
domingo, abril 25, 2021

L'Aura Pleiadian - Full/Supermoon Pink Moon, April 26/27th, 2021 in Scorpio ~ THE CHALLENGE - April 25, 2021

Puede ser una imagen de naturaleza y cielo 

The SUPERMOON PINK MOON, here we go! For many this more DRAMATIC than usual Full Moon and will take place in the evening of the 26th. For many this will occur on the 27th, depending on your time zone. It will take place on Tuesday 27th, 2021 at 12:33 am ADT. Calculate your time zone from this.
Are you up for the CHALLENGE?
All Full Moons are intense, but this one specifically will be more potent for most. Especially those not fully focused and grounded in moment to moment awareness, in the constant flow of Harmony through the heart.
This is all about Harmony. Challenge to overcome disharmony, taking EACH experience as it comes up into the state of pure Harmony.
When you are in Harmony you are in the coherent wave of constant aware connection with all that is.
As plasma is so much the entire connecting force and the body a stopping point of that plasma, the more you are fully aligned; the more you become aware of each moment as the creative force within you, to create in this immersed in, Universe and beyond connection.
There is no stopping place or edge of this Universe, it is limitless.
This HARMONY impacts your DNA in a far greater way than the same old same old, victim consciousness that attempts to manipulate and change things out there. This is backwards to how it works. Watch carefully (OBSERVE) the non awareness of the mental chatter that is so familiarly yours.
All I can say is the MATERY OF FORM is what I am referring to here, for those that can possibly hear.
Not many are fully awake, immersed in this pattern of Harmony.
Check your beliefs about time and good and bad. Then you will tap into a minuscule awareness of what this is about.
The FULL MOON/Supermoon, Pink Moon is opposite Uranus, square Saturn and trine Mars.
All frequencies impact your energy UNIQUELY.
What is triggered or NOT is unique to your BLUEPRINT.
THE BLUEPRINT itself and your DNA responds to the information you are giving it. Negative, same old, same old create MORE OF THAT. Fear begets MORE OF. DO not be fooled, fear is worry, is anxiety, is dis-ease. Is Disharmony.
CONSTANT Harmony is the Mastery of form.
These aspects of the FULL MOON, may trigger specific things in your consciousness that you are ACTING UNAWARE OF. The challenge then, is to OBSERVE AND accept what comes up WITHIN YOU ~ AS THE truth is there is NO OUT THERE creating your REALITY.
Isn’t it the moment yet for you to let go of VICTIM consciousness and a time based reality.
Things are a changing. GET WITH THE NEW PROGRAM.
That program is HARMONY. It is the only thing that will take you through what is about to take place, moment to moment.
Entering your heart, accepting your are creating your reality, is part and parcel of THE NEW DIVINE HUMAN BEING. That has mastered form and lives as the DIVINE CREATOR of form.
In this we activate you NOW. In love.

L'Aura Pleiadian

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2021.