
domingo, septiembre 12, 2021


The larger picture of what is playing out through all consciousness is the Union with The Divine God Self.

When looking to the day to day, whether it is someone from the past, situations from the past, pay careful attention along side with your memories to observe all process of mind and ideas held of a past and future through your heart.

This way the ILLUSORY beliefs once held as judgement of the external through thought and emotion, renders themselves subject to the NOW.

In this way the true way and the building of AWARENESS of The Divine God self, is placed consciously in the position of SOVEREIGNTY by the observer.

Now all of this may seem foreign to someone who has barely examined what thoughts flow through as is. Yet to the initiate this way of being is paramount in the development of consciousness as DIVINE GOD SELF.

Make no mistake the ILLUSORY world of judgements based in time are the very chains that one is freeing oneself of to enter the eternal Garden of Eden of the SOUL.

The Heart awareness is of paramount importance as this entrance place then becomes the one and only TRUE home that one exists through in all experiences and moments. This is the Kingdom of God.

This is the sacred place of existence that is the full UNION with the DIVINE GOD SELF.

How easy to become swayed and choose the constant hum of a world gone awry through the chains of self deception that are proudly placed on the doors of the status quo.

In this the true awakening and adorning of the EMBODIED GOD SELF is the freed self of perception. That through all the mental battles of the old self has come out victorious through the heart.

We embrace the old ways and beliefs through the love of the eternal heart through us.

As the Light of the embodied God Self becomes the DIVINE BEING, what was once put aside on the ledge of non awareness, now shines brightly as THE NEW AWAKENED WAY, for all to see.

Connecting directly to your DIVINE GOD SELF through the eternal heart and Soul, we bless this connectivity of observed awareness of all that flows through.

So that the capturing of what is, held in the mirror of your Soul, becomes your awakening moment fully entering the TEMPLE OF THE HEART, so as to be the ONE you were waiting for.

The Divine Union, fully joined again throughout all levels and worlds throughout the Multiverse, merging completely, everywhere.

In this sacred UNION we bless you now, through love.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2021.