
domingo, octubre 03, 2021

Celia Fenn - So here we are in October in the midst of Libra Season

So here we are in October in the midst of Libra Season.

I always associate Libra with Ma'at, the Ancient Egyptian Goddess of Cosmic Order and Balance.

Libra, ruled by Venus, initiates an urge for Balance and Beauty.

I must say I have felt this very strongly, despite being in a place of weirdness and strangeness that is this new land/New Earth.

In this coming week we will have the New Moon in Libra on the 6th, and the 10/10 Portal on the 10th October.

The Libra New Moon is always a time to create beauty and balance in your life, even when things seem crazy crazy, like now.

The 10/10 is a time of new beginnings as we begin to create from the new consciousness that came in during the Lions Gate.

Then we have Full Moon in Aries on the 20th October and Halloween on the 31st!

Yep it is going to be a weird and strange month in this strange new land.

It makes me think of a term that Linda Moulton Howe (love her) uses often, "High Strangeness". She uses it to describe things that are out of the normal. I really think that describes life right now!

But from this strangeness we can create the New Earth and the Life that we desire. Everything is open at the moment and we can create what we want if we focus and stay in our Heart and Master Energy.

I tend to see Earth now as a series of theatrical productions in which you can participate, or not. Or you can start your own. Or you can just Be and Observe.

It really is our choice.

It always was, but now we truly begin to understand what Freedom and Choice really mean.