
jueves, marzo 04, 2021

Judith Kusel - Soul Name, Soul Groups, Tonal Chords and Soul Colours - Mar 4, 2021

Soul Name, Soul Groups, Tonal Chords and Soul Colours

Your soul name will always reflect and have at its own core, the ESSENCE or the VALUE of the Soul Group – that which it is at its very core and the QUALITY or essence of life – it in turn reflects back to the Divine Source.

The Divine Source, as it is so expansive and vast, created the SOUL GROUPS, so that life in all its myriad of reflections could reflect its own face, and form, and existence back to Itself. Thus then, a soul group as such will reflect the DIVINE in some or other form of existence. There are 144 000 soul groups which were created originally in the first bursting forth of creation.

However, one also has to understand that it goes deeper and is even greater than this: There were 12 Sons and 12 Daughters created before that and they became the first Custodians and Guardians of the first 12 Galaxies which were created. Thus, some soul groups will have as their Over lighting Master Soul, thus core soul, one of these Sons and daughters of God itself.

The 144 000 soul groups were then created AFTER the first 12 Sons and Daughters of God were born.

A Soul Group then consists of 144 Souls, and each soul contains 12 equal parts –and only 1 and at the most 2 or 3 of those soul parts can incarnate here at ONE time. This is because of the immense DENSITY of this planet, and the fact that one quarter of your soul always remains attached and working at the Divine Source and the half of that to your Galaxy of origin.

Some soul groups, however, have taken it upon themselves to merge and multiply when they all unite AS ONE. They then move into a higher OCTAVE of being, thus 33 levels up, in existence – thus in vibrational frequency, and then have a choice to either return AS ONE to the Godhead, or to multiply and create more sub-soul groups. However, you already have 144 souls x 12 soul flames in one cluster = 1728 flames. At this stage most opt then to work as ONE single massive COSMIC BEING, such as the higher Cosmic Masters in the Hierarchy of Masters.

Should they decide to multiply into sub-groups, then each soul itself, then multiplies upon itself. However, the core soul group itself, will thus remain the same, and will be then the higher Guides of the younger soul group.

However, to even reach this evolutionary stage, ALL 143 (that is 1728 soul flames), have to become reunited once more and become AS ONE.

As you can imagine that is quite challenging, because each soul has been given free will, and some get waylaid along the way, and lost (not in the sense that they are cut off from the Divine ,but they believe that to be the case). The Monad will always pull the pieces together again, holding it together, but there have been cases, where the whole soul group moved into the dark, in order to serve the darkness. In this one has to understand that even the darkness serves in its own way – even if we do not always understand this.

There are some of the SOUL GROUPS involved on the Planet, e.g. The Illumined Ones, who now have incarnated en masse, to assist this planet to move into the higher states of consciousness. This is because they were involved as co-creators of the planet from the very beginning, and thus have returned to assist with the higher healing of humanity, and to restore the balance between the masculine and feminine forces.

Some of the SOULS within this soul group have taken it upon themselves, (there are ONE of these I know of and am part of), to merge completely into the Christed Consciousness, and thus then, that dying and resurrection and in this are called to immense service at this time – but then ALL 12 flames have to merge AS ONE in order to fulfil this. (Jesus did that in his lifetime with those of his own soul flames.)

However, in most cases, as said, one will only ever merge – if that is the case, with ONE single other flame of the 12, who some term a TWIN FLAME. However, there might be MORE than one twin incarnated (read above example) and here one will merge with MORE than one flame. I have done this – so I know this to be true.

If you think of 12 flames, within ONE soul, and each one having a different aspect of reflecting the masculine and feminine = the yin and yang, then you will understand how difficult it sometimes is to ever reunite two flames, when there is imbalance, never mind 12!


Copyright Applies: excerpt from a Soul Empowerment level II Course.

Judith Kusel


Photo Credit: Daniel B. Holeman