
domingo, enero 23, 2022

Celia Fenn - The Gates of Paradise are opening - Jan 23, 2022


That is a date I am not going to forget soon! I know we were expecting strong inflows but that was just Wow!

Daytime temperature here 41C...woke up at midnight and it was still 33C.

That is hot.

Those radiant Codes were just pouring down.

And why so, here in Cape Town, South Africa? It has to do with the fact that the Earth is awakening as we awaken, and as we remember who we truly are in relation to the Earth.

Did you know that "modern man" , Homo Sapiens, came out of Southern Africa! As the Earth awakens the "roots" are being recalibrated and rewired. Of course Homo Sapiens was not the only Human form on Earth. When CroMagnon beings wandered north, there were already beings such as the Denisovans and the Neanderthals who had already been there for many thousands of years. We are so much older than the mere 4000 years we were taught at school.

As we reconnect with our ancestral lines and travel back into the past, we learn that before we were Magical and Shamanic Beings who were connected to the Galaxy and to our Angelic and Galactic families through a deep Heart and Soul connection. We could flow with the Divine Feminine currents and travel where we wished.

So now, these deep ancestral memories are arising from the Earth and we are Remembering and being Re-Activated.

The Gates of Paradise are opening.

The Golden Rose Galaxy is becoming our home.

Have a beautiful day everyone!

And yes, it is much cooler here today!