
viernes, marzo 05, 2021

Judith Kusel - We are in time of get transformation and transition - March 5, 2021

We are in time of get transformation and transition.

Indeed we now are moving into much higher octaves of vibrational frequencies and our physical bodies will have a hard time keeping up with the pace of the rising frequencies and vibrations.

I was made aware of this intensely yesterday when my batteries literally became flat. I had to seek help from a beautiful young man, a stress relief practitioner, who is a very soul and indeed wise well beyond his years.

What he was telling me, is something my higher guides had repeatedly told me, but because of my remarkably busy schedule and trying to keep up with everything, I tend to forget.

“You need to remember that there are too ways of dealing with these immensely powerful changes within and without: -

The one way is what you desire and how you wish to operate your life. We have been programmed to work long hours and, in the process, we tend to give out too much energy.

The highest way is to surrender all the Divine, and highest way and get out of your own way and listen to what your physical body is telling you. If it feels overstrained, or fatigued, or simply in need of rest, listen to it and go and rest.

I smiled.

I am listening.

For indeed I had overextended myself, and indeed, I had given too much out and now allowed myself to tank up even more, and to listen to my bodies’ desire to rest, mainly because of my busy schedule.

I am being brought back, to fair exchange of energy, and always making sure that whatever one expends on energy, one is open and receptive of receiving back. Such is balance and harmony.

It will become even more vital in the next few weeks and months, that we listen to our inner guidance and listen to our physical bodies, for at the moment the physical form is going through intense transitions and transformation as the higher and new Light body form is being integrated and is already present in the etheric form.

Indeed, remember that the energy of the lower earth, when we need step into, will drain us and zap our energies, and we need thus to ask for extra protection for our own energy fields, when we need step back into the 3D.

At the moment we are rather like an artist walking on a rope, who needs to stay carefully focused on being balanced.

The minute we allow our attention to be pulled back into the Old 3D, we will fall off the rope because we are not fully present in the here and now and staying balanced so that we get to end of the rope of transition, and step fully into the Embodiment and form.

At this moment remember this: LESS IS MORE.

You may think you are doing and being less, but indeed, you will find that you actually get far more done, doing less, and learning to allow all to unfold in perfect Divine Timing and not 3D. In truth in the higher dimensional frequency bands, there is no time. The 3D spun illusions which we now need to let go of, in order to allow ourselves to be reinvented anew.

Judith Kusel


Photo Credit: Leio McLaren on Unsplash