
lunes, agosto 09, 2021

Linda Li - Over the last few days while the energies were streaming to the plane - Aug 9, 2021

Dear family of love and light, the Divine has updates for the planet and humanity.

Over the last few days while the energies were streaming to the planet, the Divine and the company of heaven worked very hard to move forward with the Divine plan. We have accomplished quite a few important items.

The Divine has successfully brought the planet and humanity up another octave energetically. Humanity now has crossed the lion's gate and arrived at a much higher realm. The Divine wants to thank all the light workers for your beautiful and powerful light work. It is a great achievement. Now the planet and humanity are in a more suitable position and the planet herself is resting.

In the process of uplifting the planet and humanity through the lion gate, the Divine was also able to communicate with the masses. Through this communication, an agreement has been made. The Divine called it a new Covenant between the Divine and the planet and humanity. At last, the planet and humanity have realized that this is the moment that the Divine needs to come and help the planetary ascension process. The Divine Goddess, Mother Goddess has presence on the planet earth. And the planet has guardian parents now. They are the Divine Mother Father incarnations and they are the representatives of Mother Father God on the planet, and they are the leaders of this planetary ascension process. Through this ascension process, humanity will follow the Divine guidance and spiritual laws, working with the Divine and the company of heaven and making sure that the planetary ascension is a successful one.

In the upcoming time, when the time comes, the Divine will introduce the representatives of Mother Father God to the planet, and that is in the new agreement the Divine has made with the planet and humanity. Humanity also was informed that Gaia is going through a remapping process. The process has already started. Humanity needs to adapt to Gaia's rebuilding procedures and work with the Divine to make sure the process is Divinely controlled and managed so that the damage can be minimized.

In the upcoming time, and when the changes happen, humanity will learn that the planetary remapping is, by spiritual laws, protected and Divinely managed. Gaia has the new map and all has been designed so that Gaia will have a healthy new body and humanity has a new home. The process may take some time, and humanity needs to work with Gaia and the Divine so that together, the process will be successful and humanity will still have a life on earth while the process is going on. Preservation of the planet and life on the planet is paramount and humanity needs to understand that.

In the next few weeks, the planetary changes will be more and more intense, Gaia's remapping process is going to come to the forefront for awakened souls and all souls on the planet to see. Humanity will have to wake up to the fact that planetary ascension has gone to the point that there is no more time for ignoring or ignorance. The planet and humanity really have to wake up to it and start the process. There is no more lee way and no more time left for delay. All souls on the planet have been called and now is the time for action. Gaia has no more patience for any type of ignorance or delay. The process will intensify regardless. That is the news.

Thank you all for your dedication and light work. The Divine and Gaia have great appreciation for the light and love the light workers share. It makes a difference. Humanity feels it and wakes up to it. For that, you are appreciated. Divine love for you all.

Linda Li, the Divine, Gaia and the company of heaven. So it is.