
sábado, julio 10, 2021

Judith Kusel - When we have a purpose - July 10, 2021

When we have a purpose,
A Vision,
A Soul Calling
Greater than the Sum of Self,
We will be living it,
Serving with great Love.

For what deeply inspires you,
What you know in the deepest and profoundest sense,
This is what you wish to radiate forth,
To co-create
To share with the rest of humanity,
In whatever form or manner this may be.
With pure intent,
Filled with the highest unconditional love
And for the highest and greater good of all,
You are in highest alignment
With the Divine Will,
Divine Purpose
And Divine Calling of your soul.

Indeed when your soul is fully present,
Fully living its purpose
With every single breathing moment: -
You cannot do
Nor be other,
Than the highest truth of your soul.

You embrace the Divinity within yourself
And indeed, you are living it.

To me, my highest soul calling and purpose,
Is always filled with Vision.

This is what keeps me on track.

This is what keeps me on the highest path.
And indeed, this is what fulfills me the most.

For in living my highest soul calling and purpose,
Every single moment comes with new discoveries,
With so much more to explore,
To become aware of,
And more than this, to live.

To Love.

To expand into.

For indeed, the more I know,
The less I know,
And the more there is still more to know,
To experience,
To delve into,
And to Love.

To marvel about,
To stand in awe and wonder of,
And indeed,
Once one starts seeing and experiencing,
Divinity in all and everything
One cannot be or become other,
than to embrace the expanse of the Cosmos
Within oneself.

For the whole Divine Creation, and Divinity,
Lives and breathes through you!

You own soul!

Life itself it a miracle.

And the soul itself.

Ad infinitum.
Judith Kusel
Photo: THe New Earth by Pumayana