
lunes, agosto 23, 2021

Judith Kusel - The New Earth relationship in truth is that of true union with your true Divine Complement - August 23, 2021

The New Earth relationship in truth is that of true union with your true Divine Complement, the true soul you have been with as soul in through all your soul existences.

The New Earth relationships are WHOLE.

Indeed two become one, because they are the perfect vibrational frequency match, thus the SOUL ENERGY is the SAME. They are EQUALS. One is not more than the other. They are both balanced and harmony within and embracing their own Divinity fully. They are both masters. Both have ascended into the Truth of their soul and thus stand fully in their soul power – as an Ascended Master. They ENHANCE each other, and thus there is pure love, a deep respect and indeed, implicit trust! Thus by merging their soul energies, they step into full Co-creators as God and Goddess in their own right. In this respect this mean, each one embraces and incorporates the Divine Within. Thus their merger now co-creates the New Golden Age. Not children as such – but indeed highest loving service work in the highest form this may be.

The merging is that of SOUL energy, more than physical, for the physical embodiment is in a new body and new form, and thus the New Adam Kadmon embodiment as this new crystalline body, can hold very high quantities of light. The 12 5th dimensional chakras are fully operational, and 24 strands of DNA are active and even more – 12 strands pertaining to the physical body and 12 to the spiritual body.

Excerpt from a my webinar on the New Earth Relationships which I held last Saturday. Copyright Applies.

My Goddess Energy Course contains far more and starts 4 October 2021. Book early please.

Judith Kusel


Photo:Source unknown. If you know the Source please let.me know and I will glady acknowledge the Source