
domingo, septiembre 05, 2021


It is never ever what you think. It is beyond it.

Life never was what you thought it was. The potentials existed beyond what you knew were possible.

Life is never what you think it is. It is potentially beyond anything you could possibly think or imagine.

Life will never be what you think it will be. It will be worlds upon worlds greater, beyond your current perceptions.

The thinking of things based through time perceptions is living through self imposed restrictions.

Have you noticed when there is a major breakthrough it is at a completely new level of being, one that you never even knew was possible? Till it is, then it became the world you live in.

The enemy is not out there; if there is one, it is within. Held within one’s own restricted perceptions and thoughts of what you think.

What one goes through as a death and rebirth experience opens up the shifts in consciousness and DNA to a NEW WORLD. To a world never yet imagined.

THE TRUTH that everything is beyond anything yet imagined is the truth held within the eternal moment. WITHIN NOW.

THE Eternal now exists through the heart. The heart is the eternal PORTAL to all possibilities. To all versions of oneself and to all worlds and dimensions that now eternally coexist.

To begin accessing and living through the conscious worlds of all eternal potentials this is the living moment to moment, childlike and pure, through the heart.

In this now perfection of all eternal possibilities we activate you now. Present with The Queen of Light and The Divine Council of Overseers. In this the forever eternal love and possibilities we activate you now. Breathe deeply and slowly and receive. In love.

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2021.