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Aurora Ray - How To Contact Your Spirit Guides - Jan 7, 2022


How To Contact Your Spirit Guides

Aurora Ray

How To Contact Your Spirit Guides

Are we alone in the universe? Do we have any help from other dimensions or spiritual realms to guide us on our journey through life?

Spirit guides are benevolent spirits that give their assistance to those who request it. The concept of spirit guides is very old and comes from many different cultures.

They are perfect for working with the element of Spirit. They will assist you in accessing your Spirit, being more aligned and in tune with your Spiritual essence.

Spirit Guides will assist you in:

* Being more aligned and in tune with your Spiritual essence.

* Getting rid of any negative energies that you may have picked up.

* Cleansing yourself before meditation/healing work.

* Serenity, Clarity, Confidence, Courage, and Love.

* Understand the law of attraction and how to work with it.

* Developing your intuition and psychic gifts.

* Trusting in the Divine flow of life.

* Manifesting and creating your dreams.

Spirit guides are often cited as the voice of wisdom or a higher power that is always by our side. Although many people consider them to be guardian angels, spirit guides are actually more than that.

They are the allies who have been assigned to you to help you fulfill your purpose, overcome your obstacles and achieve success.

How is a spirit guide different from a guardian angel? A spirit guide is an entity (can be human or nonhuman) that has evolved beyond the need for physical existence.

The main difference between a spirit guide and a guardian angel is that the former will not interfere with your free will unless you ask it to do so, as long as you are within the law of the universe. A guardian angel, on the other hand, is assigned to protect you from harm at all times.

Tapping into your spirit guides can be one of the most helpful tools for your own spiritual growth. Here are some tips for how to do it:

You can connect with your spirit guides by opening yourself up to receive messages from them through meditation and communication. When communicating with your spirit guide, listen carefully to what he/she says and ask clarifying questions if necessary.

Record everything in a notebook or journal, even if it doesn't make sense at first. Through meditation, you can also receive images and other signs from your spirit guide that will assist you in achieving your goals.

How to connect with your spirit guides:

1. Meditate every day for 15-30 minutes. You may wish to use incense or candles during these sessions to help set an appropriate atmosphere. The key to connecting with your spirit guides is to focus your mind on them. This can be done through meditation or trance work. Meditation is probably the easiest way for most beginners to connect with their guides because there's no "trance" involved. There are many different types of mediation, but one thing they all have in common is that they require quieting of the mind by focusing on the gap between thoughts.

2. Ask for guidance:

Another way to connect with spirit guides is to ask for their assistance. Many people call out to their spirit guides before big life decisions like job changes or marriage proposals. Spirit guides love to help you and will often be there when you need guidance the most.

3. Think positive thoughts:

Positive thinking is one of the best ways to tap into the energies of your spirit guides on a daily basis. If you're feeling down and need some uplifting thoughts, try saying this affirmation: "I am surrounded by loving energy, and all is well." If that doesn't work, try thinking about all of the things that have gone right in your life. Then your energy will shift from negative to positive, and you will vibrate at a higher frequency, which will allow you to align with your Spirit Guide.

Spirit guides are beings who help us, teach us, and guide us on our journey through life. They can come in all shapes, sizes, forms, and colors.

Tapping into your spirit guides can help you with so many things, from improving your relationships to helping you make decisions or even giving you general guidance and advice on life. You can have a spirit guide for just about anything!

Do you believe in life after death? I do. I don't just believe that the soul is immortal, but also the mind — although it's hard to prove.

Spirit guides are the people who have crossed over and now help others to connect with their loved ones on the other side. It is said that they are here on Earth to guide us through our lives, as well as to help us cross over when our time comes.

They can be of any religion, race, or sex. They only have one thing in common: they all want to help you because they are in a better place and know how it feels like not to be able to communicate with those left behind.

Spirit guides are like a mirror image of yourself. You're both looking out into the same world, but your spirit guide only sees things from the next plane of existence. It's an analogy to help you understand how they see and feel their environment.

Spirit guides are beings on a higher plane of existence than we are on this planet, so they can help us tune into our spiritual side and get answers to our questions about life and the purpose of our existence here on Earth. They can also teach us about ourselves so that we can live more effectively.

Many people wonder if spirit guides are dead relatives, but this is not true. Guides come from all different races, countries, and spiritual levels—and they aren't necessarily human.

Although spirit guides don't have physical bodies, they do have human emotions, feelings, and thoughts—just like you. They want to help you grow spiritually and become a better person—they want you to succeed in life.

Since spirit guides don't have physical bodies, they can move through time and space freely. This means that they are able to communicate with us in ways that others cannot. They will appear in your dreams or visions while you're sleeping, or they may manifest themselves in other ways—like in front of you or even inside.

They help us through our life journey, and they can be called upon to assist us in our times of need. You are assigned a spirit guide when you first come into this world, and they will be with you throughout all your lifetimes. Like guardian angels, they cannot interfere with free will, but they can give you guidance, protection, and comfort.

When people hear their spirit guide's voice, it is often deep, powerful, and wise. Spirit guides don't always give direct answers to questions but often ask questions themselves so that we can reflect on them and get the answer ourselves. They also like to give symbolic messages or images that we need to decipher in order to find answers or guidance.

They may give you signs or visions of things that will happen in the future-your life may even be changed drastically by the information given by a spirit guide.

It is important to communicate with your spirit guide on a regular basis and have a strong connection with them. The more trust you develop with your spirit guide, the more they will help you.

We love you dearly.

We are here with you.

We are your family of light.


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2021 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.