
sábado, enero 08, 2022

Natalia Alba - In a six universal year... - Jan 8, 2022

Beloved Ones,

In a six universal year, the most important task and inner work to accomplish is to achieve harmony. At this time we have many opportunities for us to anchor this harmony, although to do so, first, we need to dissolve what is precisely blocking this harmony and peace, as this is our natural state of being.

To help us in this mission of achieving a higher state of being, we have begun this first month of January with many opportunities to evaluate who we are, our new values, sense of abundance, and above all release of all emotional wounds, before acting impulsively. This is a very important passage for us to completely heal old memories and rebirth into who we truly are. Otherwise, we will be carrying the ashes of the old wherever we may choose to go or create next.

This is a very emotional corridor that we are traversing, and that will continue until the Full Moon at 27 degrees Cancer on January 17. A passage that at least from my experience, is already strongly felt, and in which many will pass through an inner catharsis. A process of emotional release that is pivotal for them to continue their new journey.

My Guides invited me today to share a quick message about what is taking place, as I am sure I am not the only one feeling it, and supporting each other and bringing confirmation, is important. For we do not walk alone on this ascension journey. I will share more when the time of the Moon comes, as the energies continue increasing.

Take good care of yourselves, Beloved Ones. Do not judge anything that your old self did, as these memories are coming for you to see your growth and for you to finally stop punishing yourselves for something that you think you did wrong.

Embrace yourself as if you were a child, crying out for understanding, unconditional love, and compassion. Do not let yourself be drawn by the fears of your ego. Let yourself be guided by their Light of who you are, always aiming for peace, love, and non-judgment.

Within Creation there is nothing to judge, there is only a higher understanding and more love to be embodied to help us see reality, and the role that we, as well as our actions, play, that is all.

This Moon in Cancer is going to be a wonderful opportunity for us to truly love ourselves, unconditionally, and as it opposes Pluto, we may feel tears falling, unresolved pain wanting to be released, and many other ways, as we are all unique, in which our emotions ask us to be embraced.

Love them all equally, for they are our greatest teachers in this human experience.

Treat yourself with the utmost respect, for we have been programmed to treat ourselves badly, especially through self-sacrifice and punishment, when there is something that according to our egoic self is going "wrong". Try to do things that nurture your body and soul, supporting the cellular healing that at the same time takes place when we are massively releasing.

Above all, trust that you are guided, helped, loved, appreciated, and supported, at this time, and always, For you never walk alone.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba


Art by: Cosmic Collage