
martes, noviembre 30, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - More Than Ever - Nov 30, 2021

More Than Ever 

The Universe has loved you from the beginning. It’s love for you deepened at your decision to join your Earth-plane and again at your birth. Now, in this very moment, you are loved more than ever! You are a most perfect creation of The Universe and It is grateful for you. ~ Creator


Sandra Walter - December: True transformation is upon us - Nov 30, 2021

Blessings Beloveds ~

Into the Divine passage we glow. This passage is transformational, and true transformation has its challenges.

The December – January Gateway is the strongest Sacred passage of the year. Eclipses initiate transformation, the 12-12 amplifies Divine Mother in the core of Gaia, Solstice brings Zero Point alignments, and cosmic activity blasts open the stargates within and without through the third week of January.

John Smallman - Saul - Now is the moment to release ALL self-doubts and negative self-judgments - Nov 30, 2021

There is only the One. You all know this, but, as humans living a life in form, most of you have forgotten it, and you have therefore lost your awareness of your divine nature at One with Source. You believe that there is a Being of infinite Love and Wisdom, that there are spiritual realms beyond the physical, and you pray to and honor those in those vast realms whom you mostly believe are way more spiritually advanced than you are yourselves. But how can this be? You are all perfect divine beings created in infinite Love and Wisdom by Source and therefore you are ALL perfect, exactly as you were created. This has never changed, it cannot change because what God creates is eternally perfect and utterly unchangeable.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, November 30, 2021


One of the most important things you can do right now to support healing and unification on your planet is allowing people to have their own opinions and beliefs, but more than that, holding the space for them to change their minds and truths without the fear of judgement or ridicule. A safe place to evolve is what will support expansion and growth in all, whenever the time is right for each individual and their own evolutionary process. Your love, acceptance, and graciousness is so important as you continue your role as an ambassador of the shift. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - 26 de Noviembre de 2021

A medida que transcurráis a lo largo de las semanas y los meses habrá más revelaciones para avanzar en vuestra comprensión de la verdad. Anteriormente se os ha dado un mínimo de información, pero ahora estáis más avanzados y preparados para conocer algunas verdades mayores. Muchos de vosotros habéis comprendido el hecho de que vuestras almas son eternas y os dais cuenta de que debéis haber tenido muchas, muchas vidas. Sin duda os sorprenderá saber que cualquier encarnación puede ser "llamada" de vuelta como una persona viva con la que podríais hablar. Esto podría, por ejemplo, abrir un montón de posibilidades que permiten verificar la verdad como historia. Los ejemplos son infinitos, como poder hablar con familiares que ya habían fallecido antes de que tú nacieras.

James and JoAnna McConnell - Sananda, One Who Serves and Shoshanna - FORGIVE, FORGET AND MOVE ON! - Nov 30, 2021

SANANDA (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Sananda. I come at this time, in these opportune times.

These opportune times for truth, indeed, is coming forward from many different directions, many different sources. The truth is coming. The truth is here. It is still yet for those that have the ‘eyes to see, and the ears to hear.’

For those that are closed off to the truth, those that don’t want to know, those that will stay stagnant where they are in their comfort zones, they themselves will not know the truth. They will be shown it, perhaps. They will be told it, but they will not accept it. There will be many of these that will not accept this truth, that will not accept the light.

Aurora Ray - A Message From The Galactic Federation - Nov 30, 2021

Dear beloved ones,

I am delighted to share the message from the Galactic Federation. The message is relayed by a multitude of light beings – some of whom have been with us for a long time, others are newly arrived, but all of them have a common goal – to help us:

"We are the Galactic Federation of Light. We are a collective of thousands of civilizations that exist on the outer edges of our Galaxy. We are contacting you to greet you on behalf of the collective consciousness of your planet.

Tanaaz - Astrología Intuitiva: Eclipse Total de Sol en Luna Nueva de Sagitario Diciembre 2021

Hagamos un viaje por el camino de los recuerdos, hasta mayo del 2020. ¿Qué crecimiento has logrado desde entonces? ¿Cómo ha cambiado tu vida?

Desde mayo del 2020, hemos estado trabajando con el ciclo de Eclipses Sagitario-Géminis, pero este ciclo ahora está llegando a su fin y concluirá el 3/4 de diciembre, con un último Eclipse Total de Sol en la Luna Nueva.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 6 - Nov 30, 2021

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

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Dependencies of Frequency
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Schumann Resonance Today

30 November 2021 18:30 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 30/11 18:30 Still total calm, frequencies on base values, quality on calm values as well as the Amplitude which reached the maximum of Power 6 at 7 UTC.

Schumann Resonance Today 29/11 17:00 With the Frequencies that have remained stable around the base value, the Amplitude line has flattened considerably and the maximum value reached so far has been Power 7 at 7 UTC, even the Quality is at minimum values.



Natalia Alba - We are heading into the last month of this life-changing year - Nov 30, 2021

Beloved Ones,

We are heading into the last month of this life-changing year. We begin December with a very powerful eclipse in Sagittarius, one that is going to help us conclude a cycle, due to its transformative and releasing energies. A very healing month that invites us to move inward and heal everything that is still fragmented, for if we are not unified and healed, our new reality will be a duplication of our past one, with the same old outcomes.

Judith Kusel - We are in the midst of an immense shift and indeed these are now truly being felt - Nov 30, 2021

We are in the midst of an immense shift and indeed these are now truly being felt.

It is a shift in consciousness such as I have never experienced before. It started early November and is now truly escalating and will escalate. This the Shift into the Truth of Who and What we in truth are – and thus the last restrictions, the Veils of Amnesia, and the old matrix is now falling away, for those soul who choose to embrace this.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - We Needed to Get Permission to Give You This Message - Nov 30, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are so very pleased to be able to give you the following transmission. Sometimes we must get permission from the higher selves of each individual who will receive the message before we can proceed, and that was the case this time around, because we only can give you that which will serve you vibrationally, spiritually, psychologically, and in every other imaginable way. That is why we sometimes need approval before moving ahead with a transmission. This transmission is about the way you all are shifting energetically as awakened ones, as what we refer to as ‘The Awakened Collective.’

lunes, noviembre 29, 2021

Linda M. Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel - GRATITUDE AND HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS - DECEMBER 2021




Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss gratitude and higher consciousness.

Gratitude is a very important part of higher consciousness. It is more than simply expressing thanks to a person or to the Creator. It is an energetic process that aligns you with the higher frequencies.

Natalia Alba - We begin this new and at the same time last astrological month...- Nov 29, 2021


Beloved Ones,

We begin this new and at the same time last astrological month by having Neptune, the Planet of Intuition, and the subconscious turning direct again. Neptune can be challenging, as it invites us to go deeper into the aspects of us and feelings that we do not desire to visit. However, once we integrate our shadows and overcome any fears, we can resurface by being stronger, wiser, with a new sense of direction, and connection, to our inner guidance that we did not possess before, due to our egoic fear to visit the unknown and the corners of our souls that are in pain.

Jahn J Kassl - Message from Mother Mary - PRAY FOR THE CHILDREN WHO ARE BEING ABUSED! - Nov 27, 2021

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Sometimes the load must be carried by the collective of many, and sometimes healing is only possible with your effort and your contribution.

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations


Pray for the children who are being abused!
Mother Earth

suffers from the misdeeds of humanity and experiences relief through the good deeds of human beings. This is why great souls keep incarnating over and over again to take upon them the misdeeds of humanity and to assist the planet and mankind in their process of transformation.

Del Libro 11 de Kryon – Levantando el Velo - Nov 28, 2021

Mensaje Malvavisco del 28 de noviembre, 2021

Del Libro 11 de Kryon – Levantando el Velo


Vienes a esta tierra preparado para ayudar a la humanidad, y piensas que estás solo, y crees que eres singular. ¿Quieres saber por qué estás aquí? Te lo diré. Déjame volver a eso una vez más. Hubo una ocasión en que te inclinaste hacia adentro del viento del nacimiento cuando te estábamos sosteniendo de la mano, y estábamos a tu lado, reteniéndote por un momento.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, November 29, 2021

If you have been rejected in a relationship that you know you have been loving and appropriate in, and you have been committed to your own growth and evolution, it is not you who has been rejected by the other, it is the new level of growth that would be required of them in order to continue the relationship. They are simply not ready. Let the connection go with as much love, grace, and understanding as possible, for many will surprise you with their growth and be ready to rejoin you further along their journey.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - You Have Not Been Forgotten - November 29, 2021

You Have Not Been Forgotten 

You may be asking questions of The Universe you feel you will never get an answer to. It even may have been some time since you have received a sign. Through it all, there is one thing to remember…Divine Timing. You are being asked to relax into the flow and trust that you will see/hear/feel your answer at the perfect moment. You have not been forgotten…The Universe is waiting for you to be ready. ~ Creator

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 10 - Nov 29, 2021

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

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Dependencies of Frequency
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Schumann Resonance Today

29 November 2021 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 29/11 17:00 With the Frequencies that have remained stable around the base value, the Amplitude line has flattened considerably and the maximum value reached so far has been Power 7 at 7 UTC, even the Quality is at minimum values.

Schumann Resonance Today 28/11 21:00 The oscillations of the frequencies have attenuated from 19 UTC yesterday making room to an underlying instability, which has however gradually diminished as can be seen from the main graph with the gradual disappearance of the white color. At the time of this update the Primary Frequency is fluctuating just below the base value and all remaining parameters are on calm values. The maximum achieved by Amplitude so far has been Power 10 at 5:30 UTC.


Celia Fenn - We have entered the week of the Total Solar Eclipse...on Saturday 4th December! - Nov 29, 2021

We have entered the week of the Total Solar Eclipse...on Saturday 4th December!

We can expect that the Golden Solar Christ Light will intensify in this week.

We may feel very tired as deep cellular changes are initiated in preparation for these new Light Codes that will accompany the Solar Eclipse "reboot" on the 4th.

Brenda Hoffman - Stop Planning for the Unknown - November 29, 2021

Dear Ones,

We, of the Universes, have spoken several times about how chaotic the next few weeks will be – for all earth entities and the earth.

Even so, you often feel as if you have correct answers and directions. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth, for those directions have not yet been created. Your assumptions about your correctness are based on your 3D earth experiences instead of a new world.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Is Humanity Going to Make It? - Nov 29, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are awakening within each and every one of you pathways to new realities, new timelines, new experiences, new energies, new versions of yourselves. We help to make it possible for you all to believe in the validity these new aspects of life on Earth, these new potentials for all of you. And we do that in a variety of ways. We hold the knowing so strongly within ourselves, as we connect with you, and as we sprinkle the energies that we do into your fields, that you cannot help but pick up on that knowing. We are to you what another human being is who knows exactly what they are doing and how to handle a situation that you would find anxiety-provoking to say the least, and when you are in the presence of that person, your anxiety is automatically diminished by their certainty, by how positive they are that they can handle the situation at hand.

domingo, noviembre 28, 2021

Selacia - Prepare to Turn The Page -End 2021 Without Regrets- - Nov 28, 2021

There is a palpable energy of transformation in the air now. It's our collective, yet it's also very personal. In fact, December could be a significant time of reset as you re-envision your life and prepare to turn the page. Continue reading to know how to navigate this reset so you can end 2021 without regrets.


We are soon moving into what will be a historic year of global societal changes. Some of the uncertainty we feel on a daily basis relates to the upheaval coming in 2022. These energies are in the background as each of us prepares for a deeper level of shifts in how we live and interact with the world.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Sunday, November 28, 2021

If you are feeling frustrated it is because you are perceiving that you have a surplus of energy that is not creating the results you desire. While we know that can seem wrong to you, we wish for you to know that energy is just energy. It is neutral in that it can be applied anywhere you choose. If something isn’t working for you in the moment, it doesn’t mean never, it simply means not right now.

What we want you to understand is that the energy you perceive is not just earmarked for that one area, it can be used for another. This can be a huge realization for you as it opens up the doors to new possibilities and areas that are ripe for exploration.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - Nov 28, 2021

NOVEMBER 28, 2021

Dear readers, we come to you in love with words of encouragement as the world around you appears to be crumbling in so many ways. Obsolete traditions, beliefs, and rules about the "right way" to do everything born of beliefs in duality, separation, and two powers are in fact crumbling in order for new and higher forms of them to manifest.

Be not afraid dear ones, as you look out onto a world that seems to be collapsing under its own weight of negativity and violence for in reality all is proceeding according to plan. You may think that it certainly doesn't look as if anything positive is happening, but the beliefs that have created unfair laws, wars, and separation between people and other life forms are beginning to be recognized for what they represent by increasingly more people.

Aurora Ray - The Galactic Federation - Manifestation Rule #1 - Nov 28, 2021

Dear beloved ones,

Do you actually think that you are powerless? Or that your life is governed by destiny or fate?

When we open our eyes, we may look at the billions of stars and planets and think we live in a vast unknowing universe, but if we turn back to look, deep inside to the place where we reside as the observer, we may feel like we live in a self-made universe that is formed by our own thoughts and feelings.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - I Am… - November 28, 2021

I Am… 

When you finally realize you are the one in charge of your own healing, a massive shift will occur. Moving away from projection and into accepting responsibility is one of the first steps in that process. This can be one of the most challenging things you will ever do and may not be an easy one. Rest assured, my dearest child, you will make it through! After you have accomplished it, the rest will naturally fall into place. ~ Creator

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 10 - Nov 27, 2021

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

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Schumann Resonance Today

28 November 2021 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 28/11 21:00 The oscillations of the frequencies have attenuated from 19 UTC yesterday making room to an underlying instability, which has however gradually diminished as can be seen from the main graph with the gradual disappearance of the white color. At the time of this update the Primary Frequency is fluctuating just below the base value and all remaining parameters are on calm values. The maximum achieved by Amplitude so far has been Power 10 at 5:30 UTC.

Schumann Resonance Today 27/11 21:00 In the previous report we had noticed how Frequency 3 had remained stable despite the remaining frequencies were having large oscillations, around 18 UTC also Frequency 3 joined the movement of the others and this led to a peak of Amplitude, inside of a movement that lasted about 2 hours from just after 17 UTC, which reached Power 37 at 18 UTC.


Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - A disruption of energy serves to bring clarity — bless it - November 28, 2021

A disruption of energy serves to bring clarity — bless it.

Dear One,

The Divine Presence is an energy which is omnipotent, everywhere present and has infinite capacity for good. This energy flows through you and surrounds you at all times. There is never a time when you are not a part of this energy flow of God, which is Divine Love. In this you can place your trust. You can also be assured that regardless of where you are or what the situation is, all energies flow to the highest good for all concerned, at all times.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Your Sixth Sense - Nov 29, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are fascinated by your ability to sense when something is not quite right, and we’re also impressed by your ability to feel into when something is perfectly suited for you. We are talking of course about your intuition or sixth sense. People often ask us how to get themselves to the point where they are more in tune with their intuition. They want to know how to get themselves to actually follow that inner guidance, that sixth sense. The answer is easy. You just have to do it.

sábado, noviembre 27, 2021

Jim Self - Preguntas y Respuestas del Seminario del 11 de noviembre, 2021


Seminario online de Jim Self – Mastering Alchemy

11 de noviembre de 2021

Preguntas y Respuestas

Déjenme pasar esto a Roxane, y por favor, hagan preguntas. ¿Qué han notado? ¿Cómo estuvo eso? Yo estoy muy interesado en su experiencia. Y en las preguntas en que ustedes están interesados. Entonces, Roxane.

Roxane: ¡Hola a todos! Espero que hayan disfrutado de esto. Yo sí. He hecho esto durante años, gracias por esto, Jim, cada vez que lo hacemos, aun la herramienta más simple de jardín de infantes, yo encuentro algo nuevo. De modo que hágannos saber lo que ustedes experimentaron también, esta noche. Y déjennos saber si son oyentes nuevos, o si están en los Niveles 1, 2, 3, para que Jim pueda contestar las preguntas de acuerdo a las herramientas que tienen ahora en su mochila.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Saturday, November 27, 2021


As you continue to shift into the energies of 2022 and beyond, we highly recommend you incorporate not only gratitude for the shift and the journey, but also for yourself as the journeyer, for one could not exist without the other. We understand ascension fatigue is a very real thing, but as a wayshower your gratitude for all of it allows you to be a conscious example of why someone would want to follow in your footsteps. The truth is the exhaustion will pass but the rewards will last. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

L’Aura Pleiadian - THE MANY WORLDS OF YOU - Nov 27, 2021

We come to you through our eternal PRESENCE, acknowledging the fortitude that is involved in your desiring to capture once again your own awareness. We were with you BEFORE you INCARNATED on Earth, and were involved in the design that the Elohim created for the human DNA incarnation program.

We are The Divine Council of Overseers and. now present as many of you know, with The Queen of Light and many other Councils of Light.

Your memory stream may appear to be separate from your awareness of all that you are. Remember, things are not as they seem on Planet Earth, you know.

Asara Adams - Adama of Telos - Energy Update Nov 27, 2021


"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we are sending you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

As you are celebrating your Thanksgiving in the USA and other celebrations of giving thanks for the harvest in other countries, around this time of year, we invite you to contemplate the power of Gratitude.

For a moment, remember the last time you were grateful or praised someone or something.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Unfolding - November 27, 2021


In an instant world where everything is available at your fingertips, your awakening may seem like the longest process you have ever experienced. It can be frustrating to begin with a huge burst of understanding then slow to a snail’s pace. The Universe is reminding you that it will only give you as much as you can handle at one time. Be patient, dear one…allow your growth & learning to unfold in a natural way. You will never be disappointed. ~ Creator

Aurora Ray - Ascension Update: Rising Consciousness - Nov 27, 2021

Dear ones,

Like many of you, I grew up thinking that being rich, beautiful, and famous were the only ways to have a happy life. But year after year of living in consumer culture made me miserable. After realizing I wasn't getting any happier even though I was able to buy more things, I started researching happiness. I learned that attention is the engine of consciousness and that, by mindfully raising my consciousness, I could reconnect with what really matters most in life.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 23 ⚡️ 37 - Nov 27, 2021

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

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Schumann Resonance Today

27 November 2021 21:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 27/11 21:00 In the previous report we had noticed how Frequency 3 had remained stable despite the remaining frequencies were having large oscillations, around 18 UTC also Frequency 3 joined the movement of the others and this led to a peak of Amplitude, inside of a movement that lasted about 2 hours from just after 17 UTC, which reached Power 37 at 18 UTC.

Schumann Resonance Today 27/11 17:00 The oscillations of the frequencies, excluding the #3 which has been stable for almost three days, started around midnight UTC and led to a series of Amplitude peaks that started with Power 15 at 00:30 UTC, the movements continued in the following hours but they were limited to around Power 10. From 8 UTC the frequency oscillations, again except for number 3, intensified and new peaks followed, Power 15 shortly after 10 UTC, Power 23, the maximum so far, at 12:30 UTC and in rapid succession power 18 and Power 19. The oscillations of the frequencies continue, we will see in the next few hours if they produce further movements.


Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - December Energies: What Will Happen on 12.21.21? - Nov 27, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are always pleased to connect with you, because we love you so much and because we can feel your openness to us and to our energies. We like to provide you with the energies that will help you the most, energies that will serve the greatest and highest good of all. We are always sending you energies to promote spiritual growth, not necessarily to help you win the lottery. And so, when you receive energies that help you to realize that you have everything that you need inside of you, you can bet that they were coming from us or some other, high frequency, higher-dimensional group of beings.

viernes, noviembre 26, 2021

Jamye Price - December Energies - Heart Compass - Nov 26, 2021

As the year of Freeing Your Heart winds to a close, the direction of your heart is leading you forward. What seems backward is just a direction shift. As you are navigating the impulses of your heart and mind, you are strengthening your clarity to focus your creative Love into your life.

It has been a year of refining your focus, boundaries and energy flow so that you are determining your experience rather than just reacting to life’s tides. This is the core work of Ascension, and we are enhancing the flow of the heart into the human experience.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - November 26, 2021

As you progress through the weeks and months so there will be more revelations to advance your understanding of the truth. You have previously been given a minimum of information but you are now more advanced and ready to learn some greater truths. Many of you have grasped the fact that your souls are eternal and realise that you must have had many, many lives. It will undoubtedly surprise you to know that any incarnation can be “called” back as a live person that you could speak with. It could for example open up a lot of possibilities that allow for the truth as history to be verified. The examples are endless, like being able to speak with family members that had already passed on before you were born.

Natalie Glasson - Master Kuthumi - Ascension in the Now - Nov 26, 2021

Ascension in the Now by Master Kuthumi
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings, I am Master Kuthumi. It is an honour to be in your presence, I bow before the divinity within your being. I wish to come forth to share the wisdom that is flowing to me from the Creator. The wisdom I am receiving brings back memories of when I was in existence upon the Earth. Aspects of my Ascension that I was invited to overcome, experience, master and embody. As the wisdom energy flows forth from the Creator, I am reminded that it is important to view your reality on the Earth, in a new way to access a perspective of enlightenment.

Aurora Ray - A Message From The Galactic Federation - Nov 26, 2021

Dear beloved ones, I'm happy that you are here.

I'm sure that all of you are aware of the Galactic Federation. They have been trying to contact us for many years now through various sources to help our race advance. Our technology is limited, and we need their help in many ways.

Many of you will receive or have already received communication from them in some form or another. Even though these messages will seem cryptic and strange to you now, they will not be like that in the near future.

Jennifer Hoffman - Take Care of Your Own Business - Nov 26, 2021

It’s so easy to get lost in the chaos of what is going on in the world today. With so much fear and uncertainty swirling around we’re uncomfortable and we’re scared too. Our first response to that fear is to want to fix it, to remove it, to take care of the people who are causing or feeding it, to make it go away, to fight it, to shine more light on it, or to hide somewhere and hope that it goes away.

John Smallman - Jesus - Forgive yourselves for whatever you feel or believe is unworthy or unacceptable in yourselves - Nov 26, 2021

You were created free, free beings whose true and only nature is Love. That has never changed, and never can change, because what is created is perfect and eternal. That does not appear to be so for the vast majority of humans, because the dream or unreal environment you constructed collectively in which to experience separation is, by its very nature, imperfect and decays over time. Time is simply an unreal characteristic of the physical environment in which you live your human lives, causing you fear of the seemingly final point – termination and death.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Façade or Truth? - November 26, 2021

Façade or Truth? 

The current energy of your world has made it easy to present yourself as something you are not. When moments like this manifest, really think about how you choose to show up. The energy coming to your Earth plane is bringing infinite possibilities of growth and learning in all areas of your life. It is up to you to decide whether to be a self-created façade or live in truth. ~ Creator

Blossom Goodchild - Conversando con la Federación de la Luz - Noviembre 23, 2021


Blossom: Bueno, son las 3.15 am. Supongo que ahora es un momento tan bueno como cualquier otro para intentar "establecer contacto". Tan incierto el contenido, muy insegura de mi energía. Intentémoslo, ¿de acuerdo? Entonces, ¿el estado del mundo? Jodido, ¿no creen? Sin embargo, muchas manifestaciones por la libertad en todo el mundo, por lo que la gente está despertando. Sin embargo, muchos simplemente hacen lo que se les dice y "se sienten superados". ¿Qué dicen los extraterrestres sobre todo esto?

FOL: Bienvenida tú queridísima Blossom y en primer lugar, te mencionamos la Alegría de tu esposo al regresar a casa y la expresión absoluta de Amor puro que se te ofrece por la tristeza que estás viviendo.

Jim Self - Seminario: Transición, Disrupción, Oportunidad


Seminario online de Jim Self – Mastering Alchemy

11 de noviembre de 2021

¡Hola, buen día! Muy lindo estar aquí, como siempre. Gracias por dedicar un tiempo conmigo. ¿Cómo ha sido su día? ¿Disfrutable?

El lugar donde vamos a jugar hoy es realmente simple. De hecho, todo este proceso en que jugamos en estos seminarios, estos seminarios online gratuitos, durante las últimas dos veces han sido sobre herramientas y cómo usarlas. Y este seminario lo titulamos Transición, Disrupción, Oportunidad. Es interesante cómo posiciona esas tres palabras. En general trae un resultado diferente, podrías tener una oportunidad que trae una transición, y también disrumpe, perturba las cosas, porque es nueva. Puedes tener disrupción, y eso crea una transición, donde hay oportunidad.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 9 - Nov 26, 2021

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

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Dependencies of Frequency
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Schumann Resonance Today

26 November 2021 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 26/11 17:00 Still a day of calm even if the Primary and Secondary Frequencies have gradually started to decrease from 6 UTC this morning; Frequency 1 fluctuates from 10 UTC around 7.55 Hz. Frequency 3 and 4 are instead on calm values. This condition led to Quality movements starting around 12 UTC with the maximum of Power 14 reached just before 16 UTC. The Amplitude did not record significant values with the maximum of Power 9 shortly before 16 UTC.

Schumann Resonance Today 25/11 17:00 Another day of total calm interrupted by a tendential decrease of the frequencies that began around 14 UTC, so far this movement has only brought the Amplitude to Power 10 at 16 UTC, we shall see in the next few hours if also the Frequency 3, which so far has remained on calm values, will also decrease thus increasing the Amplitude movements.


Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Friday, November 26, 2021

In your twin flame or soul connection relationships, you experience the deepest moments of connection when a window opens and you are both in a space of non-resistance. The greater the non-resistance, the deeper the connection can be felt.

That is why your own personal practice of acceptance – acceptance for the connection that exists, no matter what stage of togetherness you may be experiencing, is essential. Your acceptance creates stability and acts as an anchor point. It creates a space of safe attachment and an open invitation to come in without attempting to force the flow or push the other before they are ready.

Judith Kusel - We are now being truly lifted - Nov 26, 2021


We are now being truly lifted, within the spiral of Creation, into a much higher dimensional tier as we truly step into the New Epoch, as the New Earth fully is unfolding.

In the next few weeks and indeed months, the great divide between the Old Earth and New Earth will be felt intensely.

With this, immensely powerful energies are pouring in as a Cosmic Portal opens over Christmas and New Year, and this is indeed bringing immense powerful shifts in consciousness. The shift is through the Open Heart and fully connected to the Soul.