
miércoles, agosto 25, 2021

Celia Fenn - As we move into Virgo season - August 25, 2021

As we move into Virgo season, we are needing a time to rest and integrate.

The image of the Lady and the Lion is symbolic of the Sun in Virgo and the Feminine energy of Virgo as an Earth House in the Astrological zodiac.

The pictures always shows the Lady as stronger than the Lion, and suggests that the soothing power of the Divine Feminine is a healing force after the tumult of Lions Gate season.

I know I am feeling very tired, and just need a time for rest and integration.

What a powerful transit!

Remember that we have made a huge leap forward, even if it is not entirely visible now. We will feel the shifts and changes in the months to come.

For now, just rest and let yourself be held in the soothing embrace of Nature and the New Earth as it begins to manifest on the Planet.

Much love to everyone!