
miércoles, abril 28, 2021

Judith Kusel - Silence does speak - April 28, 2021

Silence does speak.

So often when immensely powerful things are happening, and when I am being shown what is truth happening as the New Earth is rising in all her splendor, I am being moved to silence.

I was reading something profound the other day, about Djehuti, of Tehuti or Thoth-Hermes, he is mostly remembered as, who brought language and writing to humankind. Indeed, he was warned that he was creating something, as with the spoken language, which would limit, which could be distorted, misunderstood, misinterpreted, etc.

Before the Fall of Atlantis one communicated telepathically. Lies could not exist.

We are now being lifted into the state where the human language and communicatilon systems will be telepathic and energetic. It is already happening.

We need now to totally let go of the old costructs, forms, etc.

All we ever believed to be the be-all and end-all of what we knew or believed, or were familiar with.

Indeed all goes back to the soul, its infinite knowing, its infinite connection with The Divine. All existence.

It is the Power of Love which will transfigure.

For all of Creation is filled with Love.

All which is not love will disintegrate.

More I will not say.

Let your inner soul speak to you in the silent holiness within.


Judith Kusel
