
viernes, junio 11, 2021

Jennifer Crokaert - Ashian: Lift Off - June 11, 2021

My dearest brothers and sisters of the Light, you have done it!

You have created amazing change in unprecedented time. You are through the veil, you are now in a very different time-space and your now moments will begin to flow with greater ease, grace and speed. We salute you and we cheer you.

With all this being said, we do not wish to suggest that the process after lift off in your space crafts is easy; you may feel pinned to your seat, you may feel that you will pass out from the power of the G-forces, you may also feel the excitement of moving past gravity and wondering what weightlessness will be! The now moments after take off can take a toll on the body and the mind, so caring for yourself is more important than ever. If you are exhausted or depleted in any way, you cannot care for yourself.

Allow me to share some insight into life on our craft. We consider our craft our home, but it is also an extension of us, a consciousness, that is linked to us and our well being. If we neglect ourselves, if we get run down, our craft suffers and all our team suffer. That is not a good thing to happen in space!

For this reason alone, it makes sense that caring for ourselves is a central priority. This does not mean that we are arrogent, demanding, spoilt or greedy. It means that we are lovingly disciplined in noticing when we are feeling tired, it means we would eat foods that are wholesome, uplifting and blessed, it means that every day we align with our service to the divine and our galactic family of light, it means that we enjoy nature (we have some creative ways of doing that!) and it means that we spend time alone every ‘day’ to connect with our inner wellspring of divine love and light.

So, while there is great celebration at the level of light you have integrated, we must lovingly urge you to move into self-responsibility for your wellbeing. Holding and expanding this new level of light means you must honour, respect and care for your wonderous self with the same care and attention you have lavished on others up until this time.

Care for yourselves with the tenderness of our care for you.
