
sábado, marzo 20, 2021

The AstroMedium - ENERGY UPDATE 🔮✨ - March 20, 2021


Schumann resonance has calmed slightly after a series of spikes and a blackout. The sun enters Aries today signaling the beginning of spring as we celebrate a new year and the spring equinox.

The energies are going to shift within us as we slowly come out of our deep Piscean slumber and move into more energetic states of passion and desire.

There’s now a pain and stiffness in the neck area especially in the back leading up into the skull. Dull pressure and aching in the head especially the crown and third eye. It’s like it never stopped but now more noticeable.

Vision continues to be a focus. No pun intended. Our optic nerves are changing and a lot o the strange particles and textures and flashes of light you are seeing are different energies and frequency bandwidths. You are perceiving beyond the visible light spectrum.

The odd twitching throughout the body continues and it’s especially weird when your sacral chakra area is twitching and pulsating. Even the odd twitches and spasms occurring inside of the ear. Major changes to the throat chakra happening resulting in a myriad of symptoms just from the upgrades being experienced here.

Digestion still sucks. Sometimes you’re fine sometimes it’s a crisis. Something is different about the inner workings of your body but you can’t quite figure out what.

The purging will continue for a bit. Support yourself at this time as your body works overtime to facilitate and assimilate these new frequencies.

Love you all