
martes, mayo 11, 2021

Judith Kusel - "We are all in the midst of immense energetic changes and will at times feel challenged...- May 11, 2021

"We are all in the midst of immense energetic changes and will at times feel challenged. Yes, it is not so easy to totally step out of the old life, the old programming, the old unforgiveness, the old shame, blame and guilt and fear false belief systems, and whatever else which kept us in the Old Earth and Old 3D.

I have had to shed so many parts of the old Self since my awakening in 2004 and then in earnest in 2009, that I have changed beyond recognition. Even in the last month I have gone through immense changes and indeed in the process was told that this was now not only transfiguration, but resurrection into a totally new life and new beginnings.

At first, I was stunned.

Then, I started to understand this in the context, that indeed, when the New Lightbody and embodiment becomes the new physical form and physical reality in the totally New Earth and higher dimensional form, one indeed has been resurrected into a totally new life and new embodiment.

The more I embrace this, the more I realize the immensity of it all, and yet the profound gift of Love, which is all embracing from the Divine.

We are indeed given the opportunity to create a new life and totally new beginnings with clean slates!

We do not need to go through the baby, toddler, teenage and young adult stages any longer – we indeed step into it fully embodied and yet totally reborn!

What has deeply shifted indeed is our conscious awareness of who and what we in truth are! More than this, what has shifted is indeed our whole concepts of what life in truth is and indeed embracing the seeming impossible and improbable, and LIVING it!

We indeed have taken super quantum leaps in alchemical insight and understanding of what dimensional shifts in truth mean!

If you have told me how much I would transform or be transforming even 15 years ago, I would not have believed it possible. Now I understand that 15 years hence, I will be in a totally new and rejuvenated form, and indeed will leave the planet when I choose to leave it. I am always being told I will not need to go through the death process. As much as my mind cannot stretch so far, my soul knows this to be true. For indeed the soul is eternal, and merely sheds the physical form in order to return to its true soul state in its home galaxy or star system. (I am merely using this an example as I in truth know that the more I know, the less I know.)

Indeed, this is nothing new. The more I am given information from ancient texts, the more I realize the ancients knew about this, as much as some souls indeed have quietly been experiencing this for ages. It is even recorded that Tibetan monks, were known to merely shed their physical bodies, at will, when they reached a certain degree of enlightenment.

In the Bible Yeshua indeed did the same. Indeed, this was known and practiced in many Mystery Schools, but only by the High Initiates and indeed those who chose this path. Most did not.

To me what is now opening for those who truly wish to go through this transfiguration process is a totally new dimension life, where indeed all is possible. We are stepping into infinite space, where there are no limits to what one can be and what one can create within Divine Laws.

The only limitations will indeed be within us.

Indeed, this has always been so.

It is time to step out of the limited mind, into the infinite Heart and Soul Super space and then allow the Higher Mind to work as one with the infinite Soul and Heart.

This is intuitive Heart knowing embracing the Infinite Soul knowledge and infinite Super Space Omniverses Knowledge and applying and living it!

Now, if this is now a totally new soul journey and a totally new life unfolding, with endless new possibility and new space to explore, then what is?

It is entire up to each individual soul now, to choose where they wish to operate: - in the Old Earth which only exists in holographic form – or the New Earth and indeed totally new beginnings and indeed exploration, and adventures beyond what we can even imagine right now!

I am so grateful for this immense Divine Gift!

Indeed, the more I am being shown and the more I am being guided, the more I stand in awe and wonder, but more than this – joy!

It is all happening and how!

So many think of Space exploration being able to fly to Mars and beyond and live there and in space stations etc..

Well I tell you, that Space exploration will first be that of humanity stepping into the fullness of Mastery in the highest sense, where they will start realizing that they first need to master living in infinite space within themselves, before they can master the ultimate space travel – which in truth is within!

Judith Kusel


Photo: Source unknown. If you know the Source please comment below and I will gladly acknowledge the Source with love.