
miércoles, junio 01, 2022

Celia Fenn - The Expansion of Love and the Deep Dive - June 1, 2022


The Expansion of Love and the Deep Dive.....New Earth timelines and new light codes

The past few days have been crazy weird for me. The energy has been filled with anxiety, sadness and crazy dreams, especially last night.

Archangel Michael says two things are at play here: the integration of the Eclipse Codes reaching crescendo and the Sun moving into Gemini opposite the Galactic center as we approach the 6/6/6 portal on Monday. This will be a triple digit and intense portal.

The 6 energy is always about Love. We are expanding the field of Love as we ground into our new identity and Energy Signature as "Luminosans" or "Shining Ones". We are the new species that will create the New Earth.

In this major shift, we have been required to allow for some weirdness as the timelines reconfigure.

One is the deep dive within as we clear out some more "debris" of past miscreations on older timelines.

Speaking of timelines I have been noticing the "Mandela effect" recently. I was amused to discover that Henry Kissinger and Willie Nelson are still alive on this timeline. I remember Henry Kissinger dying at least twice on previous timelines. Also Vangelis, who died a couple of weeks ago. I do remember him dying about 2 years ago, because at the time I spent a lot of time trying to locate a recording of his "China" album which I really loved in the days of cassette tapes. So, yes deeply weird to shift timelines and arrive here where we are needed on this New Earth time line.

Please don't let the weirdness throw you. It is all good in a Quantum Reality. Time is not solid, it slips and slides and spirals and does the fandango. Just flow........

As Love expands, so will the Reality of Love. We will start to make real connections with Soul Tribes (other Luminosans) and start to create the wonder of Love that will be the New Earth Sacred Planet of Light. This is a Miracle of Light and Love and it is taking place right now!

You are becoming part of the Miraculous expansion of Love!

Have a blessed day everyone!