
domingo, mayo 16, 2021

Judith Kusel - Live your truth - May 16, 2021

Live your truth.

Speak your truth.

Love your truth.

Live from your open heart with great love.

Use your beautiful sensitivity and intuitive powers in highest loving service and become the love which changes all it encounters, as it radiates forth.

For the sacred heart is a portal, a sacred gateway which connects you to truth of who and what you in truth are, at Soul level.

It connects you directly to the Divine Source, the Holy Spirit, The Shekinah, and the Highest Sophia, The Divine Wisdom, within.

Let the Soul Star be your guiding light as your connect to deepest and most sacred All Seeing, All Hearing All Knowing within your own soul, soul group and the Divine Infinite Core.

Let it synchronize with the Earth Star so that you can access your highest soul creativity and live your soul purpose with joy and unconditional love.

Let the Stellar Gateway open you to interstellar and infinite space where you access the limitless, the infinite and sublime.

Let the spinal column become the infinite lightning rod, the infinite tuning fork which connects you to the infinite Light, the infinite sound and infinite knowing, as you are tuned into the Universal Core and infinite spiraling tiers of Creation and All That Is.

Let the three suns ignite within you as you are purified in the highest degrees and are being transfigured.

Infinity lives within you.

Judith Kusel


Photo Credit: Ellen Vaman