
sábado, abril 10, 2021

Jennifer Hoffman - FB Energy Update - April 10, 2021

Jennifer Hoffman

Hello everyone. Well, here we are and the energy is jumping! Remember that chaos is a by product of dis-integration and as people awaken their reality perception shifts so everything dis-integrates, the old energy is no longer a source of creation and new energy has to come in.

We transcend before we ascend and there are a lot of people in transcension phase right now. That's the 4D bridge. Lots of fear, confusion, anger, doubt, and frustration happens when the old no longer works and the new is unknown.

The root of the word 'potential' is potent which means powerful. We are moving into a more empowering reality with greater fulfillment because we have run out of energy road in our current reality.

So look for the potential portal in your life - it usually shows up as something that breaks, doesn't work any more, or is just not a source of joy now even though it may have been 5 minutes ago.

Time to put on our wings and get ready to soar.

This may be a bit of a bumpy ride too, there are a lot of people waking up right now and their 'awake face' is not always pretty.

it can be a smooth transition but we know it isn't. People who awaken and demand energy are like the baby birds in this photo - if you have ever seen a bird's nest you know they're loud and demanding - they want food.

Enjoy this transcension day as we enter the new moon portal and get ready for a big boost of ascension.