
jueves, marzo 31, 2022

Aurora Ray - A Message From The Galactic Federation - Mar 31, 2022

A Message From The Galactic Federation

Dear beloved ones,

I am delighted to share the message from the Galactic Federation. The message is relayed by a multitude of light beings – some of whom have been with us for a long time, others are newly arrived, but all of them have a common goal – to help us:

"We are the Galactic Federation of Light. We are a collective of thousands of civilizations that exist on the outer edges of our Galaxy. We are contacting you to greet you on behalf of the collective consciousness of your planet.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, March 31, 2022

Breathe, Dear Ones, breathe. When you focus upon your breathing, you not only connect with your body, you also connect with the natural universal rhythm of ebb and flow. It moves you into alignment with both giving and receiving, expanding and releasing. and the overall system of balance that you are a part of.

When the energies get intense, just breathe. Many humans have a habit of holding their breath when things are feeling stressful which puts you further out of balance. Shifting into conscious breathing is deciding to not hold yourself separate from the support that is all around you.

Kryon a través de Lee Carroll - Egipto 3 - Descubrimiento del Yo Parte 1- 7 de marzo de 2022

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Egipto 3 - Cairo – 7 de marzo de 2022

Descubrimiento del Yo - Parte 1

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

En la tierra del descubrimiento, ciertamente cuanto más oyen de los expertos, de los que han estudiado durante años, lo que dicen sobre esta tierra, más impresionados se espera que estén. No solo por lo que se ha descubierto sino lo que yace bajo la arena para descubrimientos futuros.

Esta es una breve meditación y canalización que llamaré Descubrimiento del Yo, y vamos a hacer un número de canalizaciones con respecto a esto. De modo que empezamos con lo sencillo, simple. Empezamos con la historia, o la parábola, si la quieren llamar así, una alegoría, de un hombre llamado Wo. Y usamos esto constantemente como ejemplo, siempre metafórico, de una obviedad, una verdad.

Kryon a través de Lee Carroll - Egipto 2 - Una Historia Unidimensional - 6 de marzo de 2022


Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Egipto 2 – 6 de marzo de 2022

Una Historia Unidimensional

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon, del Servicio Magnético.

Esta canalización será para controversia. Yo sé que les gustaría eso. Y voy a llamarla Una Historia Dimensional. Por un momento me gustaría llevarlos hacia atrás en el tiempo, no mucho tiempo atrás., cuando mi socio, el hombre en la silla, se encontró en un lugar lejano llamado Bolivia. Estaba con un grupo muy parecido a este, un poco más pequeño, en una maravilla arquitectónica para su tiempo. En la cumbre de un cerro, un sitio arqueológico de tremenda importancia llamado Tiahuanaco. Y él escuchó a los guías que contaban la historia de lo que se había encontrado en esa arquitectura, lo que estaba allí, lo que habían logrado destapar. Muy parecido a aquí, solo que no tenía un tiempo tan largo de estudio. Pero ciertamente tenía la distancia en años, porque se dice que Tiahuanaco ha sido fechada por el carbono como de 3.000 años de antigüedad. Y tenían un misterio entre manos. Habían excavado hacia abajo en la tierra y habían descubierto algo que no tenía sentido alguno. Artefactos que tenían que estar allí; junto con otros artefactos que tampoco debían estar allí – de otra época. Y estaban muy confundidos, porque los vieron allí, en el mismo plano de suelo.

Kryon a través de Lee Carroll - Egipto 1 - Consciencia más elevada - 5 de marzo de 2022

Canalización de Kryon a través de Lee Carroll

Egipto 1 Cairo – Consciencia Más Elevada 5 de marzo de 2022

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Eso que ustedes llaman Dios, esa Fuente Creadora, la bondad, la belleza, la majestad que es Dios, conoce tu nombre, sabe dónde estás ahora mismo. Muchos en el planeta quieren separarte de la gloria del Creador, diciendo que no puedes lograr esto o no puedes lograr aquello. El Creador no está en un vacío; sabe sobre ti, sobre esta excursión, lo que estás pensando, lo que está ocurriendo en este planeta; todas esas cosas. Porque hay mucho amor para ustedes. Dios es amor. Y lo que sea que pienses sobre tu capacidad para lograr tal vez alguna elevación de consciencia para que puedas ser parte de la Fuente Creadora, estás allí; en el nivel de que Dios te ha creado a imagen suya. Y esa imagen no es la imagen de Dios sobre un pedazo de papel. La imagen es una metáfora. Es una imagen de fuerza, es una imagen de amor, una imagen de conocimiento, de luz. Creado a imagen suya, eso eres.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 22 - Mar 31, 2022

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

31 March 2022 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 31/3 17:00 The situation of instability due to the uncoordinated movements of the frequencies remains, while the Primary Frequency has returned to oscillate on the base value from 20 yesterday and the Secondary is also stable on the base value (14 Hz) more or less from the same time, frequency 3 remained low for most of the time showing an upward trend in the last few hours. The maximum value reached today by Amplitude was Power 22, shortly after 7 UTC, with an isolated peak of the duration of just under 20 minutes. Quality also recorded significant movements starting at 12 UTC reaching the maximum of Power 17 shortly after 15 UTC.

Schumann Resonance Today 30/3 17:00 From 10 UTC, while the Primary Frequency stabilized just above 7.30 Hz, Frequencies 2, 3 and 4 began a slow and gradual descent that is still apparently taking place. This condition led to a further increase in activity and increasing peaks in Amplitude, high values that reverberated on all four of its measurements; after touching Power 49 at 11 and shortly after 13 UTC, Power 42 was recorded at 14 and finally at 15:30 UTC the highest value of Power 60 so far.


James Gilliland - Heads Up Incoming Massive multiple solar flares and CMEs Earth bound - Mar 31, 2022

Spring ECETI Events

Heads Up Incoming
Massive multiple solar flares and CMEs Earth bound.


Personally I would stay out of the sun for the next few days, find a grounded metal roof to sleep under. While clearing some limbs at ECETI Hawaii and removing trash it felt as if I was getting cooked. Microwaved like some carbon based life form or dinner in a microwave oven. We have spoken often about the effects of Solar Flares and CMEs. It not only affects radios and communications, creates beautiful Aurora Borealis at the poles, it also creates severe weather, an increase in earthquake and volcanic activity. One of the greatest effects are with the bioelectric fields around the physical body. Some will become lethargic, others may experience emotional outbursts, there are many physical problems especially with the heart that can also arise. It is best to stay out of the sun, drink lots of water,

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Opportunities to Shift to 5D All Day, Every Day - Mar 31, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are so very pleased with your progress, as you move to this next stage of your spiritual evolution. We notice how many people are in fact taking the time to stop and appreciate the beauty of your world, and we also notice the continued acts of kindness and support for your fellow humans. We are witnessing the blossoming of the human collective consciousness right now, and we are very pleased to say that you are taking those necessary steps to get you to shift, to get you to that level of consciousness where you know yourself as your higher self.

miércoles, marzo 30, 2022

Jahn J Kassl - Message from Sanat Kumara - LONGING FOR SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS - March 30, 2022

 photo credit: Andrea Percht
30. March 2022 

Message from Sanat Kumara

Only those who know that they are in the right life and busy with the right tasks are happy and peaceful, no matter what they do. 

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations
Longing for self-consciousness
Live your life!

How do you develop the longing for self-consciousness?

Beloved human,

It is the course of involution that naturally brings you to this point. You can neither force the longing for God nor the longing for self-consciousness. It happens when the time is ripe and when you are ready.

Linda M. Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel - RADIATING DIVINE LOVE - APRIL 2022



Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss radiating Divine Love.

Divine Love is a frequency that comes from the Creator. It surpasses all other levels of vibration. It is all-encompassing and permeates the multidimensions. It includes highest good for all Beings and all of Creation.

Jim Self - ¿Estás preparado para una sorpresa? - Preguntas y Respuestas - Mar 10, 2022

Mastering Alchemy

¿Estás preparado para una sorpresa? - Preguntas y Respuestas

10 de marzo de 2022

Jim: Me interesan las preguntas, ustedes tienen preguntas. Mucho se ha dicho, se ha creado una configuración de energía muy grande, para ocupar, si se elige. Y estaré feliz de responder a sus preguntas por un rato.

Déjenme pasar esto a Roxane y ver adónde vamos.

Roxane: Las personas nuevas: para hacer la pregunta tienes que estar ingresado en el Seminario, y aparece del Panel de Control a mi pantalla, y puedo hacer la pregunta por ti, nos dices si eres una persona en Nivel 1, 2, o 3, o graduado, o si nunca participaste con nosotros, porque eso ayudará a Jim a responder tu pregunta más eficazmente.

Aurora Ray - Important Ascension Update - Mar 30, 2022

Important Ascension Update

Dear beloved ones,

The ascension process is well underway, and the Galactic Federation is working hard to assist the many millions of people choosing to ascend as quickly as possible. This is a monumental process, and as such, some delays can be expected as it is carefully coordinated with more than two million ascension candidates.

The first thing that you need to know, and I am bound to tell you, is that we are not individuals; we are souls. I'll take it a step further and say we are not even souls: we are consciousnesses. And if we go a step further, we can always exist in pure space.

Lena Stevens - ACTUALIZACIÓN DE LUNA NUEVA 31-3/1-4-2022 - Mar 30, 2022

Traducción y Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Síguenos Por el Canal “Despertando Conciencia” de TELEGRAM: https://t.me/joinchat/UBJK3YvzA2iGn37
Síguenos Por el Canal “El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon” Unicamente KRYON: https://t.me/joinchat/VkhJDmSrCz0jwDxg
Síguenos Ahora en MeWe www.mewe.com/i/elmanantialdelcaduceo

Queridos amigos,

La Luna Nueva en Aries es el viernes 1 de abril a las 00:24, justo después de la medianoche del 31 de marzo. En algunas zonas horarias, la Luna Nueva es el 31 de marzo.

Esta es una Luna Nueva extremadamente potente, llena de fuego, oportunidades e inspiración para comenzar algo nuevo. Marca el comienzo de un nuevo ciclo y debe honrarse como el establecimiento y la base de nuevos compromisos, objetivos, confianza, claridad, cambio y actitud. Estamos llamados a la acción, a ser mejores, a ser más conscientes y alineados con el espíritu. Es un buen momento para revisar los objetivos e intenciones y restablecerlos y confirmarlos tal como están, o refinarlos y mejorarlos si se sienten demasiado limitados.

Blossom Goodchild - Federación de la Luz - Marzo 28, 2022


Blossom: Hola de nuevo No estoy muy segura de si tengo la vibración adecuada para esto hoy, pero el momento es bueno, así que veamos. ¿Qué queda por hablar… del precio del pescado?

FOL: Bienvenida. Sentimos tu Energía y está bien estar un poco por debajo de la media cuando conversamos. Estar bajo la par no cambia nuestro Amor y deseo de comunicarnos contigo, lo que a su vez te permite sentirte elevada, tal vez.

Kryon - Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana - El Momento es Perfecto - Equinoccio de marzo 2022

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll 
ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana

Equinoccio de marzo 2022

El Momento es Perfecto

Saludos, queridas damas, Yo Soy Kryon

Mi socio se aleja. En esta canalización particular nos gustaría contarles algo que puede no ser obvio para ustedes. Para algunas puede serlo, pero el tiempo es raro; en su mente, en su percepción, ustedes tienden a olvidar los períodos largos que han pasado. Algunas de ustedes están tan completamente en el ahora que, cuando hablan del pasado, parece que fuera muy cercano. Y sin embargo no lo fue. Todo eso está en la percepción del ser humano.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Instead of being frustrated by what isn’t being supported, we highly recommend you embrace your phase and explore what you can do right now. Most people find the lull phase more challenging than the action phase. So we invite you to ask yourself, what did you wish you had more time for when you were very busy? You were yearning for a chance to do those things. If the energies are supporting those activities now, we encourage you to take advantage of those opportunities!

Jennifer Hoffman - Estás aumentando de peso - Mar 30, 2022

Estás aumentando de peso, te duelen los dientes, estás cansado y te sientes lento, sientes que estás en otra dimensión o que el tiempo se detiene, te sientes fuera de lugar, fuera de balance y fuera de fase, estás con hambre, tienes antojos de comida o no tienes ganas de comer, tienes náuseas y no duermes bien. Tienes que tomar varias siestas durante el día y la menor cantidad de esfuerzo físico es un gran esfuerzo. Tal vez te sientas motivado y lleno de energía entre episodios de fatiga.

Jennifer Hoffman - You're gaining weight - Mar 30, 2022

You're gaining weight, your teeth hurt, you're tired and feel sluggish, you feel like you're in another dimension or time is standing still, you feel out of sorts, off balance, and out of phase, you're hungry, have food cravings, or don't feel like eating, you feel nauseous and you are not sleeping well. You have to take multiple naps during the day and the least amount of physical exertion is a huge effort. Maybe you're feeling motivated and energized in between bouts of fatigue.

Celia Fenn - Así que este fue el GRAN día de hoy - Mar 30, 2022


Así que este fue el GRAN día de hoy:

LLAMA SOLAR CLASE X: Los satélites en órbita terrestre acaban de detectar una llamarada solar clase X1.3 (30 de marzo a las 1737 TU). La fuente es la mancha solar activa AR2975, la misma mancha solar que ya ha lanzado al menos dos CME hacia la Tierra esta semana. El Observatorio de Dinámica Solar de la NASA registró el destello ultravioleta extremo de la llamarada: (Spaceweather.com)

He estado esperando una bengala de Clase X durante bastante tiempo. Las principales energías se están moviendo en este momento.

Mucha gente se siente exhausta con todas las fluctuaciones y cambios de energía.

Recuerda practicar un "cuidado personal" extremo y mantenerte hidratado.

Nos dirigimos a un período de gran realineación y expansión de la conciencia junto con una mayor transmisión de Códigos de Luz.

Es importante no resistirse, sino permitir que fluyan las energías.

Estamos comenzando un importante proceso de renacimiento que culminará en el Eclipse de Luna Llena de Escorpio en mayo.

Aquí vamos......


Celia Fenn - So this was the BIG one today - Mar 30, 2022


So this was the BIG one today :

X-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: Earth-orbiting satellites have just detected an X1.3-class solar flare (March 30 @ 1737 UT). The source is active sunspot AR2975--the same sunspot that has already hurled at least two CMEs toward Earth this week. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the flare's extreme ultraviolet flash: (Spaceweather.com)

I have been expecting an X Class flare for quite a while. Major energies are moving at the moment.

So many people are feeling exhausted with all the energy fluctuations and changes.

Remember to practise extreme "self care" and stay hydrated.

We are heading into a period of major realignment and consciousness expansion together with the increased transmission of Light Codes.

It is important not to resist but just allow the energies to flow.

We are beginning an important rebirthing process that will culminate at the Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse in May.

Here we go......


Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 46 ⚡️ 60 - Mar 30, 2022

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

30 March 2022 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 30/3 17:00 From 10 UTC, while the Primary Frequency stabilized just above 7.30 Hz, Frequencies 2, 3 and 4 began a slow and gradual descent that is still apparently taking place. This condition led to a further increase in activity and increasing peaks in Amplitude, high values that reverberated on all four of its measurements; after touching Power 49 at 11 and shortly after 13 UTC, Power 42 was recorded at 14 and finally at 15:30 UTC the highest value of Power 60 so far.

Schumann Resonance Today 30/3 11:30 Yesterday afternoon the descent of the Primary Frequency below 7.60 Hz, accompanied by sporadic oscillations of the other frequencies, started a phase of instability that is still continuing. This instability took on a more significant character at 9 UTC this morning when a sinking around 7.30 Hz of Frequency 1 was accompanied by similar decreases in the other frequencies, this movement led to a rapid rise in Amplitude which after of the first fluctuations around Power 10 between 9 and 10 UTC has significantly increased the values by registering Power 23 at 10:30 UTC and Power 46 at 11 UTC.


Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The April 2022 Energies - Mar 30, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very happy to tell you about the energies of April 2022. The energies that you have coming in to support you in your month of April will be about clearing root chakra trauma and issues surrounding survival once and for all. You have been collectively dealing with root chakra issues as you faced a pandemic, followed by a war with people believing in the possibility of another world war. And so, you had a lot of your collective root chakra issues come up for you, and of course you have been dealing with your personal root chakra issues as well. You have all been clearing what you were unable to clear in other lifetimes, or earlier in this lifetime, through the global events that you have faced, and now the energies of April are coming in to complete that process of clearing with you.

Aurora Ray - Pathway To Ascension - Mar 29, 2022

Pathway To Ascension

The choices we make in life determine the direction of our future. Sometimes, the choice is easy: to continue on the same path we've always followed, or to embark on something new. Sometimes it's harder. The path may not be clear, and it may not even be something we'd originally considered.

Hardship along the way is not a bad thing. It has the power to create wisdom and compassion. If you choose so.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 16 - Mar 29, 2022

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

29 March 2022 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 29/3 17:00 Despite the frequency fluctuations, which in any case did not reach minimum values, the situation remained calm. Amplitude hit the peak of Power 16 with an isolated movement, lasting about 30 minutes, at 1 UTC this morning.

Schumann Resonance Today 28/3 17:00 From the early hours of today we can notice a slight decrease in the Primary Frequency which has stabilized just below 7.70 Hz, this did not lead to significant movements of the Amplitude which reached Power 9 as its maximum value shortly after 11 UTC. The most interesting values were instead those of Quality 2 which at 1:30 UTC, in correspondence with a marked oscillation of the Secondary Frequency, reached the value of 57.


Jennifer Hoffman - Resistance - Mar 29, 2022

Why do we resist change? The simple answer is that it upsets the status quo, takes us out of our comfort zone, we don’t know what’s going to happen when we do change, and we’re scared. I think if we acknowledge the simple truth that we are scared of change because just don’t know if we can deal with it or what is going to happen to us, we would stop trying to pretend to be brave about it and look at change as a step by step process instead of a chaotic mess that we can avoid by being resistant to change.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Dear Ones, we speak of it often, but we wish to remind you that you are part of a larger overall system of ebb and flow. As you continue through your own embodiment process, there will be times for expansive forward movement and other times that are for rest, rejuvenation, and integration. No phase is wrong. Each is necessary and supports the other.

A wise human trusts this and naturally shifts to reap the rewards of each individual phase. If you are in a lull, rest and reflect knowing you are in preparation for your next action phase. If you are in an action phase, ride the wave and embrace every bit of your supported forward movement. There will surely be a time to rest that will follow.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Multiple Realities, Timelines & Versions of Everything - Mar 29, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are not just your allies and your helpers in this journey that we are all on of ascension, but we are also your co-creators. Everything is happening by co-creation, even your ability to hear from us at all. That is a co-creation in that you have asked, we have answered, and you have aligned. When you align with something that you have asked for, then it is yours, but there is still an agreement between us and you that allows for the answering to occur. We know that many of you are aware of the idea of multiple realities and multiple timelines, but what you must realize is that the same version of us doesn’t exist in every reality.

lunes, marzo 28, 2022

Jayme Price - April Energies - Inner Freedom - Mar 28, 2022

We are in a time of the spiral flow tightening, speeding and intensifying the gravitational pull to change. This brings necessary readjustment, just as you would rebalance if you were changing direction.

As the spiral tightens, we are not only releasing more, we are affected more by the gravitational pull of change, or more compelled to change. That’s the nice way of saying forced to change. :o)

Tanaaz - Astrologia Intuitiva: Luna Nueva de Aries 2022

La Luna Nueva de Aries llega cuando dejamos atrás el mes de marzo y entramos a abril. Para trabajar con la magia de esta Luna Nueva, no importa en qué parte del mundo vivas, la noche del 31 de marzo y 1 de abril traerá el punto máximo de estas energías.

Como primer signo del zodíaco, la energía de Aries tiene que ver con nuevos comienzos. Como la Luna Nueva trae el inicio de un nuevo ciclo lunar, también tiene que ver con comienzos. Esta combinación de energías hace que la Luna Nueva de Aries sea una de las mejores oportunidades del año para pensar qué nuevos comienzos o qué nuevo capítulo deseamos iniciar en nuestras vidas.

Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - March 28, 2022

Hello again. I’m not really sure if I am holding the right vibe for this today, yet the timing is good, so let’s see. What’s left to talk about … the price of fish?

Welcome to you. We feel your Energy and it is alright to be a little under par when we chat. Under par doesn’t change our Love and desire to communicate with you, which in turn allows you to be uplifted, perhaps.

Aurora Ray - The Final Phase Of The Shift - Mar 28, 2022

The Final Phase Of The Shift

The dark forces have tried everything they could to prevent this event from happening, even though they knew it was inevitable since day one of their plans.

Now that their plan has failed, they need a way out – and they are trying their best to hold onto power and drag as many souls with them into the lower dimensions.

L’Aura Pleiadian - New Moon April 1st, 2022 ~ TRANSFORMATIONAL HEALING - Mar 28, 2022

Hello again and now soon another New Moon, another larger cycles amidst the sunrise and sunset and even more so; the moment to moment shifts.

This Friday April 1st, 2022 The New Moon in Aries takes place at 3:24 am ADT. The Sun conjunct Moon is a powerful new beginning and cycle.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, March 28, 2022

We understand it can be frustrating for you when you are in accelerated or intense energies. It can be difficult to get your bearings! While you might be tempted to think that none of your truest desires or manifestations will come to fruition because everything keeps changing, we offer you this perspective.

Accelerated energies are like an agitating cycle of your washer, where things get moved around a lot. The purpose of that is to dispel what doesn’t belong on the principle item. It is a cleansing process.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 9 - Mar 28, 2022

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

28 March 2022 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 28/3 17:00 From the early hours of today we can notice a slight decrease in the Primary Frequency which has stabilized just below 7.70 Hz, this did not lead to significant movements of the Amplitude which reached Power 9 as its maximum value shortly after 11 UTC. The most interesting values were instead those of Quality 2 which at 1:30 UTC, in correspondence with a marked oscillation of the Secondary Frequency, reached the value of 57.

Schumann Resonance Today 27/3 17:00 The total calm that characterized today was interrupted by two isolated peaks of short duration which occurred shortly after 1 and 5 UTC and both reached Power 13. This calm situation is due to the four frequencies which remained stable on their respective base values, only Frequency 3 had a slight decrease between 7 and 12 UTC without however altering the calm.


Celia Fenn - Las energías continúan siendo intensas y poderosas - Mar 28, 2022


Las energías continúan siendo intensas y poderosas a medida que avanzamos hacia la conjunción de Júpiter/Neptuno el 12 de abril. ¡Hoy ya hemos tenido 7 llamaradas solares y un CME entrante!

A medida que asimilamos los poderosos flujos del Código de Luz, sentimos las activaciones en nuestro ADN como síntomas físicos como mareos, náuseas y ansiedad.

Celia Fenn - The energies continue to be intense and powerful - Mar 28, 2022

The energies continue to be intense and powerful as we move towards the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction on 12th April. Today we have already had 7 Solar Flares, and a CME incoming!

As we assimilate the powerful Light Code flows, we are feeling the activations in our DNA as physical symptoms such as dizziness and nausea and anxiety.

Brenda Hoffman - Fear is Exhausting - March 28, 2022

Dear Ones,

Even though you craved excitement throughout most of your outer-directed earth time, you are shifting to a lower key of excitement. The wild parties or schemes of yesterday no longer thrill you. Excitement has become interacting with loved ones, nature, and other seemingly mundane activities that you probably once scoffed at.

Such is another indication of your inner shifts. Fear and pain are becoming more irritating because they are no longer your areas of interest or exploration – they are yesterday’s fashions.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Put Your Consciousness on the Cabal or a Flower? - Mar 28, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very deep in our understanding of consciousness, and you are just beginning to scratch the surface of what consciousness is. Therefore, we have a lot to give you in that regard, and as always, we can only lead you in the right direction so that you can have your own experiences, but we cannot just bestow upon you the level of consciousness that we have been able to attain. It takes time and it takes practice to reach a point where you know what you are focusing on in every moment, and you are focusing with purpose.

domingo, marzo 27, 2022

James and JoAnna McConnell - Ashtar, OWS and Shoshanna - Understanding The Truth of Your Being - Mar 20, 2022


LORD ASHTAR (Channeled by James McConnell)


I am Ashtar. I come at this time to be with you to help you to continue to understand the truth of your being: who you are, what you are here to do.

Many of you are fully aware at this point that you are the ones that came here to bring about the ascension process, to assist in that ascension process.

Just as we are here also to assist in this process. But we can only assist, we cannot do it. But we can encourage you, and work with you, and guide you, and nudge you along to move through the ascension. To move first through the transition that you are all moving through now, which is leading to the greater ascension process.

Aurora Ray - Breakthrough Technologies From The Galactic Federation - Mar 27, 2022

Breakthrough Technologies From The Galactic Federation

The Galactic Federation has been monitoring humanity for many years now and is ready to make contact with humans. Their representatives are already here on Earth, observing the planet and monitoring our development.

The Galactic Federation is formed by a wide range of extraterrestrial races from all over the universe, with varying levels of spirituality and technology throughout. The most spiritually advanced races have spent many thousands of years at much higher frequencies than our own and have evolved to a state where they no longer have any need for violence or deception. For example, the Arcturians are a race of people who have reached this level of spiritual evolution.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - March 27, 2022

MARCH 27, 2022

Welcome dear readers.

In these times of stress and chaos, our intention is to bring encouragement by reminding you that you have done the work and are spiritually prepared and qualified to see beyond the present violence and negativity. Because you are of the spiritually awakened you understand that the high resonating energies pouring to earth at this time are affecting everyone, often causing them act out in ways of reflective of fear and confusion.

Diana Cooper - You only have one Guardian Angel - Mar 27, 2022

You only have one Guardian Angel who is allocated to you for your lifetime but you have many spirit guides. They are attracted to you according to the level of light you radiate, so as you become more enlightened, higher guides work with you, until you may even have an ascended master by your side. You may have several guides with you at a time. One might help you with your financial issues. Another may have been a nun, who enables you to feel calm or guide you spiritually. A third may be assisting you in your business. A fourth is perhaps a very wise ancient. Your thoughts draw them in so they will respond to your needs and also to your requests. In order to become a spirit guide you go through extensive training in the inner planes, for it is a highly responsible position. However, those who have loved you may also help you. They are helpers in spirit but not guides. Many spirit guides present themselves as they were in their last incarnation. As these had to be lives of wisdom in order for them to qualify, they are often Native American Indians or monks or doctors.

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light - Infinite Light Knows Itself and Seeks Completion - Mar 27, 2022

Hello Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. It's really good to be with you.

These days are very challenging. What's going on on the inner planes and what's going on in the out-pictured world seem to be significantly at odds with one another and we feel the questioning, the doubt even, that is arising within you as you contemplate this variance.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 13 - Mar 27, 2022

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

27 March 2022 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 27/3 17:00 The total calm that characterized today was interrupted by two isolated peaks of short duration which occurred shortly after 1 and 5 UTC and both reached Power 13. This calm situation is due to the four frequencies which remained stable on their respective base values, only Frequency 3 had a slight decrease between 7 and 12 UTC without however altering the calm.

Schumann Resonance Today 26/3 17:00 The frequencies finally returned to rise to again reach the calm values around 12 UTC and put an end to the movements of the Amplitude. In the final balance, today’s movement lasted 10 hours, from 00 to 10 UTC with the most intense phase between 1 and 3 UTC, when the maximum value of Power 59 was reached.


Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Gently and with love, honor yourself - March 27, 2022

Gently and with love, honor yourself.

Dear One,

You are sometimes kinder to total strangers than you are to yourself. You are a magnificent being of light. Honor and remember this, for it is not easy to be in an earth body. There are many demands on you. You can be so involved with day-to-day struggles that you do not feel you have time to remember your spirit. And yet it is the focus on your spirit that will make your earth-walk easier.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - How to Get More Attention from Extra-Terrestrials - Mar 27, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very interested in seeing how humanity will take what you are experiencing right now and grow even more from the adversity, the pain, and the loss that you have experienced. You are masterful creators, and you are the best beings in the entire galaxy at taking something that has been discarded, something that seems broken and useless, and making something beautiful out of it.

sábado, marzo 26, 2022

Asara Adams - Adama of Telos - Energy Update - Mar 26, 2022


"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we are sending you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

The recent Spring Equinox has provided massive amounts of Light energies to assist planet Earth and all life on it to raise higher in vibrational frequencies.

Every Spring, these high amounts of Photonic Light assist to provide the Life force to re-awaken all life from the slumber of winter time.

Aurora Ray - You Are A Gift To This World - Mar 26, 2022

You Are A Gift To This World.

There is a great deal of ascension energy pouring onto the planet at this time. This means that many of you are going to experience heightened states of consciousness, higher vibrational energies, and, in general, the ability to raise your own personal vibration.

For years now, you have been in training to be the lightworker that you are. You have been preparing for this very moment. Now is the time to shine your light into the world and allow others to see it too. The journey of ascension begins now!

You are a lightworker.