
sábado, mayo 08, 2021

Sandra Walter - May Consistency: Daily Activity & Activations - May 8, 2021

Blessings Beloveds ~

Happy Divine Mother's Day weekend to all!

The stargate message for May is *CONSISTENT* activity and acceleration. These gateways are open wide, delivering the strongest cosmic rays on record. Daily Schumann flows, Solar activity increasing and new harmonics singing a new way of BEing into form. ⁠

Stargate systems include your own Heart center. Be aware of heart expansion (anxiety, fluttering, rapid heartbeat) - stay balanced and hydrated. A good month for self-care, especially with the approaching eclipses which amplify cosmic activity int he physical.

NOTICE the frequency activating the crystalline experience, within and without. Plants and elementals are expressing their crystalline self - ask for this Crystalline revelation and receive! BE with them in this divine code exchange. I spend many moments communing with the energies, codes and crystalline plasma emanating from plants right now. Brand new frequencies!

Crystalline structures in our bodies may feel sparky, electric in the SUNlight. Yes, Solaris is more intense and the veils (magnetosphere) is thin. However the frequencies are now interacting with your crystalline body in a new way.

it may be the end of Earth-facing quiet. Since the mid-April stargate opening in Utah, the organic stargates are wide open, flowing realm-shifting frequencies. And they keep getting stronger.

BEing a conduit for these frequencies can feel tired-and-wired, however the FREEDOM codes make us feel joyful, blissful. Activate those new codes and create space for inner guidance.

Integration of *consistent* perception shifts is our Ascension process at this phase. Intend highest trajectory, and highest EXPERIENCE of unity consciousness. Pay attention to what aligns, and what drops away.⁠ Zero judgment on what is dismantling and dropping away, both externally and internally.

6 weeks to the Crystalline Convergence

No masks, no social distancing. We have opened more seats for our epic Solstice gathering.

Such a vital moment to gather. Tickets and details at https://www.ascensionpath.com/convergence

A Thoughtful gift for your Awakened Mom

Gift her with pure, effective guidance for the Ascension process. Visit AscensionPath.com to select a course. Take $111 off any online course with coupon code: GRATITUDE

SUNday Unity Meditations: Turning up the Activations

Have you received the HUge light influxes during our meditations? Quantum support, DNA and Lightbody activation is ON. Participate on SUNday for the Global Unity Meditations at 5AM, 8AM and 11AM Pacific Daylight Time.

Infinite LoveLight to all during this profound passage. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,