power over humanity is coming to an end. They are trying to resist this change in every way possible.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 24 & Blackout - Aug 25, 2022

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

25 August 2022 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 25/8 17:00 The data flow stopped at 7:30 UTC this morning, so the blackout has been running for 9 and a half hours. The only data available for today shows frequency swings that began at 3 UTC leading to an isolated peak in Amplitude which reached Power 24 at 4:30 UTC. Schumann Resonance Today 24/8 17:00 The Primary Frequency after remaining for about 32 consecutive hours below the base value began to rise yesterday at 19 UTC reaching 7.83 Hz around midnight UTC. The Amplitude began slight movements shortly thereafter, at 2 UTC, with a series of isolated peaks the strongest of which reached Power 16 just before 5 UTC. Around 7 UTC all four frequency measurements reported profound oscillations that led to an increase in the intensity of the isolated peaks of the Amplitude which hit Power 25 at 9 UTC. These oscillations stopped shortly after, when Frequency 1 started to fall again while the remaining 2 returned to around the base values, this put an end to the isolated peaks of the Amplitude which is remaining at calm values.


Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, August 25, 2022

Dear Ones, there is nothing you have to do. You change, evolve, and expand because you want to. It brings you great joy and deep soul satisfaction.

We understand it can be hard to accept because you have been conditioned to think otherwise, but your beingness is your energetic contribution to the planet and your growth is your service.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Opening of Your Third Eyes - Aug 25, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very eager to witness all of you gaining more access to your clairvoyant abilities, your ESP, your sixth sense. We know that some of you came in with those gifts and abilities turned on, and others of you have developed those gifts since you’ve awakened. But there are still so many who have yet to tap in to these powers, and make no mistake about it, they do make a person more powerful.

miércoles, agosto 24, 2022

Aurora Ray - Ascension Manifestation - Aug 24, 2022

Ascension Manifestation

Dear family of light,

When you're first exploring ascension or the idea of spiritual enlightenment, it can seem like a big and complicated concept. And to some extent, it is. But if you take a step back and remember that ascension is about your personal journey of discovery, it doesn't have to be scary or overwhelming.

There are many layers to this journey, and each one takes you deeper into yourself, connecting you with all that is around you. It's an exciting process that ultimately leads to profound self-discovery and an increased understanding of your place in the universe. That's why the sacred sciences are so important — they help you expand your consciousness and develop a greater connection with the world around you.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Miércoles de Sanación – 8 de junio de 2022

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll 
Miércoles de Sanación – 8 de junio de 2022

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

La serie para este mes, tal vez mi favorita hasta aquí, se llama la Conexión del Amor. Esta es la segunda de cuatro pequeñas canalizaciones con respecto al amor.

Queridos, podría decirles muchas cosas sobre eso que ustedes llaman amor. Y ninguna de ellas llevaría el impacto, la fuerza, la enormidad, el esplendor, de lo que verdaderamente significa. Déjenme darles un indicio. Puede que yo haya dicho estas cosas antes, pero no se las puede decir demasiadas veces. De hecho podríamos decir que todo este mes estamos reforzando, revisitando, si quieren, muchas cosas que queremos que ustedes sepan y entiendan, especialmente en lo que está sucediendo en el mundo ahora mismo.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 25 - Aug 24, 2022

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

24 August 2022 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 24/8 17:00 The Primary Frequency after remaining for about 32 consecutive hours below the base value began to rise yesterday at 19 UTC reaching 7.83 Hz around midnight UTC. The Amplitude began slight movements shortly thereafter, at 2 UTC, with a series of isolated peaks the strongest of which reached Power 16 just before 5 UTC. Around 7 UTC all four frequency measurements reported profound oscillations that led to an increase in the intensity of the isolated peaks of the Amplitude which hit Power 25 at 9 UTC. These oscillations stopped shortly after, when Frequency 1 started to fall again while the remaining 2 returned to around the base values, this put an end to the isolated peaks of the Amplitude which is remaining at calm values.

Schumann Resonance Today 23/8 17:00 The characteristic of the last 24 hours was the Primary Frequency which from yesterday at 11 UTC fell to 7.40 Hz and at the time of this update, therefore after about 30 consecutive hours, it is still on that value. The other frequencies, on the other hand, fluctuated around their respective base values. As often happens when only Frequency 1 has significant decreases it was the Quality that recorded significant values, the maximum of its activity was yesterday from 17 to 5 UTC today with the peak of Power 19 at 17:30 UTC. Today the maximum value it reached was Power 15 just before 2 UTC.

Schumann Resonance Today 22/8 17:00 The day that until 11 UTC had passed with slight oscillations of the frequencies and moderate peaks of the Amplitude, which reached its maximum at 1 UTC with Power 17, was subsequently moved with a marked decrease in the Primary Frequency alone which led the Quality towards significant values with the maximum at Power 16 around 14 UTC. However, the Amplitude did not react to the movements of Frequency 1 alone, remaining on calm values.
