
domingo, marzo 28, 2021

The AstroMedium - ENERGY UPDATE - March 28, 2021


Today..... are you feeling it? Spikes in the Schumann resonance continue and there are a series of geomagnetic solar storms occurring today as well so please be mindful of your body and what it may need at anytime.

The moon is full in Libra so the moon is opposite the sun at exactly 2:49pm at the same time as Venus and Chiron are conjunct the Sun meaning the moon is opposing Venus and Chiron as well and the moon is also making a trine to Saturn at the same time as Saturn makes a trine to mars and the north node and these two join forces today as well! Hot damn today is ACTION PACKED.

This makes an ascension symptom which is more rare to surface and that’s when your frequency has shifted up so quickly due to an awakening or upgrade or kundalini rising and certain relationships either no longer resonate or they leave you or “abandon” you. Or you do that to them. We must let go of those who are no longer tuned into our new station. And love them from a distance.

There is also a lot of ear activity happening due to changes in the brain and this is also causing a shift in the optic nerve so sometimes you may feel like your vision is going or that you’re suddenly seeing things foggy or unclear. Blurry vision basically.

Sleep is irregular unless your taking something or smoking something and speaking of irregular, digestion is starting to balance out again but the inconsistent appetite, nausea, acid reflux and bloating are still very active within the collective.

A lot of you are feeling lightheaded a lot. You’ve eaten, you’re not exhausted even, and you still feel an odd dizziness or floaty feeling especially in the head.

And there’s also a sense that you’re too heavy and you feel weighed down at the same time like you’re weaker than normal and have less energy.

Odd burning sensations in the solar plexus also occurring they’re showing me. Don’t be alarmed if this happens.

Love you all