
jueves, octubre 28, 2021

Diane Canfield - Psychic Energy Update: X And M Class Flares Bring In Upgrades Back To Back - Oct 28, 2021

Blessings Everyone,

We have some strong X and M flares making their way to us today… These came in back to back bring intense downloads and upgrades.

 Some of the symptoms you may be experiencing…

Extreme Fatigue

Extreme Loopy Brain

Extreme Thirst

These are upgrades given to us by the SUN… our own energy source. We must make full use of these upgrades and not fight them but instead accept them and merge with them.

Grounding/ becoming one with nature will help you to solidify these upgrades as they come in…drinking plenty of water and meditating…

Stay tuned

Love Diane

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Copyright 2021 Diane Canfield All Rights reserved