
sábado, mayo 01, 2021

Natalia Alba - This new energetic month of May comes with many changes - May 1, 2021

Beloved Ones,

This new energetic month of May comes with many changes, for as this universal five year has been reminding us since the beginning, we are in a state of constant integration and hence, transformation, as in truth, this is our authentic nature. A change that as we grow in wisdom, we understand that is part of who we really are, for the more that we distil old illusions, especially regarding our lineal and fixed existence, the more that we come back to live within Divine Flow, flexibility and the adaptability that comes when we finally embrace all that comes as it IS, rather than forcing everything to fit into our human illusions.

In May we welcome another important change, one that defies us to master our inner creator and another that comes with the coming of the eclipse in Sagittarius, at the end of the month, and that will push those who are still reticent to adapt to change. For the more we resist to what is meant to naturally take place, the more chaos that we will be - unintentionally - creating.

Despite May can seem a month to work only in a tangible level, it is a month that even with its big emphasis into the physical, is all in the end above love, for love is the only authentic power that exists and has ever existed. Love as the only way to manifest a new reality, for only love can truly manifest, even though other forces claim to do so too. Love to remind us that all we see in the physical - abundance, manifestations, etc. - is only there because first has been love in its purest form.

May it is a very profound month with potent cosmic energies to support us into the process of wisdom integration, and into he many mysteries that life still holds for us, for we are just beginning to realize how manipulated we were, and how many lies we have been told. The Truth is yet to be uncovered and we are just beginning to dive deep into it.

At a cosmic level, May is a month in which we move from the Yin essence that starred the first months, to the Yang one that will govern this new month and that will help us bring forth, and anchor, our new soul creations, and hence its universal 1 essence. A number that indicates beginnings, some that comes within the massive change that we have created, since the beginning of this year.

Number 1 is a reminder that we are ending/beginning a cycle - although still oscillating between both worlds - and it is pivotal for us to end with all that used to limit us, as we keep expanding within the new worlds that we are now bringing into form. We are still immersed in a huge transition, and as we reach the shore to our new destination, our main aim is to keep dissolving lower layers of an old self, as well as learning how to navigate through a passage that is revealing to us, and that will continue showing us more truths as we reach the Sagittarius eclipse.

Number 1 in tarot, is represented by the Magician, one hand pointing to the sky and the other one towards the earth. He knows how to work with the Universal Laws, as he has mastered the art of descending into the physical what is first created in the ethereal. This is where we are at this time - birthing our deepest soul desires.

We all are magicians as we all have within the power to manifest the outcomes that are aligned with our Highest Will, we just have to focus our precious energy into what is truly important, as it is not a time now to waste our personal power on delusions and past situations, but in the new life experiences that we are building and that have nothing to do with who we used to be.

Who we used to be is no longer who we are, even though we may still seem similar to our old self or some circumstances may too be familiar. In the moment that we make a personal shift, involving habits, behaviours and anything that is not who we truly are and begin behaving in a totally different way, we are a new person, and it is only when we choose to focus on who we used to be or in what we once did "wrong" what brings the same old results into our present reality, nothing and no one else.

In May we are in the space in which beginnings and endings find each other. It is precisely in that infinite space, where we dwell in possibility, free to choose the timeline that is most aligned with who we are now.

It is yours the choice to decide whether to continue repeat old experiences or to align with the new ones that you truly desire to experience next. For only you choose, decide and create.

I wish you all an abundant and loving May, Beloved Ones.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba
