
lunes, octubre 04, 2021

Ailia Mira - The Joy of Unity with All Things - October 1, 2021

October 1, 2021
by Ailia Mira

Hi Beautiful Being,

In the beauty and quiet of this moment, take a little time to tune into yourself, and commune with the Divine Presence.

Remember that you are ONE with All Life. Feel into this.

Look around you and allow yourself, invite yourself to become saturated in this awareness:

All of Life is Divine.
This is the TRUTH of BEING.

I AM ONE with Everything. All Life is FOR ME. Everything is moving with me. All Life knows me, and I can know Life as my innate belonging, my home, my place in the world is secure. I am Free!

Give thanks for your life and the expanding experience of clarity you are allowing in your embodiment.

Savor this moment of pure being!!

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