
jueves, marzo 03, 2022

Judith Kusel - There is so much Love - Mar 3, 2022

"There is so much Love, so much Joy, so much beauty to experience in every single living moment of being alive and well and on planet earth.

While I was preparing for my weekly White Flame Teaching session on Zoom last evening, I was reading this by Dr. Joshua David Stone on how to ascend, and it touched me deeply for it says so much about life and living:

“Learn to master your emotional body. This is the golden key to passing the second initiation. Don’t let your emotions push you around. You are God and must learn to choose your own emotions. When this golden key is mastered, you will have longer and longer periods of sustained inner peace, tranquility and joy.

“Learn to master your mental body. You are not your mind. Your mind is your tool for creating your reality. This is the golden Key for passing the third initiation which leads to soul merge and a fully integrated personality.

“Eliminate all desire except the desire for liberation, ascension, and God-realization. Material desire is one of the major stumbling blocks for aspirants and disciples on the spiritual path.

“Learn to develop self-love. If you don’t love yourself you will end up seeking love, worth, approval, and acceptance form other people, which will throw you out of balance.”

“Never give your personal power to anyone or anything ever again. Don’t give it to other people. Don’t give it to the Ascended Masters of God. Don’t give it to your subconscious mind, inner child, negative ego, desires, five senses, or physical, emotional, or mental body. This lesson may be the single most important lesson of all. Your spiritual path begins when you start to own your own personal power. Without personal power you will be a total victim all your life, and you will be completely dysfunctional. Without personal power you can’t even be loving or really do any of the other practices. This point cannot be emphasized strong enough.”

“See through spiritual eyes, not your physical, egotistical eyes. You see life either through your Christ mind or your negative ego mind. There are no other choices. What you see is a mirror of what you are giving to yourself. You will not realize God unless you see your brother and sisters as God. What you see in others is what you are seeing in yourself. What you give to your brothers and sisters it what you are giving to yourself and to God.” (Dr. Joshua David Stone on ascension)


In any area of life where you give your power away, you are disempowered. And you will resent those to whom you give you power away and whoever and whatever. For in truth you are not free. Your life is run by others or by your incessant desires and longings.

I sit here this morning in immense gratitude, inner joy, love and awe. For indeed, the deeper on delves into the magnitude of ascension, the more is revealed to you, and the more you experience Omnipresence, Omnipotence, and Omniscience, Omnibenevolence, Omnipresent Love, Light and Wisdom.

It is way of life and indeed it becomes this ever fully present Being in the state of awareness of what you consciously as choosing to be, to become and to ascend into.

As you grow in consciousness, as you shift dimensional the old stuff does not bother you anymore, there are fewer buttons getting pushed, and indeed you find that deep inner peace, inner equilibrium, that all abiding love for self and others, and more than this the deepest Godly Wisdom, and Christ Consciousness.

It becomes a way of life!

Lovingly living life to the fullest with every single breath you take, every thought you think, every word you speak or write, and every action you choose to take or not take. Indeed, it is there within you, AS ONE with the Divine.

I AM Love loving!

I AM Love Loving!

I AM Love Loving!

Judith Kusel


Photo: Duguay