
sábado, julio 10, 2021

Suzanne Lie - The Summer of 2021 - July 9, 2021

The Summer of 2021

How is your summer so far? This summer is so very different from many other summers because there is so many questions about how we doing in our every day life, as well as how are we adapting to our environment and our life in general.

Now, more and more people are inviting the Arcturians to communicate with them, and then share that informations with others. Then together they can combine all that they have learned/experienced so far. It is through those people that share with others on Earth how things are going in the higher frequencies of our Galactic Family.

We, the "third dimensional ones," wish to send blessings to the Higher Dimensional Beings that they see in their dreams and meditations. from we your Higher Dimensional SELVES who have chosen to take an earth vessel during this time of great change, as well as great challenge during this NOW in Gaia's preparation for Her Planetary Shift. Yes, this Planetary Shift is something that we are all feeling, as well as watching, in the world around us.

Depending on how many years you have had your third dimensional Earth Vessel, you have seen many changes, as well as many thing that need to expand, better understand, as well as devoting your self to assist dear Gaia, to move into Her higher dimensional expression of self.

Of course, the transitions on Planet Earth--Also known as Gaia--seem to be more and more frequent to some humans, while simultaneously, other humans do not notice at all that their world is greatly changing around them. Most of the changes now are on a day, to day, third dimensional manner.

However, simultaneously, more and more humans are awaking to their own Fourth, Fifth, and even sixth Dimensional expression of ones total Self. These Higher Dimensional expressions of ones human form is beginning more and more to remember their "true fourth and fifth" dimensional Self.

Fortunately, these higher fourth and fifth dimensional aspects of humanity are more and more revealing themselves to their third dimensional "Family Members." Yes, the Galactic Beings, who are showing their Starships and communicating with awakened humans, more and more!

In fact, the Fourth, Fifth and beyond members of our third dimensional self--which is actually the lowest frequency of humanity. In fact, more and more humans on Earth are beginning to remember that there is something that they have forgotten. Or is this "something" the higher dimensional aspects of our innate true Fourth, Fifth, and beyond expressions of our true "Multidimensional SELF."

Humanity's Multidimensional SELF is actually our human self, who is beginning their awakening to their innate Multidimensional SELF who resonates to the higher dimension of such as the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and beyond versions of our Multidimensional SELF.

It is no surprise that there are more and more movies, books, and conversations about the "dream" they had about "being on a Star Ship," or "seeing a Star Ship" in the distant sky. Whereas before, people would laugh at those who said they saw a Star Ship, now more and more people want to know more about these people's experiences.

In fact, more and more movies, books, and conversations about the"possible reality of there beings higher dimensional beings who visit Earth from their own higher dimensional realities.

There are indeed many changes on Earth within this NOW. In fact, there are so many changes that more and more humans are beginning to open their mind to the "possibility" that humans are NOT the only beings that visit, or are making their home, on dear planet Gaia, the Mother of Earth.