
sábado, abril 24, 2021

The AstroMedium - ENERGY UPDATE 🔮✨ - April 24, 2021


Just as I predicted, the increased solar tsunami that happened in the past few days did in fact result in a significant spike in the Schumann Resonance. Increased ascension symptoms are the result! And it doesn’t help that we are entering the full moon in Scorpio energy field.
Your body is going to be very active internally. Digestion will speed up and slow down, the muscles will jerk and twitch and you’ll feel swirling energies in the head and static energies making your hair stand up.
Your appetite will be affected. Your hungry but can’t eat or not hungry but your stomach is growling or you will not want to eat all day but feel dizzy as a result. Follow your body and treat it like a small child, love it, give it what I needs whether it wants it or not and sometimes just let it throw a fit til it burns out and goes to sleep.
This is an exciting time!! The anxiety is real though so be mindful of chest tightness, heart palpitations, stomach issues and shortness of breath that may stroke unexpectedly.
Keep looking for the signs, keep reaching out to other lightworkers and starseeds! We are all in this so don’t feel alone. It’s okay to be uncertain, you’re becoming a butterfly boo boo!!! PERIOD!
Are you experiencing any of these symptoms?! Would love to hear your experience!